Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson, Simplicius

Haven't read yet, but S, you should really check out this book. I mention Houllebeqc all the time. You have to read him and write a critique. Very important, lesser known in the US, author. You'll thank me!


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Will check that out. I like your commentary at MoA as well!

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Thx will definitely check it

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Of Houellebecq's own novels, "Submission" garnered the attention but "Platform" might just be the deadliest of his critiques of the modern world.

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Platform is a wonderful novel. Possibly of an Island, The Elementary Particles, The Map and the Territory... profound. Houellebecq, what a trip.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

"bottom-up structures like democracy and consumer capitalism" At least you, I mean Mr. Simpson, got that much right...

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Or my favorite: "Try calamari because that's the actual Italian name for squid prepared thusly, and it's fuckin' delicious!"

Check out this book (only read 3/4ths of the article so far so apologies if the author already mentioned it): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Image:_A_Guide_to_Pseudo-events_in_America

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"Today’s reporters are lazy, dumb, and fearful. Smarter and harder-working PR people cultivate relationships with them and plaster them with all kinds of gifts and trips and opportunities, not to mention stories pre-written for them, on a silver platter. As social media destroyed newsrooms, their desperation has made journalists only the more stretched and ready to sell out. "

Which could easily be edited to convey a message at least, if not more, accurate and meaningful thusly:

"Today’s elected politicians and political appointees are lazy, dumb, and fearful. Smarter and harder-working corporate and 'interest' lobbyists cultivate relationships with them and plaster them with all kinds of gifts and trips and opportunities, not to mention legislation pre-written for them, on a silver platter. As corporate and investor power destroyed and privatized government along neoliberal lines, their desperation has made elected officials and bureaucrats only the more stretched, comparatively poor and jealous, and ready to sell out. "

Another note: The NFL's 'anti-racism washing' of their image. The author seems to (conveniently?) forget that this is the same organization, made up of the same owners, who summarily executed (black balled) Colin Kaepernick for his temerity to kneel during the national anthem - which is often accompanied by military flyovers and sung during veritable recruiting events (games) - as a protest for the provable tendency of American cops to hold black Americans and athletes - and frankly, the poor or dissidents of any "race" - to a totally different, deadly standard. That to which the Khazarian Zionist regime holds the Palestinians, the Gazans. After all, the police (state) must assume all ___ people are "Hamas", amirite?

Anyway, the NFL caved into what? The Establishment's need to be as open and inclusive as possible to the least fit to serve "communities" (to use the author's word) who will do the MIC no good whatsoever in a hot war against the likes of China, let alone Russia?

I find this overall analysis lacking for those reasons, unless I'm totally misreading the guest article's intent. Kaepernick had his very viable NFL career destroyed in service to the very interests and assumed preferences of the NFL's core audience and message - dare we call it their tried and true propaganda focus? Namely, the military police state that one day will be brought to bear against anyone who opposes it in any fashion, and which so happened to be a couple black dudes (and Kelce!) who kneeled in solidarity during a fucking farcical manufactured tradition that's totally geared to upping military recruitment for the world's biggest terrorism promoting state: The USA.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Colin Kaepernick wasn't blackballed for political reasons, but because he sucked.

He was great physically, but dumb as a rock. This required his team to dumb down their playbook to his level of understanding. He did well... until the other teams reverse-engineered the playbook and he got shut down. Everyone in the league knew this, but no one could say it for obvious reasons. They'd rather be seen as patriotically blackballing him than not hiring him because he sucked at his job due to reasons that reinforce the black stereotype.

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this is true

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

LOL way to discredit yourself immediately. Did you play football or watch it, even?

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I have studied the kaepernick timeline at length. He started kneeling after his fall from grace. And they tried to play him anyway and he performed horribly, some of the worst games by a starting QB ever.

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Fall from grace. LOL. OK. You might as well just stop now. You don't understand the business side, playing side, or political side of the NFL at the time it happened. Pick a better hill to die on. I know you're a smart guy.

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Quarterback rating by year:

2011: 69.5

2012: 73.7

2013: 67.3

2014: 58.1

2015: 43.7

2016: 49.2


Keep yapping boomer.

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I watch football year in, year out for my sins. You are deluded.

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Absolute bullshit. Do you really want me to provide statistical analysis of where he ranked among active QBs at the time (let alone ones who'd made the fuckin' SB)? I can if you want.

"Reverse engineered the playbook" LOL - I'd love your detailed explanation of that; preferably compared and contrasted with ALL OTHER QBs...ever? Ha ha!

"Dumb as a rock" - Same thing there. Let's see comparative numbers. Or Wonderlic scores.

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STFU boomer, you people need to get over your sportsball fixation.

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I'm fucking 47 and played for the Texas D2 HS champions 2 years in a row in the mid 90s you fucking retard.

Highest Wonderlic Test scorers

The test scores are supposed to be confidential but they would leak out every year. Here are some of the highest-scoring quarterbacks with the average score for the test at 24.

48 - Ryan Fitzpatrick, Greg McElroy

42 - Blaine Gabbert

40 - Alex Smith

39 - Eli Manning

38 - Colin Kaepernick, Matt Flynn, Matthew Stafford

37 - Tony Romo, Andrew Luck

35 - Aaron Rodgers, Matt Leinart, Sam Bradford, Christina Ponder

34 - Ryan Tannehill

33 - Tom Brady

33 - Marcus Mariota

32 - Johnny Manziel

31 - Matt Schaub

30 - Philip Rivers

29 - Andy Dalton, Nick Foles

28 - Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Russell Wilson, EJ Manuel, Marck Sanchez, Blake Bortles

27 - Jameis Winston, Joe Flacco, Josh Freema

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So you aren't just obsessing over sportsball due to being old and thinking it's a proxy for your deteriorating manliness, but from faded glory. Wow, good at football in high school in the 90s. Both women in the Dissident Right must have just soaked their panties. Wait till they find out I was an astronaut-Delta Force-warlock for the CIA.

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Obsessing or just able to call up information pretty much immediately after shutting your bullshit down, pretty much also immediately?

Man, the projection is strong with you. Dissident right? WTF are you even talking about other than desperately trying to distract from the fact you just got owned by a person you dismissed as a "sportsball" loving Boomer?

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If I was in the trenches of a real war, I'd much rather a smart guy like Kaepernick be in there with me than an anonymous clown low-IQ, low-energy loser like you. And that's the problem with the West. Most are like you. Why we'd lose to Russia in a heartbeat. Never mind the fact that they're actually right and "we're" wrong and full of pussies like you.

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It’s the decision-making that made Kap dumb as a rock.

He’s like Hillary Clinton: technically smart but dumb as shit when it comes time to making good decisions under stress.

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Cue Glory Days..."I knew a guy back in highschool..."

I'm forty seven myself, was an all state cross country runner in the 90's, still knock out a few miles but have never mentioned it online until today or considered it worthy of Substack. I ran a 4:42 1600 meters when I was seventeen, who cares? No one at Dark Futura, that's for sure, gladly so.

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So demonstrate to me (us) how Kaepernick is "dumb as a rock" or STFU Zoomer.

Alternatively, take the Wonderlic online, for free, right now and show us your test results.


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Watch him speak. He babbles gibberish as much as you do.

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LOL. OK, kid.

Hey, how many miles can you run - unwinded - in 30 minutes?

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LOL no answer; I figured. Get in shape, bitch. It will help.

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Goodness gracious, I'm reading the comments here looking for some cogent insights into the article I just read and I find myself mucking through the football psychosis of an obsessive, aging sportsball savant. What gives?

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No reason to use the boomer smear, renter!

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In 1987, 16 out of the 28 picks in the first round of the NFL Draft were white players. In 1988, there were just four picked out of 30. The NFL has operated under a 'caste system' of sorts for at least 35 years. You can argue that it's been a pro-black vehicle to soften the image of blacks for even longer.

Every year in the past decade, the amount of white players drafted has been between 24-28%. Never less, never more. Merely a basic grasp of introductory statistics informs this to be nearly impossible unlikelihood. There is a top-down directive coming from someone higher than the owners. To buy a franchise, you need to be vetted and "voted in" by the rest of them. Of course they will play by the rules: sports franchises are massive write-offs that receive billions in taxpayer subsidies. Owners demand brand new, fully-funded stadiums every two decades and threaten to relocate if their city doesn't cut the check. They have no qualms about spray-painting Orwell phrases in the endzone or flying some F-16s overhead during the national anthem.

Regarding Kaepernick, I would say as a general rule that it's prudent for any business to prohibit brazen, partisan, "anti-establishment" activism while on the clock. Kaepernick earned more money from Nike and Netflix than he would have as a backup quarterback, so you could credibly say his 50% white genes helped him make a smart business decision (as opposed to a "viable career destroyed"). Also, you writing out assertively that cops are racist against blacks does not make it so - in fact, that's a big-time Globohomo dictum.

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You *might* have a problem with reading comprehension, even though I did actually say that cops and PDs *are* in fact delivering "racist" results. Do you know the history of police and sheriff departments in most of the USA?

I do agree with your 2nd and last graph to that point, however. Of course it's Orwellian, but that's exactly what I meant.

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I don't care to be told I'm racist by a black millionaire athlete in the 2020s because sheriff's departments were racist in the 1960s. The mores have been inverted, and blacks are now an aristocracy class in America. It is a shame that so many of them squander that status with their bad behavior.

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You're missing my point. And it's interesting, actually. Yes there are a lot of black millionaire athletes. But the point is that even they are subjected to the police state bullshit that poor white, black, brown and others are also. Despite (because?) that they're driving expensive cars and shit.


Why do I feel like you're treading into false class dilemmas though? I'm not black. I played OL and am white. What's been inverted where one group has the guns, power and "qualified immunity"? Eventually that's coming for all of us.

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Well, did I or anyone else including Kaepernick call you 'racist' or not?

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Kaepernick was a "one year wonder" with a great supporting team. His career as a predominate quarterback was in freefall. He turned out to be a real shithead and as far as I'm concerned helped ruin the NFL.

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yeah. I choose to watch sports that don't tell me what to think in end-zone banner paintings. i.e. I don't watch sports.

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Look at the coach. Hint; Just won CFB Natty. Oddball, but great coach from a great coaching family. Would make a lot of mediocre QBs look capable.

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Kaepernick ended his own contract with the 49ers (after riding the bench). And then when the Ravens were in the process of signing him, his girlfriend tweeted out a picture of the Ravens owner and Ray Lewis next to Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel Jackson in Django. You’re an idiot.

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"the provable tendency of American cops to hold black Americans and athletes - and frankly, the poor or dissidents of any "race" - to a totally different, deadly standard."

This is so ludicrously stupid and false that I wouldn't trust you to tell me the color of the sky. You think you're being smart but you're a literally programmed NPC parroting farcical Progressive talking points. I suggest you spend six months at unz.com and wake up, rube.

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Although not a follower of American football, I largely agree with your analysis from my experience of winning at sports betting (the bookies favourite will always be betting against snow at Christmas) and fantasy football leagues. Did you know that the better correlation for team performance was team player salary, not total player value?

However, I disagree with you analysis on Kaepernick's firing. In America, the blue brand has been considerably more powerful over the past decade. The Left is better at organising cancellations and boycotts. Conservatives tend to more brand loyal. What the NFL intuited was that Kaepernick's stance was toxic enough to the brand to do damage to their economic interests. This may seem implausible, especially back in 2017- but it was a smart move from a media relations point of view- plus, it allowed Kaepernick to cash out at a premium in terms of endorsements.

However, we cannot discount the possibility that the whole strategy was staged managed to produce a desired result. The NFL didn't want Kaepernick perpetrating an anti-cop lie likely to piss off conservatives to the point that they might tune out the NFL's product and damage revenue (actual shootings of unarmed Black men by police officers are usually around 20 a year, with 75% or so justifiable because of vehicles being utilised as a deadly weapon, or the perpetrator assaulting the officer to obtain their gun). White men are shot or killed in exactly the same circumstances.

However, what they ultimately found is that the blue brand was far more lucrative and popular at a corporate level. This hilarious short video by comedian Ryan Long comically illustrates the disparities between sponsorship for blue and red brands:


Faced with a choice between alienating a large portion of their audience and losing around 90% of the potential for corporate revenue in America, they obviously chose the lesser of two evils from their point of view. They went anti-racist, but only in the weak corporate 'woke' sense, issuing bland platitudes and statements of support. By 2020, they understand the market dynamics of their predicament so well, they were desperate. They opted for funding over fans and in response to a video montage by Black players on systemic racism, Goodell issued the following: “we were wrong”, “I personally protest with you and want to be part of the much-needed change in this country"- a move calculated to enrage MAGA whilst simultaneously signalling loyalty to the Corporate Centre Left corporate oligopoly- whose main MO appears to be- willing to shift Left on culture, but not willing to shift Left one iota on economic progressive measures like stronger worker protections- the exact opposite of where the exhausted middle stands on politics and economics.

I largely agree with you in principle on Kaepernick's right to protest and the cowardly nature of their response. They should have said something along the lines of 'We completely disagree with the false narrative on cop shootings- unarmed shootings are incredibly rare and almost as likely to happen to White people- but we completely support the right to free speech and the right to protest. Only in a country as Great as America is this possible- in most countries free speech is not a sacred patriotic value and in many the price of political dissent is prison or execution."

I also completely agree with you on the Forever Wars. The American people are lovely, but their government is a demon bitch from hell, responsible for endless misery and suffering around the world. I also agree with you on the police state. The Twitter files have been chilling- far worse than Watergate ever was- central bank digital currencies will be the beginning of the worst tyranny in history.

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too long winded for my old attention span

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Drink your ensure and toddle off to twitter, the adults can talk here

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true , but rude on the net ... you talk big [ usually small guys talk big ] can u walk the talk ,,, would u be like that face to face is another topic ... but i appreciate ur hoof mouth it shows part of ur personality... no offence intended i hope we can remaine civil , i wish you good [ my christian duty for i believe we are all made in good Gods image and likeness ... happy trails

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Brilliant stuff, however I disagree on a major point. The end-goal isn't money for those at the very top, the end goal is power. Money can lead to power, but power can take money. All of it, while throwing those who complain into death camps.

This is why “Cthulhu always swims left”. Xer could swim right, but those at the top make sure it always swims left because leftism is what concentrates power at the top. After Trump's 2016 win, Republicans should have en masse embraced pro-White or at least gone against anti-White, and become nationalists. Even if cynically, without an ounce of belief, that was obviously the way to go to win elections. Yet the only one that did, Steve King of IA, was censored and had his own party run against him in their own primary. This shows the behind the scenes, behind the scenes, powers that herd Cthulhu ever leftward.

"For right wingers, the only answer is to adopt the effective propaganda tactics of Cthulhu, as painful as that may be."

Partial disagree. We need to adopt those tactics, but we need to realize we can't beat our enemy at his own game, on his own turf. They will always control 50% +1 of the general population due to most people being morons, especially non-heritage Americans. Our best bet is to concentrate on regions where Whites are large majorities, and push the requirement of gaining local and state influence in order to fend off federal overreach. As the author says, they benefit from keeping us in separate groups, so we must counter that by forming a single cohesive group that we can propagandize to as a homogenous group, which will be mostly immune to the regime's propaganda due to their need to constantly propagandize 20 different groups, which makes the propaganda obvious and 19 of 20 will be contrary to our group's (Whites) best interests.

There is no taking back the federal level.

There is no one coming to save us.

There is no voting our way out of this.

Mad Max has never happened in recorded history.

Eventually it will come down to us having men with guns following orders due to receiving a government paycheck and acting under color of law, or we lose.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Well, they are one type of nationalist....civic nationalist. IOW, conservatives. They have made themselves irrelevant.

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i fear its too late .... i hope not ....all our so called leaders are all bought or moraly compromized any good true leaders get shot [ history ] ... i pray for an " act of the good God " and for guidance and help in dealing with this evil , and for a return / turn to goodness and truth and love

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Apr 6·edited Apr 6

Relying on men - women even worse - is the sure way to HELL!


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Non-heritage American here (Refugee) - I'm not a complete moron. I see the bullshit the RiNOs pull on those who dare to speak up. I live in a state run and controlled by Country Club Republican parasites. They hate all of us and worship China and Israel ala Nikki Haley, the Kamala Harris of the GOP. Just sayin, we're not all morons😂😂😂

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Nice to see someone on the Right catch up to insights made on the Left going back 150 years to Marx's notion of Superstructure, through Antonio Gramsci, on to Michael Parenti's "Inventing Reality: The Politics of Mass Media" to Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" (who himself highlighted Bernays), to the ultimate, sophisticated, revelatory vision of Guy Debord in "Society of the Spectacle." We swim in a sea of propagandistic manipulation so ubiquitous that, like fish who don't know what water is, we think our thoughts, tastes and opinions are our own. Bottom line: turn off mass media and open a goddamn book--lots of them. Unfortunately, it's a red pill that few will swallow. By the way, I don't know anything about the myriad of jugglers and clowns mentioned in the article--and never will.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Good point.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

For what's coming "A BOOK" is not going to do the trick!

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No, but it cannot hurt. Especially if you want to understand what's coming.

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Which is why the comment states it is not going to be SUFFICIENT!

I am not stating this because I AM so clever - which doesn't mean that my mind is not plagued by THE SIN - but because GOD ALMIGHTY IS OMNISCIENT, OMNIPRESENT AND OMNIPOTENT no matter how hard our mind tries to obfuscate THE/THIS TRUTH from itself/others - SOLI DEO GLORIA!

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Agreed, completely. God bless you.

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We are all blessed forever, only our disobedience - putting ourselves before GOD ALMIGHTY - THE SIN - will sever our bond with GOD ALMIGHTY and we will get what we WANT - HELL - not what we NEED - HEAVEN!

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Without some books, you're gonna end up with a Roadmap to Hell, first edition in your lap. Happy reading!

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I am not entirely sure about what to make about your comment, despite getting the gist of it.

Nevertheless reading slavishly/passionately The Great Reset will surely not increase the chances to get your eyes open, just in order to use an extreme enough example to emphasize the point made in my original comment.

EVERYONE who hasn't yet realised the severity of the situation facing each and everyone INDIVIDUALLY is almost certainly doomed without recourse. Which is to the best of my abilities to put it in words.

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As a reader, a rather lazy one at that, but a believer in the idea that we're more or less doomed as a result of our illiteracy (...along with our arrogance, as if an atomized Substack commentariat has much to offer beyond more comments. A lot of digital Dungeons and Dragons among Simplicius die hards. Much OCD and borderline autism.) my comment was intended to provoke a reaction.

Some of us are doomed to believe that railing against the "Great Reset", NWO, etc. online makes a difference. You characterize anyone who isn't hip to the lingo as doomed. Doomed to what? Will you resist the tide of history and humanity with your inside knowledge? Maybe so, I'll stick with my books as my doom approaches. I'm getting old anyways, that paper is easier on the eyes than these harsh screens. If we're doomed to anything, it's a future of pointless internet commentary. F me, it's a nice day, I'm going outside.

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Why even continue "breathing" if the commentary that we are engaging in is pointless?

The answer to above question is at the heart of what it is all about - surely not us or our influence on the "tide of history and humanity", latter being very much the fig leaf offered by the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF DECEIT as a temporary pacifier for the gullible mind refusing GOD ALMIGHTY!

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I continue to breathe because life is beautiful, hilarious and worth living One Existence, of which it truly is a fascinating existence.

I couldn't smoke some weed on a beautiful Spring day and engage thoughtfully with true believers of a mentality which baffles yet intrigues me. It's like we're alien species trying to communicate.

I get my kicks.

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BTW - I have no special insight, the only thing available to each and everyone is being of SERVICE to GOD ALMIGHTY!

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Amen brother.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson, Simplicius

God damn, you once again amalgamated so many separate things I’ve noticed but have had such a hard time articulating, let alone connecting and not sounding crazy to my family or colleagues. From the NFL’s pivot, similarities in Taylor Swift’s random resurgence in 2023 being eerily similar to the attention she got in 2014 (Biden was in the White House both times, and Russia was busy invading both times.. despite her 1989’s being really good upon both releases…weird..)

I can’t even enjoy myself at my grandma’s anymore when she has Good Morning America on in the morning, because Pfizer commercials and sudden surge of Kelce and Swift attention they’ve given them the last 6 months (my grandma and mom are in love with the Kelce brothers, but it bothers me how quickly they’ve been injected into so much, but like you said, the seeds started early, back when he was an unknown on a random dating show, and I only cared about him because he was on my fantasy team in 2013). Even a small detail like that show you nailed and seamlessly plugged in.

You clearly have connections and I understand you’ve seen and accomplished a lot in your past PR experience.

When I was in school, what you’ve done and how you’re currently implementing all of this talent, observation, and articulation is exactly what I imagined doing. It was however, in 2016-2017, when the status quo flipped on its head, and guys like you and me magically became the least qualified to open our mouths by default and everyone in the social sciences and world lost their minds.

I don’t mean to fan girl, but as someone who’s commented in the past and admires your work, this deserves more commendation than I’ve seen thus far in the comments. All I ask is you keep this up and keep fighting the fight via the written word. Bravo.

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Really appreciate this comment Justin! one of the best i've received.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson, Simplicius

Ok. Read it. True, good writing and generally deeper analysis of the great psyop than is common. However, there was an air of Stockholm Syndrome about it. This sort of acceptance, even cheering for, the inept manipulation tactics of our masters.

"It’s only the communist who believes, without evidence, that it can be any other way."

I've never felt like more of a communist. It has and it shall be another way. Read Hegel, Marx, any good history. Where we're at today is a blip on the historical radar. Not to mention this whole rotten society is currently being radically restructured regardless of the wishes of our idiotic, vicious masters. Don't get too wedded to this state of affairs. It's on its last legs.

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But isn't a communist state the ultimate in political Ponerology? Maybe Jesus and His disciples who were instructed to sell all that they owned, give the proceeds to the poor and just follow Him - was and is the alternative playbook

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Ultimately this is correct. A materialist approach will always fail and fall back into the same traps.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

"Don't sell me chicken shit and call it chicken salad"

That is the insurmountable task regime propagandists face. There's no fix that's going to change Cold hard realityNo cleverness, no celebrity, no slogan ...nothing. Bernays ain't walking through the door and even if he did, there's no campaign that he could imagine that's gonna make a broke Gen-Z'er believe that voting for the status quo is in his or her interest.

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On this topic, most of the books by Stuart Ewen is worth looking at, but, esp., PR! A Social History of Spin (New York: Basic Books, 1996).

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Some begging forgiveness! Kid Rock basically insulted anyone who didn't like the Bud Light tranny show and official non-apology. An0maly covered in his podcast.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson, Simplicius

Oh my God. The COMMENTS.

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Help, Bert 🤣

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You broke it, you own it...

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It's easier to fool someone than get him to admit he's been fooled.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

No offense, but this is literally the dumbest and most superficial thing I've read in a long time.

1) The article is entitled "Cthulhu Leans Right" and yet I see nothing whatsoever that connects this with Cthulhu or the writings of HP Lovecraft. In fact, I'd wager the author has never even read HPL.

2) Bernays was a moron and a chump, and almost nothing he ever did had any significance whatsoever. Even Goebbels knew it, which ought to tell the author something. Quoting his books only feels "revelatory" because he openly discusses how PR works, which sounds shady and "conspiratorial" now, but was really just a mundane introduction to something new (live broadcast media). In reality, it's the exact same thing as modern-day "social media advisors" who teach people how to write catchy titles for their videos and create good thumbnails.

3) I personally brought American bacon to Eastern Europe over a decade ago because it was a rare thing there, even though folks ate pork. And guess what? My 50-year-old friend, who doesn't speak a word of English, spontaneously informed me that "hey, eggs and bacon taste good together" which he figured out on his own So yeah. It does, and it has nothing to do with fucking Bernays.

4) Speaking of dumb, you mention calamari but neglect to mention surimi? For fuck's sake! Somene needs to take the author behind the barn.

5) Try watching the official NFL youtube channel video of the last superbowl. 80% of the comments are people talking about how fake and rigged it is. Nobody is being fooled. Likewise, take a gander at NFL audience numbers - DOWN DOWN DOWN.

6) Really, no mention of Wilson's 4-Minute Men? The author is a dilettante.

7) Try yanking your head out of your navel once in a while, there's more to life than just american propaganda, ffs. Have a look at Soviet agitprop for balance, at least. And literally nobody in Europe has any fucking idea who Travis Kelce is.

8) Guess what? We already know that the legacy media is concentrated in just a few hands. YAWN. The real story is how their viewership/readership numbers are plummeting because they're increasingly talking to themselves.

9) Tiktok made people anti-semitic? What the literal fuck???

In conclusion, this article sounds like it was written by a 14-year-old who just read a blog post on how the Federal Reserve was created and is like "wow" with big googly eyes. Congratulations, kids, life is bigger than you realized. But shut the fuck up until you've gained a little life experience because honestly, you're showing a lot of signs of non-independent thought, and the fact that you mentioned Herbert Hoover's name without massive alarm bells going off is proof positive of that.

Friendly Hint: Instead of just blathering on in book report form, try connecting these themes to how they affect YOU. Make it personal.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Without having any tangible proof - actual numbers - of the facts your comment is referring to I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment.

Nevertheless I believe you underestimate the revelatory effect due to certain details spat out from the horse's mouth - like you argue regarding non-independent thought, which were merely speculative on my part thus far, even though it didn't make them less true in the first place. So using this article to understand what REALITY is would be how I would go about it.

THE LIE always reveals itself - IN THE END! "Seeing" through it before one is caught up in it is paramount.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

> In conclusion, this article sounds like it was written by a 14-year-old

Lmao the irony. Idk how you got here m, but you should go back to Reddit.

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Look hard into the mirror. You're as oblivious to irony, as you are to self awareness.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

The OP makes some interesting observations about advertising trends targeting middle america (not new whatsoever btw, but with political significance because Biden staring down the barrel in the coming election, and likewise Dems in the US Senate).

It all would've made a nice tight 1500 word piece. But in fact you can stretch out any subject to any length given some skill with the pen. The OP can write in a way that flows well - vaguely in the stylistic lineage of Taibbi and Thompson. I can see why Simplicius likes him.

I can also see why Sam, a very keen observer of current events, expects more in substance. So it's an opportunity passed by, at the same time. The US new-Right on the ropes for lack of propaganda? It's a one-party system my dears. You're all being had, and the deal is done. Is the choice of two maximally worthless candidates for prez, Trump and Biden, not enough proof?

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👏👏👏👏👏👏💪🧠 fuck yes!

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Slay, Secret King, Slay.

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Poe's law at its finest?

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

BBC has very, very good document serie how Edward Berbay's idee have been used:

1. The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines",


2. The Century of the Self - Part 2: "The Engineering of Consent",


3. The Century of the Self - Part 3: "There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads; He Must Be Destroyed.", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub2LB2MaGoM

4. The Century of the Self - Part 4: "Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VouaAz5mQAs

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But Adam Curtis is a licensed contrarian and an audiovisual hypnotist. Very much an "outsider" on the inside track.

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Yes Adam Curtis is incredible, and century of the self is how I originally learned of bernays!

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Here is a link to Edward Bernays book: Propaganda. H. Liveright, New York, 1928. http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/bernprop.html.

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