Apr 7, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I don't believe at this point and time in history that anyone can truthfully say, 'life is boring'.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Simplicius

The old conundrum, how to enrich a parasitic minority at the expense of the majority without the pitchforks being dusted off and heads ending up being piked. Of course in modern times modern tools are used, those the article discusses. To date the program is progressing well, the woke idiocy is either believed or people resist criticism to avoid being ostracized. The financial wheels are also clearly falling off, time will tell how long they can kick that can down road.

The only weak point is that the western militaries have declined and are no longer up to the job of global suppression and bullying. Quite a few people have indicated they support Russia not due to love of it, but due to the disgust in which they hold the direction the West is on. I am not seeing much resistance in my home, Idiocracy in full swing, don't recognize the place. Am currently in a country that straddles the middle ground, hopefully they will resist being a US vassal, we will see. If all pans out expect my family to bail out of our western woke homeland and move here.

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Here is where this article goes massively wrong: All this "chipping", "vaxxing", financial, "woke" bullshit has ABSOL-FUCKING-LUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH TRANSHUMANISM.

Neither does this AI hype that's running around these days. That's purely the same corporate AI hype that's been a fixture of computer science since the 1960's, popping up every couple of decades only to founder on the reality that none of these algorithms come close to actually being human-capable intelligence, no matter what the MSM tells you. Extrapolating that as some agenda to weaken the notion of "humanity" is simply bullshit conspiracy theory. In any event, how to deal with so-called "artificial intelligence" has been considered by sci-fi, movies and TV for decades and is not news to the general public.

The biggest result so far has been a plethora of educational courses on "how to make money with ChatGPT and MidJourney"...

I WAS THERE when "transhumanism" was first being considered by people like F. M. Esfandiary (FM-2030 - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FM-2030) who wrote "Are Your a Transhuman" and "Upwingers" back in the 1970's. I WAS THERE when Max More began publishing Extropy: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought, in 1988 - WAY BEFORE there was any such thing as the Davos agenda. I contributed to the Extropy Institute's email newsletter back during the early 2000's. I followed nanotechnology since K. Eric Drexler wrote "Engines of Creation" in 1986.

I was aware that Julian Huxley coined the term "transhuman" in 1951, defining it as "The human species can, if it wishes, transcend itself — not just sporadically, an individual here in one way, an individual there in another way, but in it's entirety, as humanity. We need a name for this new belief. Perhaps transhumanism will serve: man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature."

So you can trust me when I say that if there is ANY connection between the classic concept of Transhumanism and the current crop of corporate globalist cabals, it is merely because some of them - most probably some of our current "tech titans" - have hijacked the concepts involved for their own ends.

Second, let me go on record. There is nothing about "being human" that deserves to be preserved for eternity. Look around you. The proverbial feces is about to hit the propeller. We're on the verge of nuclear war - and no matter how many people tell you that "the banksters" aren't going to let it happen, they can't guarantee that - because "the banksters" don't control everything, no matter what the conspiracy theorists tell you.

This mess we're in is a DIRECT result of human nature, human behavior, and human evolution. And that can NOT be fixed by any amount of "kumbayah" hand holding or religious bullshit about how wonderful it all is to be human.

The entire situation Simplicius complains about in the vast majority of his article is a DIRECT result of BEING HUMAN. It is the result of primate hierarchical social organization and overly emotional human neurochemistry which devolved into the state, into politics, in social control mechanisms, and into the rise of irrational psychopaths trying to control very aspect of every society on the planet.

And as we individualist anarchists know, this is enabled entirely by the pathetic reaction of the majority of the human population bowing down to their masters like the beta chimps do to the alpha chimps in the troop.

You all can continue to fantasize about how all you have to do is "wake people up to the truth" - what's that classic line? "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" - and form some fanciful political party like "The People's Party" - good luck with that, Jimmy Dore! - and with enough convinced voters just do "change from within".

Which is probably the dumbest, most moronic concept I can imagine - next to sexual monogamy (think about that last some time when you aren't completely asleep.)

The defining characteristic of Transhumanism is the notion that the only way to solve human problems is to solve human nature, specifically by transcending human nature into a state of full rationality and high intelligence.

That is NOT the program the globalists are preparing you for. Neither is it the program the anti-globalists are preparing you for. You need to stop thinking in binary "either/or" concepts and start thinking rationally from base concepts.

I'll be dealing with precisely these issues over at my Substack, "The Five Essentials". We are indeed heading for a "cyberpunk future" - and yes, that will include "our AI overlords" and corporate globalists - but it will also include ways to evade and escape and rise above all that. But I can assure you the means will not include family worship, "back to the land" bullshit, or any of the other "home-spun" belief systems the conservatives, the neoliberals, the far left or far right, the "progressives", the religious, the preppers, or any other social grouping might be trying to sell you.

Remember the classic words of The Firesign Theater album: "Everything You Know Is Wrong."

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Firstly, thanks for delving into the data. These various analyses are indeed staggering. However, let me add a few observations showing that, as Ecclesiastes writes, 'there's nothing new under the sun'. The 'introduction' of 'diversity' as instrument of political warfare was already well used in the early 2000's in the UK, thanks to the Blair government.

Also, the use of 'direction' of what is and isn't 'news' to be reported goes back 90 years, to the set-up of Goebbel's 'Ministry of Enlightenment [yes, really!] and Propaganda' where newspaper editors were firstly forced to join a 'professional' group, else they were forbidden to publish, and where a daily round of meetings in that ministry gave 'guidance' as to what and how 'news' were to be written about. And there were also such 'professional' groups for entertainers, actors, directors ... so that film studios were to ld what films to make and what shouldn't;t be touched.

The only difference to today is that we now have the internet and AI.

However, there are two points which the globalists, generally Westerners or western-educated, have overlooked. Their 'guidance' will be useless because 'not applicable' in places where there's a state religion, i.e. islam. The other point is that the Schwabs et al don't seem to realise that they cannot get both a huge increase in AI, needing ever larger server farms, and 'Net Zero' at the same time. People might be willing to sell their human birthright for a bowl of potage - but the potage must be forthcoming. Shivering in the drake sting grass and insects while AI servers run to 'govern' them won't do it.

And then there's always 'fate', here in the form of a CME which is bound to occur ...

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Well said, I've noted most of this intensely over the last 15 years. I recall being swept up in the moment of Obamas election only to be deflated 2 days after when I realized Rahm Emannuel was going to be chief of staff. That was an accurate marker of what was to come. My last comment a few days ago on substack recalled laughing at the dems trying to appropriate the sentiment of occupy. The jokes on us now... I was the guy who saw the Trans craze working up other anarchists since the 2010s and realized there had to be some deep state consensus manufacturing this fervently held opinion. It erases women and countless self professed feminists were all about it. A very unpopular opinion at this point and our comradeship is long expired. However it is the precursor to transhumanism and human augmentation. I bristled at the thought of advocating for lifetime hormone replacement and all the subsequent issues that would come from brute forcing chromosomes to run against that kind of environmental modification. Couple this with the mRNA vaccine being a mass social medical experiment in the same vain. And yes the entire thing is a ruse for people who realize most of us are in Hariris useless eater category and anything they do to defile us is proof to them of our unworthiness to live. Its no surprise a focus on economic reform or radical change is off the table while the inclusion orgy has been turned into a totalizing divide and conquer strategy in play and going for the kill

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From time immemorial men have dreamed of ruling the world. They have always, without exception, failed.

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Incidentally, a lot of this ideological insanity has had the opposite effect. Someone like myself, who grew up pretty Blue America, and largely believed in it all, and supported or at least tolerated all the "right" causes, is now so far off the rails, Red-Pilled or what have you, and I'm never coming back.

I grew up in a "dictatorship" and know what it means to be lied to day in and day out. I would look West as an imperfect but well-intended place for Truth and Freedom. Not anymore.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

in order for what you write to become the ''default'' reality on planet earth.... that there can be only ONE where ALL holdouts submit. the ukraine war demonstrates to EVERYONE EVERYWHERE the western elites pushing this agenda lack the military and manufacturing power to compel obedience or destroy those unwilling to submit and without THAT power agenda 2030...transhumanism..... is just so much deluded bullshit with no future.

agenda 2030 is merely the latest incarnation of the tower of babel myth and we all know how that effort ended.

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It is interesting that we used to define what a human being was through religion: We have souls that live forever and are Children of God. I have heard WEF people say directly there is no God. "Now that we can hack the human brain, we know there is no mysterious soul." Everyone Woke wants to write "god" as if its all a myth. Gone is not only Jesus and God the Father, but God as Holy Spirit. We are all one in the Body of Christ. With the inflow of Eastern mysticism, we are supposed to know there is a God and we are all one, and Spirit exists and can be experienced. Is religious philosophy dead, of no value in polite arguments any more? I dislike this soulless WEF religion less that of Constantine's.

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Way back in the 60's, Ford Motors launched the flop "Edsel."

It was a watershed flop and financial disaster.

According to John Kenneth Galbraith, "The New Industrial State" (1967), corporations were determined thereafter to engineer the consumer to ensure success of a product.

Now the corporations have the technological tools to truly engineer and even forcibly manage both demand and consumption.

"Oh brave new world, that has such (trans) people in't!"

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Great article Simplicius!

Here's a question that is nagging me.

Is the de-dollarization of international banking a bug or a feature for "U.S." banks?

In other words, are U. S. financial institutions (and corporations) so internationalized and hedged that the destruction of the U. S. system presents new opportunities for grift and graft among the cliques and claques?

Or will a U. S. financial collapse take the banks down with it?

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This article is a keeper - you convinced me - I subscribed.

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I agree with the past analysis. I’m not sure about the future prediction.

They’re that depraved but I don’t think they’re that smart and there are forces beyond their control which has a likely chance of stopping whatever they think will happen

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The premise that they will do anything to distract from the inevitability of collapse of the financial system and rich/poor divide is correct.

However, what Covid showed is that even if they gained more control over a certain segment of the population they woke up a lot more.

Even though they got to mass test the mRNA shots as a platform for inoculation against a biowarfare attack on an adversary (since they can’t use overt kinetic war), this platform will NEVER work - scientifically speaking.

The issue here is that even if they come clean about reality most people will not want to accept the painful consequences and actions needed to fix this. I’m not making excuses for the elites but they have a choice. 1) tell people how they screwed up, what the reality of the situation is, and the hard work needed to fix it or 2) gaslight them and introduce more controls to preserve their power - the populace be damned.

They’re choosing 2. But what if they choose 1? Do you think the majority of people are willing to do the hard work and make the sacrifices necessary to make things right again? I don’t think so. Decades of neoclassical economic theory, narcissistic messaging, and psychoactive medication produced a generation that is incapable of thinking beyond the next vacation let alone the welfare of their children and grand children (which they probably will never have).

And if by a miracle a leader says it as it is, doesn’t get removed one way or another by the “elites”, and starts to implement the hard decisions that actually benefit humanity (not the bullshit solutions they propose), the positive effects won’t be felt for years but the immediate effect will be pain, and the messenger will be “shot”, then back to the old guard.

People want to be lied to and told everything will be ok, they don’t want to accept the pain of the hard work needed - they don’t want the truth. Hence we keep getting the same leaders and things continue to slowly but surely get worse.

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Simplicius you don't seem to account the the big picture predicting: "The coming AI boom..."

Nope: resources are the bedrock of ALL technology, in particular energy, which we're over half way through, (peak oil) i.e. we're on the downslope of the bell curve which like all resources supply over time curves, is always is far steeper than the up-curves are. This means at best, over the next half dozen or so decades global economies will crash to same net energy available in the c1750s with global populations less than 2 billion.

Further, over that time span, something as obscure as helium will also run out = no more chip manufacture = no more AI fantasies.


Granted, in the mean time the furious race for control of 'public opinion' you so well document will continue by those in control of those rapidly evaporating resources and raw mined materials.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

the problems faced by western societies, all really but more western than any other stem from the mathematical mismatch inherent in the linearity of compound interest (associated with debt) and the cyclicality of societies economic growth potential which underpins the ability to service and ultimately pay off the debt. the west has reached the end of the line in this regard and now faces either defaulting on the debt or inflating it away, both choices with unknowable consequences if you are a ruling elite in control of the bulk of societies assets.

literally EVERY utopian scheme sold to the public or used to try and scare the public (anthropogenic global warming bullshit) is predicated on the fact stated above and is pushed to ensure those in power NOW remain those in power AFTER the whole shitshow falls apart.

everything else is misdirection. if you fail to see this you have been bamboozled into getting caught up in the weeds.

if you want a solution that benefits the most you do what was done for millenia before the roman empire. you declare a debt jubilee and right it all off and start again. who loses and who gains in this scenario tells you all you need to know about WHY it is never spoken of or been possible to implement. a tiny bit of this was the goal to write off some college loan debt and we all know where that effort went..........nowhere

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