Fracturing Identity at the Altar of Transhumanism
How the engineered social upheavals of the post-Obama era dovetailed into a transhumanist revolution, for the sake of keeping the collapse of the global order at bay.
The truly modern era, the fork in the road that led us to the current reality distortion field we live in today, all began in 2008. Several key events that year changed humanity’s trajectory forever, starting with the great 2008 financial crash, which precipitated a mass systemic destruction of the U.S.—and global—financial systems.
The collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 unleashed what is now considered the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929. This was followed by the election of Barrack Hussein Obama in late 2008, leading to his taking office in January 2009.
These two events were the tectonic fault lines that led to our current world (dis)order. They are often erroneously studied in isolation, but rarely syncretically combined as two facets of one major societal shift.
Without getting into the weeds of Glass-Steagall and the deep roots of the financial crisis itself, it is sufficient to say that the crisis led to a re-orientation of societal views towards the financial industry. Particularly given the fact that in the ensuing months, large malfeasance was recorded towards citizens by the major banking institutions. For instance, the famous case of Bank of America’s ‘auto-mortgage’ robot loans, where they robotically signed off on various subprime loans against all industry regulation.
This led to a tidal wave of discontent against financial institutions emblemized by ‘Wall Street’. And thus was born the ‘Occupy Movement’ of 2011, whose first protests coincided with the days of the Lehman collapse anniversary in September. This movement truly shook the banking cabal ruling class to the core. They needed a way to do much more than simple damage control. The societal tide was turning against them, and a growing chorus of the more radicalized vanguard was calling for physical attacks on banks; in essence, a revolution.

And as is typical for the ruling class when such things occur, they needed a way to redirect the impetus, the fervor, the excitable energy into another direction; in essence to attenuate, sublimate, and alchemically transmute it into something that can serve their designs.
They needed to co-opt those energic driving forces of revolution, but how could they do it? Where could they redirect the broiling anger and resentment?
Dark Horse
One Barrack Hussein Obama. Newly elected as the face of a new era of social change, he was the perfect figure for the ruling class to use in galvanizing society into the entropic ideal necessary to bank those swelling embers of revolution.
And how could they do that? By ushering in the age of Identity Politics. The era of Wokeness. The powers that be immediately launched into an historic influence campaign by ordering all their media brands (CNN et al) to pump identity politics 24/7, dialing up the social discohesion of the country to unseen levels.
This can easily be visualized by an endless variety of charts which show how the key turning point occured right after Obama was elected, and the Occupy protests swept through the country. The ruling class needed to immediately redirect that primordial angst, which would be their undoing if left unchecked.
The above is the famous chart which shows the usage of the term “Racist” or “Racism” by mainstream publications. Note the general flat-line until a sudden explosion in usage after 2010.
In 2011, just 35% of white liberals thought racism in the United States was “a big problem,” according to national polling. By 2015, this figure had ballooned to 61% and further still to 77% in 2017. - source
Same goes for the terms ‘White Privilege’, ‘White Supremacy’, etc.
Of course, the specific events which led to this particular explosion were two seminal turning points: the Trayvon Martin killing of 2012, which led Obama to famously rapturize about how Trayvon could have been his son, a speech still cited today as a critical turning point in the racial politics and discourse of the country.
And then the infamous Ferguson riots which took place in late 2014, after the death of Mike Brown by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer, likewise cited as a point of no return. As tragic as the deaths might have been, there were plenty other notable police shootings, like that of Amadou Diallo in New York in 1999, which never led to the engineered uprisings and shifts of discourse.
Under the hyper-progressive Obama administration, staffed to the hilt with the most fanatical of the Soros-appointed ‘progressive’ activists in every key culture-adjacent job, the topic of race and identity saw a monumental proliferation.
And, of course, it was simultaneously combined by an intersection of identity politics of the LGBT and Trans movements in order to catalyze the reaction, add fuel to the raging fire for maximum effect. And the intended effect was one of the complete take over of all national dialogue by the incendiary topics of Race and Identity, to drown out all discontent aimed at the ruling class—in particular the financial industry which had just stolen trillions more of taxpayer funds in the wake of the 2008 crash.
All of it led to a calamitous social upheaval which pitted white against black, gay against straight, liberal against conservative, more than ever before. It is clear to anyone with a functioning brain that these movements were the product of an intensely-targeted establishment social engineering campaign. Nothing in history, of an organic origin, looks like this:
Note the near zero mention of ‘diversity and inclusion’ up until 2008, the year of both the massive financial crash and election of Obama, at which point it begins its steady up-slope, and then—the pivotal 2011 to 2015 era of the Occupy movement and Trayvon/Ferguson events—an exponential explosion upward into absolute dominance of all discourse and mainstream narrative.
This cross-convergence of racial tensions with identity politics eventually found its one common vector and outlet in the White Cisgender Male. It was a convenient scapegoat in order to funnel the erratic, inchoate revolutionary forces that had been roused up in the dregs of the populace. It gave a common, neatly defined narrative for the media to riff on in perfect synchrony.

At every stage of the game, of course, Obama—the perfect golden-boy for this transitional age—fanned the flames of racial strife, and conversely he himself became a symbol of outrage and object of blame for the other side.
Those raw, stirred up generational forces had become a grisly laboratory for the elites. The identity movement spurred many wild offshoots that likely even surpassed their progenitors’ wildest expectations.
Identity Politics
Ultimately, the racial movement served only as the initiator; but black Americans alone didn’t quite have the collective economic power to fully satisfy the elites’ intentions for total usurpation of the socio-cultural narrative. This is why the focus was switched to the gender identity geist, for the greater leverage of its valence towards society meant they could take the agenda farther in completely derailing any truly anti-establishment sentiment which had earlier taken root.
The timeline of how that happened is simple: by 2015, gay marriage was fully legalized in the U.S. by Obama’s supreme court.
That meant that the narrative for strictly the gay rights portion of the movement had come to its natural culmination, and could not be pushed any further. There was no more water to be squeezed from that stone, because the gay community had achieved their chief aspiration—the final frontier of their acceptance.
So the elites had to innovate the movement to keep the train rolling along, lest that damnable short attention span of society steer them back towards uncomfortable and inconvenient tacks, like the fact that they were being historically fleeced by the corrupt global banking cabal.
So, the LGBT was expanded into all the whacky abbreviated add-ons it’s now associated with. And more importantly, the attention was pushed fully into the nascent Trans movement, as that still had much headroom to grow towards wider societal acceptance, which meant that it was both a fallow and potentially fecund field which would allow years more of ‘cultivation’ by the ruling class, in the form of total narrative control and the elbowing out of any unwanted competition for society’s main narrative through-line.
Just like in the engineered race agenda demonstrated earlier, there is ample evidence to illustrate the patently engineered nature of the explosion of LGBT/Trans popularity across the country in that time period.
These charts, for instance, show the number of recurring LGBT characters on TV shows during the period in question. You can see an explosion happen right around the time of the Occupy Wallstreet movement of 2011, that so shook the elites to their cores. They needed a narrative switch and fast—and they got one.
The early 2010’s saw a rapid cascade of ‘firsts’ in America. First openly transgender NCAA athlete, first transgender on the cover of Time magazine, first allowance of an openly transgender woman for competition in the Miss Universe contest, followed by Bruce Jenner coming out as Caitlyn Jenner in 2015.
By the mid-2010’s, every major publication and news entity was bursting with all things Trans, taking over the stage of national dialogue, churning headline after headline in a desperate ploy to make sure no one talks about the real thousand-ton elephant in the room.
Corporate Alignment
Some might express skepticism of such ‘directives’ coming from the top. Can every disparate mainstream media corporation really act in concert in such a way? Or, at a more granular level: are media corporations themselves really controlled in such a ‘top-down’ fashion?
Many people still cling to outmoded concepts of the independent newsroom, where senior editors simply make their editorial choices based on some personal journalistic principles, or what ‘the people’ (customers) are actually clamoring for.
But in reality, a wealth of evidence proves the contrary. For instance, who could forget when a whistleblower exposed CNN’s daily ‘guidance calls’ from Jeff Zucker?
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The video highlights how the CEO of CNN calls into the newsroom each and every morning with a strict guidance of what they will and will not cover for that day; what will be the chief topics and angles, which narratives to run, etc.
From the opening seconds of the leaked call, you can hear Zucker directly tell his editorial staff: “I don’t care about the MSNBC stuff…stay focused on the impeachment.” Further in the video he conveys very specific directions for what to run on air, how to run it, which Republican politicians to ‘call out’. In short, he is laying out the entire game plan of the day to the CNN newsroom, leaving zero possibility for personal ‘journalistic integrity’ or editorial decision-making.
This means there is zero independent editorial freedom or leeway, but rather the CNN newsroom takes direct diktats from the CEO and they run only and exactly what he wants them to run. Every single major newsroom operates the same way.
But then ask yourself: who is giving Jeff Zucker the directives to pass on down the line? At the higher level, we know these CEOs all form a globalist network of hobnobbers at institutions like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg, Davos/WEF, etc. There they rub shoulders with other leading colleagues of the ruling class gentry, powerful CEOs like themselves, where they align an coordinate their actions towards society.
And in fact we have evidence of this as well. For instance, when CNN was owned by AT&T TimeWarner several years ago, there were several interviews with each concurrent CEO of AT&T, from Randall Stephenson to John Stankey, where they both heavily implied direct control and oversight of the CNN brand, at one point even stating that AT&T/CNN’s job is to hold people like Trump ‘accountable’, an fully agreeing with an supporting Jeff Zucker’s managerial style an direction, and even their direct working relationship.
Some might have the idea that an umbrella mega-corporation like AT&T simply buys different brands and assets, and lets them independently function in a hands-off fashion; but that’s not the case. The evidence clearly demonstrates that the highest tier globalist/transnational corporations do in fact puppeteer their assets from top to bottom. These megacorps are intrinsically woven into the globalist fabric of the aforementioned institutions, like the Bilderberg Group, etc., where they receive guidance and directives from the true globalist ‘shadow elite’. They then filter it down into the society-influencing brands under their purview, like CNN in this case, creating a chain of command that stretches top to bottom.
And in fact it goes up even higher. For instance, the umbrella corporations that own these umbrella corporations, like Blackrock and Vanguard—the two most powerful groups in the world—also do not stay ‘laissez-faire’, but in fact have been known to micro-manage certain decisions of the major brands under their control. For instance, in the case of Blackrock, the CEO has openly pushed the new ESG climate-change agenda onto the subsidiaries which Blackrock controls, which has created controversy due to the conflict with his actual fiduciary duty to shareholders for maximal profits—something ESG is not concerned with.
And if they can admit to pushing one ‘woke’ agenda, you can be certain they’re strong-arming them all from the very top down. Particularly when the ESG agenda is the clear brainchild of the Davos / Agenda 2030 group, it makes it all the more clear that the highest tier of the corporate pyramid does in fact take orders on their guidance and aligns all the subsidiaries beneath them with the ruling class’s wishes.
In the case of the truly all-encompassing megacorps like Blackrock, those subsidiaries are virtually every corporation in existence.
“BlackRock’s past public commitments indicate that it has used citizens’ assets to pressure companies to comply with international agreements such as the Paris Agreement that force the phase-out of fossil fuels, increase energy prices, drive inflation, and weaken the national security of the United States,” the letter adds.
In short: explosive movements like that of the LGBT/Trans/Identity hypertrophy witnessed during the Obama-era onward, are infact wholly manufactured and engineered from the very top, then passed down to each attendant branch of the globalist media superstructure.
Fact is, only a small handful of companies own every single major news group, and these heads are all part of the same cliques and claques of the aforementioned CFR, Bilderberg, Davos, etc., where they organize and work out their mutual guidance and coordinated actions on the handling of narratives, including which societal issues should be placed at the forefront of national dialogue.
Typically, this burgeons from the standpoint of ‘concern’ and ‘safety’, and from the feigned altruistic angle of social activism—wanting to help the marginalized or oppressed of society. So when Trans rights, for instance, was chosen as the new de rigeur symbol of token activism, the heads of these megacorps met in private at these institutions to discuss how to mutually bring all the assets under their command into common alignment, for the agenda to be mass-propagated in the most effective way possible.
There’s a veritable trove of proof of the coordinated sharing of internal ‘guidance’ between large competing newsgroups:
The many whistleblower exposés during the Covid era have given us a rare look behind the curtain, into just how much covert internal alignment exists between the various structures of news groups, social media, and government.
All of the top ostensibly-competing organizations were instead seen to be in constant communication with each other behind our backs, aligning their narratives, their medical guidance, coordinating their censorship actions.
This includes, for instance, the whistleblower-exposed proof of how Facebook, Youtube, Google, Twitter, and more, all secretly coordinated ‘kill lists’ of people, groups, and alt-media orgs to ban/deplatform, which explained why certain figures like Alex Jones were suddenly banned from multiple unconnected social media sites at the same time.
"Mega Purge!" RealNews tweeted on Monday morning. Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars' editor at large, wrote, "Spotify has now completely banned Infowars too. Apple, Facebook, Spotify all within 12 hours of each other. This isn't enforcement of [terms of service], it's coordinated big tech censorship. This is real election meddling."
As seen above, Facebook, Google, and Twitter all distributed the names of ‘problematic’ accounts amongst each other for coordinated deplatformization.
Where Does It All Lead?
In many ways, the current era continues to be an extension of 2008 because the systemic problems of the financial system have never been—and can’t be—addressed in the slightest; in fact, they’ve been made worse by the continued, senseless hyper-financialization of the economy.
Thus, the deflecting cultural geists persist in their utilization as a way to pit the sub-classes and races against each other, while leaving the rulers free of the fire, for now.
But as I’ve written about recently here, a new, clearly coordinated top-down campaign is pushing the AI phantasm onto society. And just like the engineered intersectionality of race and identity to create a distracting poison brew of strife and outrage, so too is this new AI revolution being planned as the new ingredient to the mix of ‘intersection’.
And how will they do that?
It has become fairly obvious to me, they are now using the concurrent AI roll out to condition us for the acceptance of a few key theses crucial for the next stage of their plans for society:
The first of these is the gradual breakup and disaggregation of the concept of ‘humanity’, not only to more smoothly inaugurate the coming waves of transhumanism, by making the concept more palatable, dimming its ‘unethical’ perceptions, but the ultimate end-game will revolve around waging a sort of ‘class war’ against what will be deemed ‘non-humans’.
These will be people who refuse the ‘Human 2.0’ augmentations the elites have planned for us, technological augmentations which dovetail perfectly with all the 2030 guidelines of digital ID passes, being vaxxed and chipped, and all the rest. In short, the plan calls for the slow-erosion of the sacrosanctity of humanness—what it means to be human.
The point of the current otherworldly-seeming escalations of identity politics, which appear to defy all logic, is the fracturing of identity, the uprooting of classical concepts of what it means to be man, woman, straight, gay, or human at all.
It is the sacrifice of identity at the altar of transhumanism.
Why? Because ‘transhumanism’ will simply be another vessel, like climate-change is today, for them to corral us into their vision of society—a society hermetically sealed against any form of rebellion, dissidence, or questioning of the ruling class-imposed power structure.
But these are all passé thoughts. For years we’ve all read such alarmist cries buried deep in the lonely, tinfoiled corners of the web. To the point that the concepts themselves almost take on a meaningless simulacrum quality; words like ‘Human 2.0’, ‘Transhumanism’, ‘Dystopia’, ‘Enslavement’. What do they all really mean, in practice? Are we to imagine mustache-twirling cartoon villains with a one-dimensional penchant for sadism and total control?
Some might believe that; or perhaps even wilder, more unearthly theories. But it is likely much simpler than that; the answer lies at the beginning. It’s all about the financial system, and the banking cabal which controls the globe by way of that system.
The fiat system they’ve ensnared the world in, based on the ultimately illogical and intractable concept of usury, is the quintessential ‘kicking the can down the road’ at indescribable scales. Infinite money printing to fund not only global wars of control and dominance—to maintain this very system’s primacy—but also the endless speculation of their hyper-financialized ‘monetary instruments’, so eagerly concocted in the bowels of investment bank laboratories.
It is all leading to a cross-convergence of factors where society’s capacity to maintain these exponentially-ballooning levels of debt has simply run out.
In the past, the tried-and-true trick of global war has been used to reset this system. However, I believe that today, it is much more difficult for them —if nigh impossible—to kick off a global war of the scale necessary for the total destruction of enough major-power countries to allow the writing off and re-distribution of the global debt bubble to keep the system functional.
The main reason: the advent of nuclear weapons.
Prior to the nuclear age, global wars were easy to confect, and biddable countries were much more eager to play their defined roles. However, now, the specter of nuclear armageddon prevents even the most callously die-hard of warmongers from pushing triggers that could cross the red-lines of nuclear powers like Russia or China.
For instance, just look at North Korea; only a few nukes and it has U.S. tiptoeing around them, when in previous decades the Americans waged massive genocidal war against them with no compunctions.
The banksters are not suicidal; the whole point of all of this is self-preservation—so they certainly don’t want a nuclear holocaust ending their own bacchanalian run on this green patch.
Without any options to expediently reset the global system by massive a WW2-scale conflict, they’re left with no other choice: make sure that as the financial system continues to unravel and push the serfs into new reaches of impoverishment, those serfs have no voice or method of resisting, rebelling, or mutinying.
And the way to do that is to fetter them with a strict digital panopticon that can only be fully exacted by ushering in the age of accelerated transhumanism, which will allow the ruling class favored control of everything the poors do, and more importantly—will give them total punitive and retaliatory powers to silence or ‘take out’ anyone who dares stir up too much uncomfortable noise.
Powers like those envisioned in the digital ID and cashless society framework I’ve written about before in articles like this one:
I.e. the ability to turn off someone’s payments at will, make them unable to use their money. The ability to lock people out of society via 5G-enforced ‘geofencing’ for various ‘code violations’, like refusal to be ‘up to date’ in their inoculations, et cetera.
But beyond that, as mentioned, the true thrust of the current identity movement, and the reason it appears to veer off into such uncannily inhuman directions, where we are bombarded daily with images like this one, is for the slow erosion of our concept of what it means to be ‘human’. And why do they need to erode it?
The answer is simple: just like uprooting and destroying ‘traditional families’ was always in the planned frameworks of various ruling powers throughout history, due to the fact that people with a strong sense of grounding cannot be easily controlled. And people who have a strong family structure, take their guidance about life from their parents, rather than the government. That has always been a thorn in the ruling class’s side, as they need supple, compliant people who will distrust the naturally anti-authoritarian guidance of their parents, and instead trust in the directives from the politburo of the ruling class itself.
So in that same way, a person with a strong identity and traditionalist concept of humanity will resist any attempts to transmogrify him into ‘Human 2.0’, a transhumanist vessel for digital IDs, vax compliance, and ultimate panopticization.
It follows logically that this strong grounding in traditionalist views of humanity—what it means to be human—must be fractured, must be uprooted like the strong, deep taproots of an old tree, so that the seeds of a new kind of permanence can be planted in its stead.
The second reason is the AI itself. Since many of their plans revolve around the increased importance of AIs in our society, as they are so evidently telegraphing to us in concerted fashion each and every day, it only logically follows that for us to ‘accept’ the coming AI dominion we must first be absolved and disabused of our previous attachments to the inviolability and sacredness of ‘humanity’.
And by ‘AI dominion’ I refer to a variety of things: From the actual AI-based governance they intend for us, which I’ve outlined in the last article:
To the slow inuring of AI as ‘hall monitor’ for our social constructs which they soon intend to roll out, as well.
On that front, the intention is to soon automate all types of ‘WrongThink™’ enforcement by ‘Smart AIs’ who can differentiate between nuanced ‘hate speech’, ‘bigotry’, and ‘bias’, as per the ruling class’s undeniably ‘progressive’ definitions.
And since these AIs will increasingly take on human forms in order to more seamlessly ingratiate and integrate themselves into our lives, it then becomes important for the elites to engineer a truly sympathizing sentiment towards them.
To do that, they must continually chip and etch away at the old, ‘outmoded’ views of humanism and what it means to be ‘human’, to quell any inconvenient ‘discrimination’ against the AIs which are meant to be our new mothers.
When you truly think about it, this is no different to the slow chipping they’ve done to the concept of gender and identity. We’ve been inundated with an assault on the classical definitions of what is a ‘woman’, which is now verboten to be accurately described or defined. We’re now to use terms like ‘chestfeeders’ and ‘birthing persons’, and even wilder things.
Similarly, the next and final frontier of socio-cultural disambiguation is for the concept of humanity itself.
By the end of the decade, if not sooner, we will be confined by our Thought Police hall monitors to defining ‘human’ with a new array of irrational and manifestly dehumanizing string of terms for the very same reasons; and by then, the final lock and bars on our mental prisons will be in place.
If we no longer understand what it means to be ‘human’, if ‘humanity’ itself no longer has any clearly defined bounds, then all resistance to pushing past those bounds will be dissolved; we will have no qualms about ‘plugging in’ and becoming something new, something envisioned with salivating lust by the likes of Klaus Schwab and co.
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Beyond gleefully (and tone-deafly) predicting that all human brains will soon be ‘chipped’, and that we will all soon ‘feel each other’, the more grotesque part of the video above comes right after that section. Klaus Schwab intones that our technology is moving from an ‘analytical’ to a ‘predictive’ model, and that in the future it will move to a ‘prescriptive one’. His definition? A model where, “we no longer even need elections.”
In the end, as the globalist monetary system dating back to the beginning of the mercantile age slowly comes undone, and lacking the ability to foment global war to reset their ill-designed usorious monstrosity, the only chance the elites have left for survival and keeping control, is to switch the entire paradigm of human life.
The coming AI boom will be forcibly intersected into the gender/identity matrix to accelerate the assault on our instinctive definitions of humanity, to hurl us past the boundaries of classical understandings and traditional restrictions, into a new paradigm-imperative; one meant to ease us into accepting our new societal roles as digital serfs without objection.
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I don't believe at this point and time in history that anyone can truthfully say, 'life is boring'.
The old conundrum, how to enrich a parasitic minority at the expense of the majority without the pitchforks being dusted off and heads ending up being piked. Of course in modern times modern tools are used, those the article discusses. To date the program is progressing well, the woke idiocy is either believed or people resist criticism to avoid being ostracized. The financial wheels are also clearly falling off, time will tell how long they can kick that can down road.
The only weak point is that the western militaries have declined and are no longer up to the job of global suppression and bullying. Quite a few people have indicated they support Russia not due to love of it, but due to the disgust in which they hold the direction the West is on. I am not seeing much resistance in my home, Idiocracy in full swing, don't recognize the place. Am currently in a country that straddles the middle ground, hopefully they will resist being a US vassal, we will see. If all pans out expect my family to bail out of our western woke homeland and move here.