Virtue is being distinguished from 'virtue signalling'. Such a few small words for such a momentous new idea.

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Negotiation 101 says that if you want '5' you don't ask for '5', you ask for '10' then bargain down. The Left has done that for 100+ years, recalibrating the '5' and '10' every new cycle. Woke is just the latest '10' used to make the '5' more palatable to us.

Yay, Disney might not remake the original Star Wars so Han Solo is Chewbacca's power bottom. Victory! Meanwhile every public school I see has a fag flag out front, millions are pouring across our borders, job numbers show Whites having fewer jobs while illegals have more jobs, etc. etc. But at least Princess Leia won't be recast as a Thai ladyboy.

Woke isn't our enemy. It is a tool of our enemy. If they are abandoning it, it doesn't mean we are winning. It means that tool has served it's purpose.

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Anything that reduces the ability of the US to murder and maim its way around the world has to be a good thing. It may not be a good thing for the Americans that make the planes, ships, bombs and bullets but the rest of the world will breathe a sigh of relief. The American people have had over 70 years to dismantle the deep state that Eisenhower built, and then warned about on his last day in office as a future issue to worry about so that no-one would suspect he had already installed it, ...... and they haven't dismantled it yet. Read "War is a Racket" written by US General Smedley Butler in the 1930's if you doubt that the US has been a great force for evil around the planet these last 160 yearssince Lincoln ripped up the constitution to attack the South. It isn't the left that carried out this evil over the last 160 years it was the US itself by ignoring its own constitution that forbids such behaviour and forbids a standing armed forces for all but short periods of extremis.

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Excellent comment!

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Goddamn I am sick of these philosophers, as if tossing in a few Greek words adds any substance to their hot air. No different than JK Rowling using Google Translate to make all her magic spells the literal Latin translation of English. Wow! Lux videtur!

There is not even the tiniest crack in the bell jar, just a new fuzzy toy for people to play with. No one ACTUALLY cares about this transgender stuff or "dommy mommies" et al. The only thing that matters is reducing the human population, and that is proceeding apace via a million different routes, transgenderism just being ONE of them.

Speaking of which, the other day I asked a group of people online: do you know a single person (including yourself) who HASN'T been ill in the past six months, including minor stuff like a cold or a stuffy nose? You already know the answer. And the fact that everyone considers this normal is proof that the bell jar is still very much airtight.

Do you have any children? Are you growing your own food? Are you drinking uncontaminated water? If no, then nothing else matters.

Go play your shiny games and watch your shiny TV shows and movies. And may your daily chemgruel ration go down more smoothly when some whitebeard pontificates in your ear using an elder tongue from the exact same system of elite overlords helps you feel superior to those savage apes in the forest.

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Personally I think this woke BS can be over analysed. It is a mix of post-religious fervour, a replacement world view, and as such borders on insane delusions and is incapable of logical analysis. it is a belief syetm. Dress it up how you want, and our social scientists try to, but it is madness - alas madness of the crowd.

I am the only person I know who has not been ill, and rarely am, though it would take a brave germ or virus to try to survive in my wine soaked system. Alas triple vaxed too, but no side effects yet, and CoVid free, but most people I know who have slavishly taken every booster have caught every variety. Anyway, no more CoVid shots for me.

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Take as a friendly advice. Perhaps you were lucky that the first 2 shots were placebo as they didn't have enough actual raw ingredients during the first 6 months of the shots rollout. But No 3 for sure was a real shot and the clock starts ticking from there. It's not an automatic death sentence, only for those who cannot admit that they were easily conned into taking it and then refuse to detox.

Also look upon it as a positive push to make your health better... in the rare instance that maybe the 3rd shot was also placebo, doing the detox protocols will just make you even healthier. My whole family in unvexed and as I figured out detoxed protocols to help others, we end up adopting the same for ourselves (at lower doses) and health keeps getting better.

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22 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

𝘐 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦: 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 (𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧) 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘏𝘈𝘚𝘕'𝘛 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘪𝘹 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴, 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘴𝘦?

I am 74. I have not been ill since my childhood - except for a broken knee. I never take vaccines or visit doctors. I was married to a popular GP in Melbourne. She believed in the nonsense they tell doctors. She is 20 years younger than me. Our daughters are 50 and 55 years younger than me. I was the only healthy one when the 3 of them kicked me out. All 3 of them had clinical depression and much else.

I eat well - lots of meat and chicken, no vegetable oils. I cook with ghee or butter. I avoid sugar and white flour products. I cook for myself. I am never hungry. I am the same weight as 50 years ago. I never take any medications. I never get headaches or anything else. One toothache every 5 years perhaps.

The allopathic medical system is designed for making money - not for keeping people healthy. It would collapse and go bankrupt if many people followed my example.

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I also have not been ill, I am 76. Didn't do covid, never did flu shots, stopped eating fast food years ago, try to avoid large crowds unless open air, take a Zinc supplement, and most of all don't trust the government and rely on my good common sense.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

It is all so obvious. I used to believe the Germ Theory. I even had a US patent in that. area. It got FDA approval as a "medical device"


Later, after doing some studying. I realised it was bunkum. Terrain Theory makes much more sense. No one has ever isolated a virus - let alone proved that it makes anyone sick. When people "catch a cold". It is their body doing a spring-cleaning.

The British tried for 43 years to find out how to infect someone with a cold - without success.


Germs come AFTER sickness. They are the clean-up crew.


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@Alfred Nassim

Far too many synthetic industrial chemicals originated in the last century which permeated commercial agriculture & human habitations in USA (and much of "the West"(®)) have been found to function as estrogen analogues. The effects began to be visually obvious by the 1980s, when many of us older people noticed the up and coming generations of girl children were achieving menarchy way too early and seemed to largely end up shaped like a pear rather than what the free range, non super model young ladies of our youth looked like.

Don't be too hard on the wife and daughters, they had some insults which didn't affect males as apparently.

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What's happening in America isn't necessarily happening in the entire world.

Fallacy of Composition


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I haven't been sick at 74 yo. Florida living I guess.

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@Sam Ursu

"A magician is a rule-of-thumb engineer. … And…a philosopher is a scientist with no thumbs."

— Robert Heinlein

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Good write Simplicius but somewhat contradictory. Initial part is in positive words about the crack in the Woke Echo chamber and the public defeats in the Game and Film industries. Then a part about ethnos and the inevitably trangressions of our society orchestrated by transhumans like Soros. The end almost negative about the End in US. Long write but short for encompassing all the issues.

The Evil force is stronger than you perhaps think. We are only in the beginning of an epic struggle.

I am not sure we will have X or Substack in our possesion in a couple of years. It could end abruptly. And then people will conform…

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No, we are in the start of the end game phase. I have been tracking various sectors in many countries for decades, and it's quite obvious that the call for action has come and most people are answering. If you are in the west, the MSM deluge may make it seem like a fruitless task but so many counter-actions are now obvious, and they've obviously taken a long time in planning and execution. There are many layers, the physical and also spiritual ones and the landscape is being upended - against the powers-that-be in all spheres..

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I have been following the androgynos propaganda in the 80ies, the ”setback” of homo-agenda due to Aids, the re-apperance of Homo-agenda in 90-ies and their ”Victory” in the new millenium. I have seen the ”we are the world” and Benetton commercials emerge into ”wir schaffen das” and millions of migrants into Europe. Migrants that turned to a tsunami due to US wars all over the World. I have seen the womens right turn to feminism and evolve to discrimination of men and marginalizations of Boys. I have seen the Homolobby turn into a religion with sectlike agendas where trans and gender-mutilations is the new Normal. I have seen the public sector vanish into the the DEI-madness where competent ,silent, people are pushed aside in favour of virtue-signaling womens with working mouth a la Kamala. We are in the midst of it - and slowly losing the battle. I dont see ANY counter-actions other than passive resistance (dont see Netflix DEI-shows, dont buy DEI-games). Meantime those sectmembers creep into every aspect of your life. The feminization of our civilization is forth-going. The new agenda: Toxic-masculinity, is deforming the future kids. And I talk about the Western world.

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

Your last sentence is what it is about: the western world because the east rejects all of it, even with a vew NGO's try to trickle it in there but the stubborn people of the rough eastern steps plus the asian millenial old civilizations are not subdued that easy by a 'culture' that's artificial made and the existence of the so called imperium USA is not even a blink of an eye in human history.

To put it all in perspective might help to see the futility of this.

Check on youtube the growing channels that fight this madness in the west itself, promoting men being men again and showing to women the selfdestructive results of what they celebrated as fight against toxic masculinity.

I keep being optimistic that insanity is unable to fight the laws of logic and nature.

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That is good, Sailor! Optimism and hope is always needed. I am too old - will never see the Change.

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Erm, the deep state really backed itself into a corner... let Trump be elected, and he has genuine grudges to settle... deny him the presidency again, and everyone will know the US system is fully illegitimate and it becomes a free-for-all. They no longer have a viable pathway out without significant parts being kiboshed. And all that is happening by this year-end. We live in very interesting times... thank goodness the neuro-degeneration from all the jabberwockies is making them too stupid to save their own skins..

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I see counter-action, Wukong Black Myth is part of it. I'll try to elaborate in another comment but it isn't just a computer game with a monkey protagonist, it has deep cultural and philosophic roots.


It is in an important way a Chinese game created by a Chinese company based on Chinese legends, but in another way it is also ironically multi-cultural and international, Buddhist and Taoist, Chinese and Indian.

So, keep your lanterned jawed chin up and don't despair ! All this too shall pass.

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One small step for Man, a big leap for Mankind….

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Part of the next step is to understand who *ultimately* is responsible for this state of affairs we are facing *at this point in history*. I.e., which demographic is at the tip top of the predatory 1% food chain hellbent on tearing out the copper wiring of our society? Per Sun Tzu, if you can't ID your *bottom line* enemy, how are you ever going to successfully take them out?

Post October 7, that cabal's mask is off and people are shocked at the bald evil before us -- and thus ready to open that door which has for so long remained verboten to explore.

America Is a Gentile Nation

So why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?


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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs ago

I think this is the result of an unholy alliance between the likes of Soros (though to be clear I am no anti-Zionist conspiracy theorist) and foreign policy spooks in the US. Back in the early 2000s there was already a lot of noise and supposed research supporting new internet projects like micro-loans in developing nations focused on women. The idea was that to develop the developing nations you needed to bypass the men, who were described as tending to be less productive, aggressive, etc. This movement pointed at marquee projects like micro-loans in Bangladesh or Pakistan giving women sewing machines so that they could free themselves from the yoke of a backward society. Similarly, I read a lot of Soros's publications and he talks about this quite a bit: his philanthropic efforts are often motivated by his experiences with tyranny in the ww2 era, so the conclusion was that by investing in women we are avoiding ww3 and developing nations in a way that leads to peace.

I think what happened though was that by the philanthropists dumping a lot of money into NGOs operating around the world, the US / CIA / NSA / clandestine neocon clubs ... "foreign policy spooks" jumped on this network to use it for their own purposes, amplifying it through Western media channels. As Scott Ritter rightly points out, pushing the woke agenda, whether it be feminisation or anything else, causes debates in corporations and governments in foreign countries, which allows leaders to be controlled. This happened already in a number of countries to varying degrees of success, the most recent I think being in Slovakia with the attempted assassination of anti NATO expansionist premier Robert Fico by a woke radical.

However, I think the ultimate thrust of these movements was towards Russia. When Russia closed its doors to the West and decided to invade Ukraine, it was I think a decision to end Russian aspirations to develop in cooperation with the West, burning the bridges and essentially tying up loose ends (Ukraine). Once Russia has made sure that Kiev is not a NATO vassal, is toothless, and predominantly ethnic Russian areas are returned to the motherland, I think that is when it will end. But a consequence of this is that the cost/reward balance of the woke movement changed in the perspective of the US foreign policy spooks, I speculate. (By cost/reward, the Western elites are perfectly willing to sacrifice their own societal values and populations for their own interests)

I did predict that as soon as the Russians invade, the plug will be pulled on woke movement funding. This is of course wonderful news for the majority of us, but is also throwing the existing leaders in Europe and elsewhere under a bus. Corporations, media, and leaders on the DEI ticket (Keir Starmer, Justin Trudeau looking at you) are going to be scrambling for survival, as Simplicius here points out regarding the gaming industry.

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"When Russia closed its doors to the West"

Russia had the door to the West slammed in its face. The door to Russia is wide open now for anyone who wants to escape.


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Yes. But Russia had enough and decided to refocus on the East and elsewhere. I see what Ukraine as a bridge burning effort by Russia in response to Western hostility and stupidity.

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“Soros (though to be clear I am no anti-Zionist conspiracy theorist)”

Soros himself is an anti-Zionist conspiracy practitioner, so don’t worry about it.

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I just watched The Circle USA and now that it isn't full of gender queer freakshow activists it is actually funny. Sometimes I like to lie on the sofa and switch off to some brainrot without some rainbow wearing trannie lecturing me about gender.

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Gumilev!, Bioleninists!... Wtf, man?

We don't need to create a new anthropology or political terminology to understand what's going on. It's classic divide and rule. That's all, baby! They are the ruling class and we are the wage slaves. Things aren't going well for our ruling class lately. They are very scared all of us might figure out they are the problem and do something about it, so they create cultural conflicts everywhere to keep us hating other wage slaves instead of them.

It's an experiment and we're the rats. You can get as fired up as you want, but a vote for or against trans is still a vote for the Zionazis and genocide, oligarchy, endless losing wars and greater suffering for us wage slaves.

They want us to fear and loathe each other.

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These aren't new terms.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

Considering it's impossible for either term to predate the 20th century, they're practically from yesterday, and they're almost meaningless considering words like them communicate similarity far better than they do difference. No different from the many varieties of gibberish verbiage belonging to the elite professional and liberal classes. Such use of language is a sign of the decline of civilisations; the affirmation of the terminal stage we continue to live within.

Like the prior commenter Ahenobarbus said, "They want us to fear and loathe each other." Divide et impera. The concept is thousands of years old; the term one that in contrast is *not* brand new, one that has enduring meaning.

Gumilev, in any case, couldn't be less interesting by the sound of his writing, considering it's all a many-decades-late recycling of ideas that had already been considered by many other writers and thinkers in the prior centuries. Spengler being the most obvious regarding civilisations as biological organisms going through stages of life, among many others.

It's the usual thought trap—another act in the war of ideologies that tricks people into thinking such ideas as wokism, Fascism, Nazism, communism, socialism, Marxism, republicanism, etc, are substantially different, although all fall within the confines of the past five centuries of Western thought and have more in common than not.

The cited rebellion against wokism is superficial diversion; internecine ideological warfare among a narrow group that isn't to be confused as "broad" simply because it's larger than the cyberbalkanised tribes using a Russian revolutionary's name to form new words.

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Well put.

I like your thought trap term. Used by smart-arse mercenaries to control and twist language with the appearance of knowledge; particularly loved by the media, bureaucrats advertising, public relations, posturing middle-class mediocrities etc. The kind of people Orwell imagined eventually just being within the one party - as per our present.

That isn't to say the greatest thinkers aren't making new insights and discretions: it is to say that as the birth of mass culture developed, reducing and dumbing down complex insights to the level of narcissism means, in the words of Marshall McLuchan: "The medium is the message."

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Well, color me oblivious—I had no idea that writing songs like "Crushing Skulls with My Warhammer" and making matching short films was such a dangerous flirtation with unbridled masculinity! Clearly, my efforts are a hazard to the new world order, where every trace of testosterone must be promptly neutralized, lest it grow unruly. :-)))

I even asked my skilled friend to make me a custom warhammer, so I can crush in style :-)))


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Look at that 2007 vs. 2014 picture. First it was captured by WOMEN, then everything else came in force. This is the primary socio-biological pattern in every single instance. Why do we dance around this?

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The moment for the current "globalist" elite is coming apart from the contradictions of each of its short term projects for profit and control; in defeat a choice to garrison state with what remains. Unless they can replace the meat-systems with their AI driven robots the current mode of organisation is a certainty for collapse as it lacks the necessary productive forces and resources; to reconfigure the population is at least a generation and the race lost.

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Excellent commentary, as always.

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No matter how I twist and turn it, I can't wrap my head around the logic of the globalist's idea of importing millions of migrants in the hope of having cheap labor or influencing a Democrat win. Most remain on welfare, are uneducated and will, often out of boredom and frustration, soon fall victim to drugs or become criminals (if they aren't already). Will they be going to the voting booth and vote Democrat in order to maintain their welfare status? Maybe a few, but I don't know too many criminals or addicts that bother to vote and the pissed off native population will be so outraged by what's going on in their communities, they certainly wont vote for the party that let that happen.

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they're known for voting for the same parties that make politics against their interests since they can - the brainwashing corporate media plus exceptionalism in every form is a power that functions since generations -> Bernays and Lippman spelled it out for whom wants to know

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The Blob doesn't need the Voters, they need the Ballots! You can count the "ballots" w/out an actual voter getting anywhere near a voting booth.

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Baldur's Gate 3 was a psyop - do you remember it? It was ultra LGBTQ BS - got all the game awards, got all the 'sales' - all the best 'reviews' (usually from players who haven't even finished 1/3 of the game).

Carrot on the stick. Monopolizing the gaming industry seems to be the goal - games are very important for social engineering. WEF agent said that the best way to pacify the population appears to be via video games. Once they take out the competition, social engineering program will commence in full swing.

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So games are the modern equivalent of the circuses of ancient Rome? A trick to keep the plebs distracted so they don't make trouble for their overlords.

The modern ones are also a very convenient form of brainwashing - two birds with one stone. Except the players are refusing to be brainwashed and are voting with their wallets.

The success of Black Myth Wukong would suggest the resistance is striking back.

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Social engineering via videogames -


The dominant entertainment industry is gaming, as in video games. And it is not even close. The video game industry is $200-plus billion globally—larger than all of film, television and music combined. And, to note, there are more than 3 billion active gamers.

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S i m P l I C Iu S t hE t H i N k E r

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U g L e D a R h A s F a L l E n !

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I was driving along doing a food delivery for a charity the other night and I saw something that I kid you not I haven't seen in decades and that was a group of kids say 7 to 11 years old boys and girls out chasing one another around on the grass with a couple of small branches broken from some nearby trees.

Once upon a time before "Woke" I would have cursed them as vandals but they were enjoying themselves and the tree will simply grow branches higher up and I thought at that very moment "it is good that they aren't indoors playing stupid computer games" ....... and then a few days later this pops up in my in-box. Great timing.

Seeing the children this week and then reading this piece about the broken bell jar the thing that then came to mind was that Oscar Wilde story of "The Selfish Giant" where in response to seeing the little child unable to get up into the tree to play the selfish giant lifted him up and put him in the topmost branches and then he set about destroying the wall that had kept the children out of his garden. That is what we are seeing today though many are still wondering if it is a train at the end of this dark tunnel, ..... it isn't.

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As an undercover writer/narrative designer for an indie studio built on blood, sweat, and tears, there’s nothing quite as sweet as hearing about longhoused IPs and bloated, creatively bankrupt studios eating shit.

No one wants this sanitized, anodyne twaddle—and the creators in the gaming industry who realize this are set to rise again, above a sea of anguished cries of genderqueer despair.

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