The Icelandverse will replace the Metaverse - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-peUrRUH218

My problem is that there are too many clever folk on either side of this debate, and that, ultimately, they'll serve profiteers, directly or indirectly. Surely its commonsense to be against pollution in our backyards, and against unnecessary consumerism globally? Climate deniers don't have to support toxic rivers, and climate activists don't have to deny essential energy needs.

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In Kenya recently I talked to people who were around and aware in the 80s and they referenced a time that it didn't rain for 3 years.

That actually came as a shock to me because we've been constantly told by Western NGOs that the sporadic few months without rain every couple of years was as a result of climate change.

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I don't think the Climate Hoax is so much "the crisis" so much as a reliable background hum of angst that enables the elites to get away with escalating in preparation for the actual big events such as the inevitable confrontation with China, which hot war or not, will be what makes America into a dystopia so heavily policed that it makes Nazi Germany look like a libertarian paradise by comparison.

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By all means the corporate (capitalist) media will sell to their audience what they believe the audience will most strongly react to. And in the US and its vassal colonies of Europe, that's fear. Fox News and right wing AM radio are/were no different; in fact it's the business model, FFS.

I'm not saying I agree with this (literally just got it at the same time as Dark Futura's email, so I haven't even read it yet - but I do see the nonsense "Boiling" referenced) and it's only meant to serve as a drastic counterpoint. https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/climate-change-crisis-action-hot-air?

Please don't accost me if you haven't read the full thing yet. I'll try to read it tomorrow. My point being that human activity simply has to be affecting the "climate" or "weather" in some way, but also of course the Earth's systems are cyclical and affected by so many variables it's mind boggling to keep track of or understand.

So yeah, just like the Rainbow-Washing from Wall Street (which pulls the strings of the USG) there will be Green-Washing and a bunch of grifters looking to implement laws and policies that force us plebes to accept them based on fear (and loathing), but mostly based on propaganda and greed.

My problem with this particular debate is that there's a TON of corporate money on one side and a politicization that is totally unnecessary if not for BIG money. I'm not talking about developing nations giving their populations a good standard of living and education - I'm talking about the FIRE sector dominated "west" profiteering vastly on fossil/mineral wealth and externalizing all the costs to the third world and working class.

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Simplicius, save this one - it might not age very well, at least in terms of climate forecast. The fact that individuals and financiers would use any subterfuge to privatize everything if possible and own everything is not news. Heck they get fat and rich from wars, climate warming is too good an oportunity to miss.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

It’s clearer than ever that you are either:

1) Controlled opposition

2) Complete retard.

Your lunatic ravings on COVID showed it too.

Climate change is an extremely serious problem, to which there is only one solution -- dramatic downsizing of the scale of the human enterprise (which would be just as mandatory a measure even if there was no climate change, because infinite growth is an impossibility, and sooner or later some resources runs out and it all collapses), which in turn cannot realistically ever happen without downwards wealth redistribution.

COVID was a microcosm of it -- it too is an extremely serious problem, and it was in the interest of everyone to eliminate the virus, which, unlike properly tackling the climate change issue, was actually quite easy to do. However, that could not be done without paying the peasants not to work for an extended period of time, i.e. downwards wealth redistribution, and we can't ever have that. So the propaganda machine went to work to trick the scientifically illiterate ignoramuses out there that it is all a scam and no big deal, and achieved complete success. Meanwhile at Davos they have daily testing, green passes, HEPA filters and masks for all the staff, i.e. all the things the Chinese were derided for, and then some, which tells you how seriously they themselves view the problem.

For the same reasons, the "globalists" have been skillfully doing divide-and-conquer on the topic of climate too for decades. The goal is to create confusion in the minds of the public so that there is never a strong bottom up demand for real changes. And to this end scientifically illiterate cretins like you are extremely useful (most of what you posted is either factually incorrect or should receive an immediate death sentence for the crime of stupidity incompatible with the continued right to exist and threaten collective survival if the ability to carry out proper scientific reasoning was taken as deadly serious as it should be).

It is suicidal in the long run for everyone, but some of them are not much more intellectually advanced than you are (you don't become a billionaire by reading books) while the others think they can ride it out as long as they preserve their power and privileges.

It would not be the first time in history elites have been this combination of detached from reality and convinced in their own invincibility conferred by their power and wealth.

Are they going to grift off a very real problem (as they also did with COVID) to further expand their wealth and power? You bet.

Does that mean it is not a real problem? No, neither logically (this is classic "if A therefore B; B therefore A" fallacy) nor factually.

P.S. In order to see how much your "analysis" is worth, go back to what you were writing about the war in the beginning of the blog. You were making confident proclamations about how a major war is coming within days as Russia will go in on big arrow offensives. Meanwhile in the real world here we are in mid-August and they never moved beyond Bakhmut...

P.P.S. Go back another couple months -- everyone talked about how we just have to wait for the ground to freeze and big action would come. But it never really froze. In fact there barely was a winter, in European Russia. For yet another year in a row. But sure, climate change is not happening and it is in fact getting colder. You can't make this up.

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The term sheeple was coined for good reason, we are easily herded. It's quite astounding to observe the levels of idiocy that surround us, those that simply parrot what the media hands them, there is no objective thought. Perhaps that is simply the cycle we are currently in.

As to "the Apocryphon of John c. AD 120–180, the demiurge arrogantly declares that he has made the world by himself". H. P. Blavatsky wrote that this Demiurge is not a single being but, rather, the collectivity of all the creative powers of the cosmos, which are guided by the abstract principle of Cosmic Ideation. "But that Demiurgos is no personal deity,—i.e., an imperfect extra-cosmic god,—but only the aggregate of the Dhyan-Chohans (aka Angels) and the other forces...As that process is not always perfect; and since, however many proofs it may exhibit of a guiding intelligence behind the veil, it still shows gaps and flaws, and even results very often in evident failures—therefore, neither the collective Host (Demiurgos), nor any of the working powers individually, are proper subjects for divine honours or worship." Seems there is a differing of opinion.

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The new god is Gaia, and the new Other is you and me. The pagan religions of the ancients have returned

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I have been following the climate debate for around 30 years now and quickly moved from someone who was originally alarmed to someone who is still alarmed, not about any marginal levels of temperature rise but around the political response to a minor issue (IMHO). But you cannot convince a true believer. They are simply totally convinced that the establishment position is correct on this topic and that any dissenters like me are tin foil hat conspiracy theorists.

I have come to the conclusion that 30 years of propaganda and brain washing, - starting in schools and relentlessly pursued through the media and supported by a politicised scientific establishment - have created a mass delusion that no amount of facts, logic or rational sceptcism can dent. It is the new religion with its notions of original sin, purgatory and redemption. It is part of a value system - not a scientific and economic debate framed by political choices. It is part and parcel of the west's general delusions in a post fact world.

I place less reliance on the power of the "global elites" to mastermind our futures than many who haunt these sites. Nevertheless the WEF strongly supports the Malthusian solutions proposed to this "climate crisis". These are anti-human and coercive, and will reduce human population, wealth, health and happiness - and generally support the power of the state over indiviuals and families.

As a long time "climate sceptic" I used to argue that the problems was wildy exagerrated and the proposed solutions counter-productive if not actually dangerous. I realise that this was a hopeless position. The belief system is too far ingrained. I don't bother now. The realists have lost.

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This article makes some clever points but is mainly shite - in sharp contrast to the coverage of the Ukraine conflict which Master Simplicius has a good handle on. Climate Change IS a reality. Here is a more cogent view.... https://jonathancook.substack.com/p/why-action-on-the-climate-crisis?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=476450&post_id=135949732&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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So it’s funny how these people on the left are worried about rising sea levels and heat waves. Yet they have no goddamn clue that the heat stroke that comes from cornering Russia and/or China really is going to burn us all good. It called nuclear war (Armageddon style). Shit gets real hot from what I hear.

“We have to stop the Russians because they won’t adhere to our Climate Change Model.” “ We have to stop them because they don’t like gay marriage or transgender rights.”

The sheer hypocrisy is staggering. I don’t mean from the higher ups. They know what they’re doing. I’m talking about the every day average Normie left of center. They don’t get it. In recent years I have followed some survivalist types. The events they anticipate are possible IMHO (not likely) but worrying about the water tables and heat increments GTFO?

Especially when the biggest purveyors of Climate Change can get loans and insurance on their primary residences on the coasts. No bank or insurance company is going to buy that paper if the actuarial data disagrees. It’s really that simple and no more complicated. Yet they persist in believing the bullshit.

In the end not sure what we do with those people. I suspect the most thuggish and poor alike could understand what I just mentioned if reasoned with enough. Not the managerial class tho. Those fuckers can’t pull it in. It’s like an imaginary anti logic bubble has been placed around them. The harder we smack them in the head the more impenetrable the bubble becomes.

When you finally come to terms with this it’s a black pill that’s hard to swallow. At this point the only way they will get it is when hell knocks on their door. Simplicius if you ever want to deep dive into how this occurred and/or how we can break the spell this would be a wonderful assignment. No worries I don’t mind if you don’t or cannot. It’s something I have struggled with for a while now. Now clue how these people got like this. Understand there’s no way this nonsense could carry on without their support and consent though.

Always love your work brother!

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I tend to think that yes climate changes naturally, but also yes modern life can influence climate - or better put the environment - we all should be better custodians of nature and minimise the ‘disposable’ feature of the products our society has come to rely on - we humans make a lot of waste and a lot of needless crap. However, I do believe the biggest weakness in these climate scaremongers campaign - a weakness so significant that I can’t rule out the ‘crazy’ and insidious ploys that you portray as deliberate - is the refusal to push nuclear energy. In fact ‘they’ refuse to entertain nuclear power as a solution - an energy source which is clean, cost effective and would improve the quality of life worldwide. Instead, it’s demonised it and portrayed as dangerous even though the stats say otherwise.

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Very interesting that wiki politicized as it is does not provide a German edition….


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Good article.

Am less convinced that this is all part of a well managed conspiracy. Yes. There are some truly bad actors. But in general this is various elites responding to incentives and creating an ideology that justifies what they want to do anyway: gain power and make money while feeling good about themselves. They are not organised enough though to drive a “conspiracy”, although it has the appearance of that. As western economies have become increasingly unequal and living standards for ordinary people have stagnated over the past fifty years so one could argue that some form of ideology or religion was likely to be naturally embraced by elites to justify this and keep the peasants in their place. Climate Change seems to be precisely that. In the past, it might have been Christianity with the promise of nirvana in the after life if you accept your hardship in life.

I see the whole Climate Change “thing” as modern day Malthus and I never fail to marvel at how easily influenced educated people seem to be by nonsense.

The hyping of weather reports is something I had noticed too. In the U.K. we have had quite a cool and wet summer this year. My basement “heat sanctuary” has not been needed once this year! Yet, there has been no reporting of this. Instead, we have been regaled with stories of “Europe” in sweltering heat. But when I was in both Austria and Hungary in July it seemed they were just having a normal continental summer. Period.

The link to geopolitics and maintaining western elite hegemony is very much part of this too, as you say. Fascinatingly, China plays along with electric vehicles, for example. But I suspect they are also being smart: China has no oil but can generate electricity. A lot of this suits her interests. Particularly given that (in common with Russia under Putin) she has now avoided the financialization of her economy and prevented western elite interests from taking ownership of key assets that they can extract economic rent from.

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Note that global warming caused by CO2 released by burning fossil fuels can be BOTH real* AND a racket. Just like SARS-2 was a real virus, it wasn't a pure fabrication of fantasy, yet it was co-opted and manipulated by the same people to serve their interests. When I was a kid I direclty saw how the corporatocracy co-opted recycling for their own profits. I lived on the west coast and saw the growth of a vast homeless services industrial complex that reaps in tens of billions each year and never shows any results. The same is true of the war on terror, the war on drugs, the military industrial complex, the surveillance state, the censorship industrial complex, etc., all they have to do is to frighten people about a problem and rake in the bucks. That problem can be real or invented. It can be exaggerated, twisted, distorted, blamed on the wrong sources, and more. The problem can also be created in order to justify paying for a solution (the classic definition of a racket), like an arsonist who sells fire insurance.

And...most importantly: That problem must never be solved! Because if it is solved, the racket disappear.

*Simple radiative energy balance models with known properties and abundances of CO2 that closely follow the burning of fossil fuels explains observed temperature changes to first-order. I've done the calculations myself, as part of my graduate studies in planetary science, it was an exercise in a core course on atmospheric physics. This is straightforward physics, and it works. From a deep time perspective, releasing oxidized carbon into the atmosphere in a couple centuries that required hundreds of millions of years to bury is expected to have some kind of effect. Does that mean that this is necessarily the only explanation? No (that would be affirming the consequent, a logical fallacy). However, it is a fairly obvious explanation. And it is a working hypothesis that has not been disproven thus far...and the way science works, that means it is still alive and well. Should we be looking for alternative explanations? Absolutely, we should.

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Great article, thank you.

Hopefully eventually more people will wake up to see trough agenda, some will never( like that dude in video))). It’s seems like some of positive developments happening lately in China for example:


“Chinese leader Xi Jinping declared in remarks reported Wednesday that Beijing alone will decide how — and how quickly — it addresses climate change.”

“China would pursue its commitments “unswervingly,” but the pace of such efforts “should and must be” determined without outside interference, Xi said late Tuesday. Xi’s approach marked a break from the 2015 Paris climate accord, where a Chinese-U.S. agreement.”

“Xi was showing that “China will decide its own path in achieving carbon goals and will not be ordered about by others,” he said.”

There is very interesting article as well, if readers is interested, about eco terrorism- one of the scariest tool they are using to create more fear and distraction.


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