How many are Jews?

White men are excluded from these colleges.

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This post also helps explain the fanatical hatred of Trump, and the easy willingness to go after him with lawfare cases based on little more than hot air. It's not just that Trump has views counter to the elites, but he actually IS an elite. And hence, a traitor to their class. This enrages them. That a once iconic New York City billionaire should somehow end up the champion of the proles is basically inconceivable. This is why so much of the rage against Trump is mindless sputtering. And for the love of god he likes his steaks well done and eats them with ketchup!

So yes, our lovely elites will stop at NOTHING to stop Trump and rid him from their sight for good. The only thing that surprises me is that they haven't managed it just yet. But they will, one way or another.

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The so called climate change obsession only parrots the narratives dropped down from above. Same thing for Covid, LGTB or feminism. They want to be in the winning team. But this is not exclusive of the high end university graduates. The middle class and lower class rage for social promotion too. The covid mass submission was the perfect example. More than super elites, the article refers to the upper class or middle and lower class wannabes. Super elites are necessarily connected to mafia, the MIC and Wall Street. Serial criminals like, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Robert Kadjec, like John Podesta, like infamous Fauci are BEYOND the law and untouchable.

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scAmerican Arrogance is unleashed and these dammmm warmongrelistas don't have no way to leash the dammm beast of war back into the bottle that the Arrogant West exploded

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I keep seeing his word 'the west.'

Who are the 'west?'

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Freedom is slavery

War is peace

Ignorance is strength

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Fascinating! Thank you very much for compiling these statistics into a good readable, referrable article. Well done.

A key lens for understanding elites at a deeper level, however, is missing. My recent article sheds light on the elephant in the room that is very rarely publicly acknowledged.


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"Unfortunately, there is no solution for the societal split."

I disagree. The solution is for citizens to take control away from the elite. Given our much larger numbers, we can easily do it -- if we're unified. This is why the elite constantly seeks to divide and distract us with "diversity" and perversion.

Speaking to each other is a good first step. Getting involved in LOCAL politics is a next step, because when localities refuse to obey unconstitutional orders from above, as they have every right to do, then the elite lose power.

Ultimately, decentralization is the answer. We need to systematically eliminate most of the US federal government and return authority to the states as the Constitution dictates. The FBI, NSA, CIA, NIH, FDA, CDC etc all need to be entirely eliminated and their top administrators jailed for their crimes. Afuera!

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True elites live deep underground cities, watching their "elite" middlemen impose draconian infrastructure like 5G which will ultimately kill those same middlemen:


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Hate to say it, but it might take a world war to get rid of these people.

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I literally can't wait for the SHTF moment. These elites will then find out who makes the world go around.

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At the end of every Empire's life cycle, one of the recurring patterns is one of 'Elite Overproduction' whereby the Upper Class inbreeds & sires far too many of their Kind... this, in turn, accelerates the Downward Spiral into Solipsism & related Destructive pathologies whereby the common folk are inflicted by said Elites' various Hubristic eccentricities... which in turn breeds Nemesis & a Violent, Gory Culling of said Elite en masse. America (& the wider West) appears to be at that point now...

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Maybe Pol Pot was onto something.

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The fall of the Empire in real time...or presented as slow motion trainwreck scene.

History 101, but the real one, not fake garbage they teach at the Collective West Ivy League curriculum/courses.

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Like the royalty of the past ages, the elites of today are essentially social parasites, producing nothing of substance. No food, clothing or shelter. No energy or transportation. Not even intellectual writing, no Tolstoy's or Dostoevsky among them. A true modern Rentier extraction class. They will exist and steal from the production classes until the unlikely revolution or public banking like China after the New Multi polar world being birthed is in force.

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I experienced this first hand when I was doing my PhD course work in Econ at the University of Pennsylvania.

Of an incoming class for the Econ Doctorate program of 40 students, over half were from outside the United States. These included students from Japan, China, South Korea, Germany, Costa Rica, Brazil … all being explicitly groomed for positions high up in their country’s ecosystem. At least three were sons of finance ministers.

The program had a pronounced “Liberal” bias, as you might imagine, but with a weird twist due to worship of the Chicago School of economics.

Arbitrage was a core focus of the finance curriculum. How to instantaneously exploit market imperfections to buy one side and short the other just in time to make money for nothing. And the chicks for free…

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