Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson, Simplicius

Haven't read yet, but S, you should really check out this book. I mention Houllebeqc all the time. You have to read him and write a critique. Very important, lesser known in the US, author. You'll thank me!


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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

"bottom-up structures like democracy and consumer capitalism" At least you, I mean Mr. Simpson, got that much right...

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Or my favorite: "Try calamari because that's the actual Italian name for squid prepared thusly, and it's fuckin' delicious!"

Check out this book (only read 3/4ths of the article so far so apologies if the author already mentioned it): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Image:_A_Guide_to_Pseudo-events_in_America

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

"Today’s reporters are lazy, dumb, and fearful. Smarter and harder-working PR people cultivate relationships with them and plaster them with all kinds of gifts and trips and opportunities, not to mention stories pre-written for them, on a silver platter. As social media destroyed newsrooms, their desperation has made journalists only the more stretched and ready to sell out. "

Which could easily be edited to convey a message at least, if not more, accurate and meaningful thusly:

"Today’s elected politicians and political appointees are lazy, dumb, and fearful. Smarter and harder-working corporate and 'interest' lobbyists cultivate relationships with them and plaster them with all kinds of gifts and trips and opportunities, not to mention legislation pre-written for them, on a silver platter. As corporate and investor power destroyed and privatized government along neoliberal lines, their desperation has made elected officials and bureaucrats only the more stretched, comparatively poor and jealous, and ready to sell out. "

Another note: The NFL's 'anti-racism washing' of their image. The author seems to (conveniently?) forget that this is the same organization, made up of the same owners, who summarily executed (black balled) Colin Kaepernick for his temerity to kneel during the national anthem - which is often accompanied by military flyovers and sung during veritable recruiting events (games) - as a protest for the provable tendency of American cops to hold black Americans and athletes - and frankly, the poor or dissidents of any "race" - to a totally different, deadly standard. That to which the Khazarian Zionist regime holds the Palestinians, the Gazans. After all, the police (state) must assume all ___ people are "Hamas", amirite?

Anyway, the NFL caved into what? The Establishment's need to be as open and inclusive as possible to the least fit to serve "communities" (to use the author's word) who will do the MIC no good whatsoever in a hot war against the likes of China, let alone Russia?

I find this overall analysis lacking for those reasons, unless I'm totally misreading the guest article's intent. Kaepernick had his very viable NFL career destroyed in service to the very interests and assumed preferences of the NFL's core audience and message - dare we call it their tried and true propaganda focus? Namely, the military police state that one day will be brought to bear against anyone who opposes it in any fashion, and which so happened to be a couple black dudes (and Kelce!) who kneeled in solidarity during a fucking farcical manufactured tradition that's totally geared to upping military recruitment for the world's biggest terrorism promoting state: The USA.

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too long winded for my old attention span

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Brilliant stuff, however I disagree on a major point. The end-goal isn't money for those at the very top, the end goal is power. Money can lead to power, but power can take money. All of it, while throwing those who complain into death camps.

This is why “Cthulhu always swims left”. Xer could swim right, but those at the top make sure it always swims left because leftism is what concentrates power at the top. After Trump's 2016 win, Republicans should have en masse embraced pro-White or at least gone against anti-White, and become nationalists. Even if cynically, without an ounce of belief, that was obviously the way to go to win elections. Yet the only one that did, Steve King of IA, was censored and had his own party run against him in their own primary. This shows the behind the scenes, behind the scenes, powers that herd Cthulhu ever leftward.

"For right wingers, the only answer is to adopt the effective propaganda tactics of Cthulhu, as painful as that may be."

Partial disagree. We need to adopt those tactics, but we need to realize we can't beat our enemy at his own game, on his own turf. They will always control 50% +1 of the general population due to most people being morons, especially non-heritage Americans. Our best bet is to concentrate on regions where Whites are large majorities, and push the requirement of gaining local and state influence in order to fend off federal overreach. As the author says, they benefit from keeping us in separate groups, so we must counter that by forming a single cohesive group that we can propagandize to as a homogenous group, which will be mostly immune to the regime's propaganda due to their need to constantly propagandize 20 different groups, which makes the propaganda obvious and 19 of 20 will be contrary to our group's (Whites) best interests.

There is no taking back the federal level.

There is no one coming to save us.

There is no voting our way out of this.

Mad Max has never happened in recorded history.

Eventually it will come down to us having men with guns following orders due to receiving a government paycheck and acting under color of law, or we lose.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Nice to see someone on the Right catch up to insights made on the Left going back 150 years to Marx's notion of Superstructure, through Antonio Gramsci, on to Michael Parenti's "Inventing Reality: The Politics of Mass Media" to Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" (who himself highlighted Bernays), to the ultimate, sophisticated, revelatory vision of Guy Debord in "Society of the Spectacle." We swim in a sea of propagandistic manipulation so ubiquitous that, like fish who don't know what water is, we think our thoughts, tastes and opinions are our own. Bottom line: turn off mass media and open a goddamn book--lots of them. Unfortunately, it's a red pill that few will swallow. By the way, I don't know anything about the myriad of jugglers and clowns mentioned in the article--and never will.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson, Simplicius

God damn, you once again amalgamated so many separate things I’ve noticed but have had such a hard time articulating, let alone connecting and not sounding crazy to my family or colleagues. From the NFL’s pivot, similarities in Taylor Swift’s random resurgence in 2023 being eerily similar to the attention she got in 2014 (Biden was in the White House both times, and Russia was busy invading both times.. despite her 1989’s being really good upon both releases…weird..)

I can’t even enjoy myself at my grandma’s anymore when she has Good Morning America on in the morning, because Pfizer commercials and sudden surge of Kelce and Swift attention they’ve given them the last 6 months (my grandma and mom are in love with the Kelce brothers, but it bothers me how quickly they’ve been injected into so much, but like you said, the seeds started early, back when he was an unknown on a random dating show, and I only cared about him because he was on my fantasy team in 2013). Even a small detail like that show you nailed and seamlessly plugged in.

You clearly have connections and I understand you’ve seen and accomplished a lot in your past PR experience.

When I was in school, what you’ve done and how you’re currently implementing all of this talent, observation, and articulation is exactly what I imagined doing. It was however, in 2016-2017, when the status quo flipped on its head, and guys like you and me magically became the least qualified to open our mouths by default and everyone in the social sciences and world lost their minds.

I don’t mean to fan girl, but as someone who’s commented in the past and admires your work, this deserves more commendation than I’ve seen thus far in the comments. All I ask is you keep this up and keep fighting the fight via the written word. Bravo.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson, Simplicius

Ok. Read it. True, good writing and generally deeper analysis of the great psyop than is common. However, there was an air of Stockholm Syndrome about it. This sort of acceptance, even cheering for, the inept manipulation tactics of our masters.

"It’s only the communist who believes, without evidence, that it can be any other way."

I've never felt like more of a communist. It has and it shall be another way. Read Hegel, Marx, any good history. Where we're at today is a blip on the historical radar. Not to mention this whole rotten society is currently being radically restructured regardless of the wishes of our idiotic, vicious masters. Don't get too wedded to this state of affairs. It's on its last legs.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

"Don't sell me chicken shit and call it chicken salad"

That is the insurmountable task regime propagandists face. There's no fix that's going to change Cold hard realityNo cleverness, no celebrity, no slogan ...nothing. Bernays ain't walking through the door and even if he did, there's no campaign that he could imagine that's gonna make a broke Gen-Z'er believe that voting for the status quo is in his or her interest.

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On this topic, most of the books by Stuart Ewen is worth looking at, but, esp., PR! A Social History of Spin (New York: Basic Books, 1996).

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Some begging forgiveness! Kid Rock basically insulted anyone who didn't like the Bud Light tranny show and official non-apology. An0maly covered in his podcast.

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Oh my God. The COMMENTS.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

No offense, but this is literally the dumbest and most superficial thing I've read in a long time.

1) The article is entitled "Cthulhu Leans Right" and yet I see nothing whatsoever that connects this with Cthulhu or the writings of HP Lovecraft. In fact, I'd wager the author has never even read HPL.

2) Bernays was a moron and a chump, and almost nothing he ever did had any significance whatsoever. Even Goebbels knew it, which ought to tell the author something. Quoting his books only feels "revelatory" because he openly discusses how PR works, which sounds shady and "conspiratorial" now, but was really just a mundane introduction to something new (live broadcast media). In reality, it's the exact same thing as modern-day "social media advisors" who teach people how to write catchy titles for their videos and create good thumbnails.

3) I personally brought American bacon to Eastern Europe over a decade ago because it was a rare thing there, even though folks ate pork. And guess what? My 50-year-old friend, who doesn't speak a word of English, spontaneously informed me that "hey, eggs and bacon taste good together" which he figured out on his own So yeah. It does, and it has nothing to do with fucking Bernays.

4) Speaking of dumb, you mention calamari but neglect to mention surimi? For fuck's sake! Somene needs to take the author behind the barn.

5) Try watching the official NFL youtube channel video of the last superbowl. 80% of the comments are people talking about how fake and rigged it is. Nobody is being fooled. Likewise, take a gander at NFL audience numbers - DOWN DOWN DOWN.

6) Really, no mention of Wilson's 4-Minute Men? The author is a dilettante.

7) Try yanking your head out of your navel once in a while, there's more to life than just american propaganda, ffs. Have a look at Soviet agitprop for balance, at least. And literally nobody in Europe has any fucking idea who Travis Kelce is.

8) Guess what? We already know that the legacy media is concentrated in just a few hands. YAWN. The real story is how their viewership/readership numbers are plummeting because they're increasingly talking to themselves.

9) Tiktok made people anti-semitic? What the literal fuck???

In conclusion, this article sounds like it was written by a 14-year-old who just read a blog post on how the Federal Reserve was created and is like "wow" with big googly eyes. Congratulations, kids, life is bigger than you realized. But shut the fuck up until you've gained a little life experience because honestly, you're showing a lot of signs of non-independent thought, and the fact that you mentioned Herbert Hoover's name without massive alarm bells going off is proof positive of that.

Friendly Hint: Instead of just blathering on in book report form, try connecting these themes to how they affect YOU. Make it personal.

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

BBC has very, very good document serie how Edward Berbay's idee have been used:

1. The Century of the Self - Part 1: "Happiness Machines",


2. The Century of the Self - Part 2: "The Engineering of Consent",


3. The Century of the Self - Part 3: "There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads; He Must Be Destroyed.", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub2LB2MaGoM

4. The Century of the Self - Part 4: "Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VouaAz5mQAs

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Apr 5Liked by Isaac Simpson

Here is a link to Edward Bernays book: Propaganda. H. Liveright, New York, 1928. http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/bernprop.html.

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