It’s clearer than ever what the next and final phase of the globalist cartel’s power grab over humanity will be. It’s now taking shape all around us.
Global warming hath become… Global Boiling.
Here, a CNN apparatchik admits that the next engineered crisis will be Climate Change™, which will be pushed at all costs by way of diktats from the top:
Most of you have likely already noticed the [often not so]subtle changes creeping into all the weather channels and sites. Language is gradually being dialed up to drum up a tenor of fear and calamity in even the most innocuous of weather reports.
I remember the old days, where storms were merely storms, rain was rain, and high temperature was simply a muggy summer. Now the slightest inclement event is dressed up with scary graphics and scarier-yet modifiers. On weather dot com, for instance, the routine drizzle is now a ‘potential threat’ or alarmingly escalated to a ‘severe weather alert’. In fact, the word ‘severe’ is now thrown around with a casualness to deaden its power.
The mayor of London was recently joined by the new ‘king’ to inaugurate an ominous new climate doomsday clock, perfectly coordinated with guidance leading from the top which is simultaneously hitting the major news networks:
Propagandist outlets masquerading as news stations now shamelessly pimp themselves to the Davos script:
It’s funny, by the way, that the doomsday clock shows six years remaining. At many points in the past, we were presented with a similar five or so year window before facing putative annihilation. For instance, here’s John Kerry in 2009 proclaiming to the world that only five years remained until the Arctic was totally ice-free:
Now studies routinely show the Arctic getting icier than ever.
And how about this famous five-year prognostication which, as of a month ago, likewise exposed the bald-faced fraud:
Similarly, Leonard Nimoy once shilled for the Syndicate in the 70s, claiming that within the lifetime of ‘our grandchildren’—which would make it right about now—the entire world would be plunged into a nightmarish frozen wasteland:
Scientific American has even announced they will no longer use the term ‘climate change’, replacing it instead with ‘climate emergency’ from this point forth:
Every decade, the world finance elites roll out a new laughable threat of total extinction to scare us into yielding more control to their globalist apparatus. They don’t even care to keep the script consistent—one decade it’s global freeze, the next it’s global melt. And the populace is too distracted by the bread and circuses of degenerate pop-culture to ever hold the purveyors of this poison accountable.
It comes to dawn on us that Covid was in fact the dress rehearsal for the real play, as many astute people pointed out early. The ‘pandemic’ was a trial-balloon meant to condition society for accepting not only lockdowns, but the patently absurd spectacles we’ll be forced to endure in order to present the guise of an emergency. During the pandemic it was the demeaning and buck-breaking spectacle of being forced to don layers of facemasks as a form of bondage ritual. Some even gleefully snapped to with joy, perhaps masking their own shame and despair with the fig leaves of irony or humor:
For the climate lockdowns, we’ll be conditioned to normalize fire-proof biosuits and anti-melting fabrics and whatever other will-breaking accessories will be deemed necessary for the appearance of a ‘serious emergency’.
The script-writers have long deduced the secret to how it works: that if you can frill-up reality with as much stage-dressing as possible, it does half the work for you. Just like in theater—the more tangible and evocative the sets, props, and costumes you can employ, the more overtly the audience will be convinced the construct is real.
The first phase of this top-down rollout is already happening. Turn to any channel or weather network, and you’ll see the same parade of temperatures—nonchalantly reported to little fanfare several years ago—now routinely hammed up with theatric flourish:
Here’s a sampling of comparisons—temps from several years ago now embellished with infernal graphics to dial up the fear:
25-35 celsius—once mild, now fire and brimstone:
Right on cue, the establishment apparatchiks are signaling the next phase of the plan. Listen below to the German health minister as he unfurls the plan to begin restricting citizens’ travel during the ‘climate crisis’. Watch the end in particular, where the clever host tells him that this sort of ‘climate dictatorship’ is exactly what society feared was being blueprinted by the Covid lockdowns. The sociopathic puke dismisses the claim as “conspiracy theory”—naturally!
Of course anyone who disagrees or pushes back on these ideas is immediately silenced, deplatformed, or has their livelihood destroyed so that the plan can carry on:
The fact is, the modern ‘climate push’ is one engineered in accordance with the Maurice Strong, Rockefeller, and Edmund de Rothschild-sponsored 1992 Rio de Janeiro ‘Earth Summit’ where the founding Agenda 21 document was first signed. The goal was always to create an authoritarian control over all the world’s governments by ingeniously tying them into draconian and arbitrary climate regulations which could be used at whim to sandbag the governments into passing virtually any kind of restriction, and handing over their sovereignty to nebulous global institutions.
A secondary design was to capture much of the available territory—which includes the all-important farmland—of the global south by making them beholden to the IMF under coercive “deals”, whereby African and Latin American nations were made to collateralize their pristine land on debts forced down their throats which they could never repay.
This gradual absorption of the world’s most precious resources allows the globalist cartel to further their climate agenda by controlling, ruining, or off-lining the farmland (in the name of carbon sequestration) which invariably results in even more privation that’s then conveniently blamed on ‘climate change’ and used to push even further restrictions and destructive policy.
Edmund Leopold de Rothschild banker for Global Warming Scam
“After Edmund [Leopold] de Rothschild’s statement, without basis, at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in 1987, that CO2 is the cause of a non-existent global warming – and that combating it needs money (our money), he founded the World Conservation Bank for this reason. In 1991 its name was changed to The Global Environment Facility (GEF).
The purpose of this facility is to lend money to the poorest countries, printed by the IMF out of thin air, and with the guarantee of our governments. The facility takes wilderness areas with mineral riches as security. The GEF money is then to flow back to our governments as reimbursement for paid loans. I.e. We give away our tax money. For what?
When a country cannot repay loans to the GEF it must give up a piece of its territory to the Rothschild banks (GEF, IMF, World Bank) – up to 30% of the Earth are meant. If land cannot be offered as collateral the country must starve (Haiti, Argentina and others).
Rothschild´s stroke of genius was that he had his GEF smuggled into the UN system at the Rio UN Summit in 1992 by his friend, Maurice Strong. So now high-ranking ministerial officials from 179 countries are in the the council of the bank – blessing Rothschild grabbing the world!” -source
The above may sound outlandish, but a cursory glance at the GEF’s official wikipedia shows one of their chief instruments as ‘debt for nature swaps’, described as ‘deals’ made between Western NGOs/banks and developing countries, where some of their debt is forgiven, or rather purchased off, in exchange for various concessions to that country’s natural habitats.
Not to mention the ‘environmental’ institution is for some reason focused on ‘gender equality’ as one of its core pursuits.
What’s most interesting though, is how the fact that Rothschild’s ‘World Conservation Bank’ even became the GEF is now memory-holed in history—for some reason, the powers that be really don’t want us to know about this. Only thanks to an obscure National Geographic article, which no longer exists, but can be found through the Waybackmachine, can we catch a glimpse of an official confirmation of the GEF’s pedigree:
Moreover, the 1987 World Wilderness Congress keynoted by Rockefeller, Rothschild, Maurice Armstrong, and many others, likewise is fastidiously swept under the rug, with almost no confirmation extant on the internet, barring one obscure paywalled Chicago Tribune article:
Look at the attendees below:
But why is this important? Shortly after the dispensations of the 1987 congress and 1992 Rio summit, the agenda began to splinter outward by virtue of its many new votaries, through the vast interconnecting web of the WEF and endless adjacent organs:
At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, Al Gore led the U.S. Senate delegation, and Maurice Strong was Secretary-General at that Summit. Maurice Strong also helped establish the United Nations Foundation (UNF) along with Emma Rothschild and Ted Turner. Maurice Strong and Al Gore are both Foundation Directors of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that has an annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, for international bankers, business leaders, political leaders, selected intellectuals, and journalists to discuss global issues. Maurice Strong can be found here on the Steering Committee of the WEF Global Governance Initiative. Maurice Strong is also a former Chairman of the World Resources Institute where Al Gore was a member of the board of directors. -source
Another of the few remaining primary sources that managed to escape censorship is this 1991 LaRouche EIR group report about the upcoming Earth Summit. What’s striking is how ahead of the curve the paper was in correctly predicting the nefarious nature of the planned charters and agenda:
And to tie it back to the opening graphics of manipulated temperatures, here’s where it slides into creepy territory. As unbelievable as it may sound, Rothschild acquired the world’s leading provider of weather graphics for TV, web, and mobile:
Listen very closely to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild himself explaining the [quite uncharacteristically left-field] decision to acquire the most powerful weather providers:
Note he specifically invokes “climate change” and says that it’s important to “use technology to [make people aware]” of the changes. In short, he’s really signaling his dynasty’s purchase of the most important weather providing system in the world for the sole purpose of engineering a narrative; namely, that climate change is real and is coming for us. That they specifically acquired ‘interactive weather graphics and data services’ for web/TV, etc., is of key relevance and could likely explain the marked global shift in temperature graphics presentations.
It’s all part of the organized effort to drum up fear and create a false narrative of “increasingly violent, intemperate weather” to further their agenda. That’s not to even mention the myriad other suspicious circumstances, like the fact that America’s largest energy grid provider, California’s PG&E, was presided over by a board of director from Rothschild during the worst of the wildfire sprees several years ago:
Suspicions likewise revolved around those wildfires at the time. Many people suspected that PG&E was directly responsible, or involved somehow. hey were found legally culpable for two of them:
But some believe it wasn’t simple accident to be chalked up to negligence and an ‘aging electrical infrastructure’, but rather deliberate sabotage to push the climate hoax. In fact, many cases during the recent spate of global wildfire breakouts were found to be arson, leaving one to assume many if not most of them may could have been artificially started.
And not just of the man-with-tincan-of-gasoline variety either; we’ve all seen the bizarre cloud patterns and inexplicable simultaneity of fire epicenters as seen from space over Canada. You know, the same ones that the fraudulent CIA cutout LeadStories debunked as normal because “the satellite photos were taken 10 minutes apart and only appear instant on video”—as if wildfires starting over a massive 150,000km2 area even 10 minutes apart is any less suspicious. Of course, they also said it was normal for lightning to ignite fires over such a broad expanse, completely ignoring the lack of thunder clouds in the satellite photos.
It’s clear that global finance syndicate which lords over us has doubled down on the climate push as the final vector of control. In many ways, it’s the ultimate vector; unlike disease and pandemics, which are transitory and provide only a small window to usurp sovereign governmental structures, the never-ending hoax of climate change offers a limitless gift that keeps on giving, which can be milked for as long as it takes, since it’s understood as generational in nature.
Furthermore, unlike pandemics which are ultimately reliant on our own health, which we can use to dispel ginned up fear, climate can be commandeered as an all-pervasive and invisible ‘specter’, that’s somewhere all around us and is changing for the worse whether we feel directly affected by it or not. In short: in contrast to health, it’s not very falsifiable for us proles. And given that—as established earlier—they control the mechanisms by which this specter is filtered, we’re left forever at the mercy of their claims.
I’ve written at length before about how this plan dovetails with the various parallel developments like carbon sequestration, which enables the perpetrators to continually conceal their actions under a guise of fighting this invisible specter, while in actuality contributing to the acceleration and exacerbation of it. A whole portfolio of disastrous nostrums is being prepared to counteract what doesn’t exist, which will in fact create the very problem itself, thus becoming a sort of ingeniously self-fulfilling hyperstition.
For instance, we’ve all heard of Bill Gates’ demoniac plan to ‘block out the sun’ in order to reduce a nonexistent anthropogenic ‘global warming’.
Or how about this latest plan to dump tens of thousands of tons of wood into the ocean. From New Scientist:
The stunning reason:
Ten thousand tonnes of waste wood have been sunk into the Atlantic Ocean in an effort to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The US-based company behind the effort, Running Tide, says the CO2 within the wood, which would otherwise have been burned, won’t be circulated out of the deep ocean for hundreds or even millions of years.
This effort is the largest yet among a growing slate of start-ups aiming to lock up CO2 on the seafloor from the atmosphere
It only gets worse and worse:
And of course, the other big ploy is to similarly ‘carbon sequester’ all the world’s farms by off-lining them—which is what the Dutch and many others are currently fighting against—and which will in fact create the mass privations, shortages, disruptions, and societal breakdowns that will play perfectly into the narrative of some invisible bête noire out there, killing us while we sleep.
Recall that one of the conditions in the ‘debt for nature’ swaps from earlier is to potentially off-line farms in Africa and the developing world—though it’s often described under clever euphemisms, like ‘natural conservation’ and things of that sort. Of course, one of the welcome secondary benefits is that the developing world continues to stay poor and co-dependent on their colonial minders and the rapacious corporate conglomerates which will happily continue extorting and plundering their resources to untold profits at little cost. It all works out so well for them.
The modus operandi of the global cartel is to create the problem covertly, and then offer the solution, which just happens to entail a ‘compromise’ for humanity in the form of concessions of rights and liberties. And just like in the case of Covid, the solution covertly enhances the problem in order to keep the tension level high, the specter of disaster looming.
We all know by now that during the Covid fraud the vast majority of the damage was done by deliberately misguided policy and outright medical malpractice. Everything from the lockdowns, which kept us from natural sunlight and Vitamin D, to the infamous respirators and bans on treatments like Ivermectin. These things and many others led to inordinate deaths, which were then fraudulently tabulated as being caused by Covid, conveniently watering the garden of their agenda.
Similarly here, their genocidal and lunatic policies of dumping carbon in the oceans, chemicals into the atmosphere, destroying a major portion of humanity’s farms, all for the cult-like and ritual worship of the anthropogenic ‘climate crisis’ will in fact create the very conditions as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The cure as the disease.
But the quasi-religious nature of this next and final crisis act does raise some questions. Is it all about merely consolidating control? Or is there in fact another, perhaps esoteric, aspect to it when it comes to the fanatical elites behind these programs?
What’s striking is the amount of religious overtones they themselves imbue into their introspections, if you give them the chance. For instance, at that same World Wilderness Congress in 1977, Edmund de Rothschild seemed to invoke some interesting theological—and dare I say, messianic—dimensions to his quest for environmental perfectionism:
At the 1st World Wilderness Congress (WWC) in 1977, Edmund Leopold de Rothschild presented a paper to the congress (pp.47-52) entitled 'Raising the standards of living by means of large technical developments without endangering the flora and fauna'. Rothschild states in his presentation that, “Clearly, it is indeed possible to transform the landscape significantly to the benefit of mankind without at the same time having to despoil the environment."
Rothschild goes on to add, "About a hundred years ago the famous German philosopher Nietzsche wrote: 'Inescapably, hesitatingly, terrible like fate, the great task approaches: how should the earth as a whole be administered? To what end should man, no longer a people or a race, be raised and bred?”
Rothschild then asks the rhetorical question, "Can we control the elements, harness nature itself and still retain our humanity?" And then offers his answer in the closing remarks: "Teilhard de Chardin, the French theologian, so very wisely wrote: Some day after mastering the winds, the waves, tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."
In case you thought such dusty quotes scraped up from some bygone corner of the internet could have dubious attribution, here’s the rare audio of his speech:
Mark Zuckerberg too recently gave a biblical slant to his pursuit of a transhumanist simulacrum of reality with his Meta project:
And most disturbing, and insightful, of all is this rare 2004 look into George Soros’ hidden motivations, at a time period when, one supposes, he felt a bit more at ease in opening up, before the online world truly came of age and began to expose his dark machinations.
In the above LA Times article, Soros makes some astounding confessions:
It seems that Soros believes he was anointed by God. “I fancied myself as some kind of god ...” he once wrote. “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.”
He goes on to elaborate:
“It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
Since I began to live it out. Those unfamiliar with Soros would probably dismiss the statement out of hand. But for those who have followed his career and sociopolitical endeavors, it cannot be taken quite so lightly.
So, not only does he admit to ‘potent’ messianic fantasies, but even reveals that he’s come to terms with it now that he’s actually ‘living [them] out’.
He continues the theme of godhead by calling himself a deus-ex-machina and an ‘unnatural force’—whatever that might mean:
Despite his reputation as an international philanthropist, Soros remains candid about his true charitable tendencies. “I am sort of a deus ex machina,” Soros told the New York Times in 1994. “I am something unnatural. I’m very comfortable with my public persona because it is one I have created for myself. It represents what I like to be as distinct from what I really am. You know, in my personal capacity I’m not actually a selfless philanthropic person. I’ve very much self-centered.”
Finally, he goes on to say that, “I do not accept the rules imposed by others.... And in periods of regime change, the normal rules don’t apply.”
And ends on the most revealing, and perhaps frightening, of reflections:
“Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad,” Soros once confided on British television. “In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it.”
A mad god, you say?
“In the Apocryphon of John c. AD 120–180, the demiurge arrogantly declares that he has made the world by himself:
Now the archon ["ruler"] who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas ["fool"], and the third is Samael ["blind god"]. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, 'I am God and there is no other God beside me,' for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.” -wiki
It’s no wonder things are as they are today.
And these mad gods are spawning legions of fanatical votaries by the day, nay, by the hour:
O, woe is us.
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The Icelandverse will replace the Metaverse -
My problem is that there are too many clever folk on either side of this debate, and that, ultimately, they'll serve profiteers, directly or indirectly. Surely its commonsense to be against pollution in our backyards, and against unnecessary consumerism globally? Climate deniers don't have to support toxic rivers, and climate activists don't have to deny essential energy needs.
I have been following the climate debate for around 30 years now and quickly moved from someone who was originally alarmed to someone who is still alarmed, not about any marginal levels of temperature rise but around the political response to a minor issue (IMHO). But you cannot convince a true believer. They are simply totally convinced that the establishment position is correct on this topic and that any dissenters like me are tin foil hat conspiracy theorists.
I have come to the conclusion that 30 years of propaganda and brain washing, - starting in schools and relentlessly pursued through the media and supported by a politicised scientific establishment - have created a mass delusion that no amount of facts, logic or rational sceptcism can dent. It is the new religion with its notions of original sin, purgatory and redemption. It is part of a value system - not a scientific and economic debate framed by political choices. It is part and parcel of the west's general delusions in a post fact world.
I place less reliance on the power of the "global elites" to mastermind our futures than many who haunt these sites. Nevertheless the WEF strongly supports the Malthusian solutions proposed to this "climate crisis". These are anti-human and coercive, and will reduce human population, wealth, health and happiness - and generally support the power of the state over indiviuals and families.
As a long time "climate sceptic" I used to argue that the problems was wildy exagerrated and the proposed solutions counter-productive if not actually dangerous. I realise that this was a hopeless position. The belief system is too far ingrained. I don't bother now. The realists have lost.