Great article, Simplicius.

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Aug 16Liked by Simplicius

As, expected, I too enjoy his Stacks❤️🐈‍⬛

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These guys want to kill you! Of course they don't like UBI.

Air pollution, Mandatory Deathvaxx injections, Deathvaxx sterility, Deathvaxx turbocancer, 35 million extra deaths, 35 million reduced conceptions, Fluoride, GMO, Roundup, agrotoxicos, Increase in petrol prices, increase in fertiliser prices, Inflation, starvation, Agenda 2030, Yale University, 33rd Degree Sodomy Freemason Mao 100 million dead, Social Credit Score, Digital Identity, Totalitarian Censorship, Jail for comments on social media...

The Russell Family of England who were part of the Banking, Drugging, Slaving East India Company Committee of 300, Founded the Russell Marquis of Tavistock, Tavistock Institute, the Frankfurt School, The Fabian Socialists, engaged Marx with his handler Ambassador Urquhart to write Das Kapital in order to create Socialism and Communism to take over Russia and China for the Anglo-American Empire Founded by Lord Milner and the Rothschild Backers.

The Russel Family founded the Satanic Ritual Sodomy Ritual Skull and Bones Society at Yale University.







The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire created an Unelected World Government - The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum is in the terms of Mussolini, Fusion of the State with Corporations, essentially Undemocratic and Facist. The United Nations with its partner the Rothschild Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum uses Fake narratives like Fake Climate Change and Collectivism to mandate Agenda 2030 World Totalitarianism The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires who worship Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Molech, Cybele and Attis for 10,000 years before Christ are in charge of the minions like Starmtrooper, Bidet, Richie, and Macron are all prostitutes, they sold out to Satan. And the Presstitutes who say that it is just the minions we need to change, that it's the minions who are the problem. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs and Warburgs. The minions have been bought by the The Satanic 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Black Nobility who came from Venice like King Chuckie the Turd. The minions just follow orders and follow the Satanic Rituals like Human Sacrifice, the Sodomy Rituals, the Castration Rituals, the Drug Rituals, the Whore of Babalon Rituals. This is all exposed in my 11 Volumes of Against Satanism, Sign Up! or go here... https://satchidanand.substack.com/p/throughout-history-seventy-two-empires

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Thank you for your facile risible drivel that says more about scientific illiteracy and your inept understanding of epidemiology while serving up some Alex Jones Kool Aid.

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When you are presented a study that “proves UBI is a failure,” always check the demographics. Otherwise, you’ll end up falling for disinformation and propaganda, like this turd: darkfutura.substack.com/p/universal-bas…

This is what underpins his entire position:

“In essence, the study gave $1,000 dollars per month to 1,000 low-income Americans for three years, with another 2,000 people serving as control group with $50 a month. The money was given unconditionally, meaning they could spend it on anything they want, unlike various forms of Welfare with severe restrictions on its usage. It’s said to be the largest scale experiment of its type in America, though there have been others elsewhere, like a well-known UBI pilot study in Finland in 2017. adamsmith.org/blog/schrdingers-basic-in…

The researchers aimed to answer a series of questions, such as: would the provision of free money allow underemployed individuals to take more time to search for a better job? Or perhaps seek higher education? Would it allow them to work less in general, and therefore free up time for other activities with a positive spillover?”

Alt-right weirdos think $1000 a month will send you to college? You can just say “I hate poor people,” or “please explain economics to me like I’m five.” It’s easier than doing these mental gymnastics. He goes so far as to say that a meager $1000 is “the height of modern egalitarianist Utopian delusion.”

Further, he is straight up lying when he says these are the largest studies. These two studies combined are incredibly small (less than 3000 recipients between the two of them). givedirectly.org/2023-ubi-results, if you actually want to understand UBI. givedirectly.org

These weirdos are always either lying, or genuinely stupid, and neither should be listened to.

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That specious supposition that is presented with a study that ignores other studies with different conclusions that are based on their own empirical data challenges the narrative. I think the entire exercise , and study is only there to reinforce a bias and an ideology that can be contested. Caveat Emptor with charlatans with their pretense at objectivity.

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Fuckin' nonsense. Provide UBI in the context of a non-Imperial state without the other ongoing fixtures of effective UBI to the MIC, finance and deep state affiliated programs that control our governments and then talk to me. Until then this and any other study is deeply flawed, through no factors they are able to correct or adjust for.

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Don't get me wrong. It cannot, absolutely CANNOT be the Soros-WEF owned governments providing any sort of social safety net basic UBI, but any study in this regard is automatically bullshit because of the MASSIVE socialism for the rich and cutthroat capitalism for us poor and middle class people that form the context for such "studies" - IOW it's all so skewed from the get-go as to be worthless or actual tools for elite power.

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Anyone who wants handouts and isn't actually impaired is a criminal.

You type just fine, so why do you want UBI to succeed?

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Handout, well I don't necessarily see it as a handout. The WEF/Bilderberg crowd to quote one Alex Jones see the "little people" as useless eaters apparently. And they love showing how humane they are by endorsing "handouts".

The idea that the state should go away, that capitalism would function just fine without the interfering hand of gubbermint is totally faulty, and convenient for the likes of techno libertarian "entrepreneurs" who love government handouts.

Russia and China have navigated towards a similar point, managed capitalism where there are transfer payments to citizens; health, family, pension, unemployment, etc. Technology will cause displacement and require management, just not the UBI as designed by the WEF crowd.

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When you are quoting the discredited Alex Jones while ignoring insightful far better researched academics than you know you have to go to the library more often and read actual books with concise arguments and not the ramblings of a bloviating windbag grifter who was exposed after Sandy Hook and his pitiful lies.

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Better researched academics, ha! Most academics start from their ideological biases and work from there. Trust the experts flew out the window with Covid. Did you miss that?

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I agree with you. Unlike in science where opinions change due to new evidence of verified and repeatable empirical data. Those claiming there are mass injuries, deaths from those vaccinated show us the science, and not the BS correlation claim is causation. That is not science. Governments had no idea what to do because there has not been an outbreak like this since the Spanish Flu and for decades vaccinations without the MRNA variation have suppressed many diseases that used to curse us. In some cases they did overreact Extensive lockdowns and wearing masks, but there has always been a level of quarantine during periods of history when plague occurs. If any country went overboard with all that it was China.

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Another clown who sometimes thinks the scientific experimental method is sometimes compromised because Klaus Shwab or Soros for a desired result. Where is your overwhelming verifiable and repeatable empirical data, peer reviewed by scientific bodies all over the world that endorses your conjecture? I am not talking about the odd one scientist You Tube Reddit, peer reviewed and discredited by use of the scientific experimental method. Find me a scientific body in the world that endorses the surmising of a claim that correlation is causation of deaths and injuries with hyperbole and histrionics claimed by some and get back to me with your facile expertise on epidemiology and the efficacy and history of vaccinations, that has improved the human condition.

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You imply that THIS ONE insightful and far better researched, yet a similar study was done in Canada, the difference was that the UBI wasn't below the poverty line and it wasn't for just a 12 month period, and the results were the polar opposite, the majority ended up in better positions than when the study started.

One of the things you have to understand is that the university 'donor class' load the universities with their hacks who make studies that say what their masters want them to say. It's just like Noam Chomsky pointing out that the only 'reporters/journalists/presstitues that are hired are the ones that agree with the people that pay their wages, they don't have to be told what to write.

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Alex Jones is a popular figure, and rather like Trump great at selling himself. It doesn't mean that everything he's said is inaccurate or without foundation. Most so called academics are establishment shills, so you're free to choose. I'm particularly impressed with Michael Hudson's scholarship, ditto the now deceased David Graeber.

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It would be useful to define the term 'handout' here?

Firstly, are the billions of dollars/pounds/Euros etc given in tax breaks and a myriad of other direct and indirect subsidies to create continuous mega profits for private corporations from Government classed as a 'handout'? After all, we are lectured daily on the myth that these private entities can stand on their own two feet without public subsidy from Government.

Or does this concept only apply to the rest of us whilst these rent seeking parasites get a free pass? Right now, the bellyaching about "handouts" is like listening to someone living on a flood plain in the middle of a hurricane blaming the dripping tap for the fact their house is flooded out. Support for those without the means to live - many of them who are actually working for wages so low that it is impossible to meet needs in a financialised rent seeking based economic paradigm - is a drop in the ocean compared to the largess handed out to the already stinking rich. Just where the hell are the priorities here other than punching down?

Secondly, it would be a good idea to read the likes of Adam Smith, David Hume and other chroniclers of classical capitalism who recognised the need to (a) avoid the parasitism of a rentier fiancialised economy which produces nothing of value and which does not in any way meet the criteria of Smith, Hume et al of a classical capitalist economic paradigm.

And (b) for capitalism to work requires that the State takes on the burden of providing basic services like health, transport, utilities, education etc which would stifle private enterprise if they had to take on those overheads. This is in fact how the USA and other Western countries were able to successfully develop a functioning capitalism economy in the first place, by the State taking on these necessary overheads via such a "handout".

A fuller explanation of this can be found via Professor Michael Hudson. Who also explains how the Chinese and the Russians, for example, are currently re-inventing this particular wheel which the Collective West has abandoned in favour of an unworkable financialsed Ponzi scheme where hundreds of trillions of dollars/pounds/Euros/Yens of fiat debt exist on nothing more than minimal collateral of any value. Why else do you think they want a reset and are pushing for a world war to destroy all this unpayable debt and start the scam again?

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First of all, a healthy society can and should engage in wealth redistribution and safety nets to a limited, reasonable extent. Social Security & pensions are good examples of this, and can hardly be called handouts.

Secondly, if you live in an unhealthy, exploitative society (as Simplicius explains), then you should seek handouts by all means. If we're ruled by rent-seeking parasites, then why can't we join in on the rent-seeking fun? If the game is fair, you should play fair; but if the game is rigged, fair play is for suckers, and you should cheat instead.

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Great news, another recruit to kill all the trust fund babies. Are you going to knife Paris Hilton first?

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Maybe AI can get her to knife herself first.

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So.. where's that energy for CEOs?

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Are you kidding me most of the wealthy parasites get their " handouts" in some form by way of the state . Take that tax dodging, silver spoon , child of apartheid privilege Elon Musk heavily subsidized by the tax payer.

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Excellent point.

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"Provide UBI in the context of a non-Imperial state without the other ongoing fixtures of effective UBI to the MIC, finance and deep state affiliated programs that control our governments and then talk to me."

Uh...isn't that begging the question? Severely at that. If you didn't have the MIC, finance, deepstate etc people would be able to live dignified lives that don't require UBI as they have many times throughout human history.

That's one of the main thrusts of the article: The troubles come from the deep state, not the decision on UBI.

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Of course he omits the many studies that have shown UBI works and does not turn people into idle passive slaves.

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So do you, apparently.

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Please provide references and please don't include any Soros funded BS studies that are written beforehand. Any economic system that doesn't embrace all facets of human nature and allow free choice is doomed to disenfranchise, or enslave, the people and render poor results.

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And also, "real communism's never been tried."

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Absolutely...We don't have to work, but my wife volunteers all over the place, and I also have activities to keep me busy...Both of us would go nuts if we had to sit around doing meaningful..

BTW, the notion that 13,500 would allow anyone to live even half decently in America is ludicrous...have any of these billionaires noticed that rents are through the roof, food is way up, and every other expense the same...In our relatively inexpensive area, the cost would be $4,000/month or higher..as multiple working young people have told me, they can't afford an auto, and they can't afford to move out of their parents' house on a 40 hr workweek....

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In a world where reduced production costs *actually* led to reduced prices it would be

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Or in a capitalist cooperative-based economy where extra profits go back to the workers, raising their living standards and spare cash.

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Obviously the rich have no incentive beyond personal gain for UBI

And the endgame of it is liquidation of the teeming masses of useless consumers once they become too restless in their Amazon Pods watching endless ads eating McDonald's

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One persons interpretation of “soul loss”. I enjoy some of Paul Levy’s work, the anthropological bend; the area I reside in is inhabited by the indigenous people, I am but a visitor…https://veilofreality.com/2023/07/06/undreaming-wetiko-the-nightmare-mind-virus-paul-levy-tcm-111-part-1/❤️🐈‍⬛ So very much enjoy your prose; GodSpeed🐈‍⬛❤️

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Simplicius

This seems to be aimed at providing support for Coca-Cola, Anheuser-Busch, Philip Morris, McDonalds et alia while more smoothly disengaging from the new & improved AI/robot piwered economy the useless eaters who used to plug their paltry minimum wage earnings into buying their officially sanctioned mega corporate shoddy, short term endorphin fixes. Remember when the Russian Federation in the immediate aftermath of the USSR commiting suicide made sure the old pensioners continued to receive their ration of vodka and tobacco? Same principal, less drive to cause unrest combined with shorter lifespan of those receiving such "benefits" equals $aving$.

Dmitry Orlov was correct, we are on the same trajectory as the USSR but about two generations later and looking to have a harder landing.


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Excellent video, ty for the link.

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De nada, Dmitry produced several oral AND written versions of his "best practices" presentation- There is one written version I need to re locate, wherein Mr. Orlov describes how a smart man "borrowed" a non functional machine gun from a local museum and parleyed the mere appearance of being heavily armed into a more or less "benign warlord"/indispensable fixer position in his post collapse town- Admirable if true, a positive delight if fiction.

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I agree with Mr Orlov, a very hard landing. The increasing list of the globalists failed projects should be enough to cause the vapours for any pollyanna.

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I have a large garden and am working on seed production for locally adapted varieties of non hybrid staple plants... It keeps me off the streets and out of (physical) trouble, plus eating is always a nice thing to be able to do.

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Deep, & dark. Thank you Simplicius.

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Aug 16Liked by Simplicius

Digging your claws in a little deeper this time, I'm happy to see :)

Let's break down a few core issues:

1) The "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality was first codified by Horatio Alger. And while it has a million offspring (including "The Secret" and the "Kingdom of Prosperty Gospel"), all equally falacious, it IS resting on one pillar of reality - prior to 300 years ago, there really WAS no way for people to shift up in their "social class" but now there are a tiny percentage of individuals who can. But, at the end of the day, it's like saying "play the lottery to get rich." It does work - but only for a very few.

2) As for the concept of the elites micromanaging every aspect of human behavior, see "Wrench in the Gears" and her blog for a LOT more on this. She calls it the "ant computer," and there are a LOT of very wealthy and powerful corporations/people/universities working to make this happen. And Sam Altman is just the tip of the iceberg.

3) While there are a lot of reasons why people support the building of the ant computer (see point #4 below), the deepest and most fundamental reason has to do with the nature of capitalism itself.

In short, capitalism is converting something worthless (fiat) into something real. For a long time, this involved expanding markets, whether it was new nations to colonize or pushing people to buy 10 items when they need only one. The problem NOW is that they're running out of markets. Already, even things such as air (rights) and rivers and forests are being traded and sold.

So what do you do when every tree and rock is "capitalized" and turned into a tradable commodity and there's nothing left to commoditize? The answer is: commoditize humans. And not just in the crude 1800s way of slavery where all you can do is buy or rent an entire human. No, that just won't suffice.

Every single thing ABOUT that human can be commoditized, including exactly the things measured in that UBI experiment: education levels, hours of employment, driving/transportation, hours of leisure, etc, etc, etc. In other words, a giant "Sims" game where you turn every human activity (including sleep!) and accomplishment into a tradable commodity. It's literally the last frontier for capitalism and thus, their Holy Grail.

4) The ant computer also nicely dovetails with other sinister impulses, including eugenics, Big Pharma profiteering, "do-gooder" impulses to corral the homeless and the "unbanked" back into the system, longtermism, and, of course, a totalitarian one-world government.

But all these are resting on the foundation of an urgent need to save capitalism by commoditizing human beings, including right down to their thoughts (see the "fun" WEF video on that).

5) It's a bit of a misconception that the ancient feudal lords of Europe (or Japan, etc) were completely out of touch with the "peasants." But today's elites certainly are, and the reason for their myopia is precisely because this is the outcome of capitalism.

Because capitalism ALWAYS means that someone gets rich at someone else's expense. You literally have to steal in order to prosper, and if you ask a truly rich person, they'll admit it's true (and that it eats away at their soul, which is why they always either end up repenting and making amends or drowning themselves in ever more gaudy distractions and vice).

5b) To be clear, I'm not a Marxist in any way, shape, or form. All I'm saying is that stealing from your neighbor to prosper is a doomed philosophy (Marxism is doomed for other reasons). And capitalism WILL come crashing down sooner or later. Unfortunately, surviving until that "later" happens is gonna be really, really tough.

TL'DR: Be prepared to be processed into Skynet/the Matrix or else get crushed unless you can find a hole to crawl in and survive until humanity throws off this cancer called civilization.

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I agree with much of what you say but not all, though much I guess depends on definitions. Capitalism used to mean free enterprise, which when allied to technological progress, created vastly expanded wealth and also spread it widely over much larger numbers of people, absolutely and relatively. However what we now see in the West (at least) is financialisation and an icreasing concentration of wealth and icome away from the middle classes and towards the top 1% or really 0.1%. Some might argue that this was inevitable, but in any case it is real.

My guess is that UBI is not a sinister method of population control but a sop to a population reduced to economic serfdom, in the absence of a clear route to personal and famial improvement. Like the author I think its premise ignores universal human nature which doesn't change. If you give people free money, they try less and work less. Welfare payments create poverty in my world. If you pay single teenage mothers to have babies and give them free housing, then it becomes an attractive career option for all too many.

However my world view is not shared the idots savants in charge. IMHO you did not need a study to prove that UBI is a very flawed concept and would prove counter-productive in every aspect.

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You are so right! Serfdom is the key. See what I wrote above.

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If people don't work , something is wrong with the social environment there. Also 1000 dollars means nothing. U have to give 6000 dollars per month to satisfy people.

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Good to see you smart people over here! Agree fully with your conclusions and I have to read about the Ant computer!

Where I differ in opinion and definition from Simplicius's thesis, that the Elite do not understand human nature and are independent from the peasants, is that they always do things on purpose and ulterior motives. They know EXACTLY how the simple human works. They have studied us for hundreds of years and use the knowledge to siphon more money and man hours from us. Wage work is a mild form of slavery (because slavery cannot be imposed directly). The increase in production that has taken place since WW2 and especially in the last 40 years has not reached the lower or middle class. Middle class people are literally working and stressing themselves to death right now. At the same time, their children are worse off than the generation before. At the same time, the 1% are extremely much richer than in the 80s. The idea of ​​UBI and you should own nothing and be happy is nothing more than a diabolical plan to introduce the Fifth Reich (the fourth is the US). Ever since the fall of the Roman Empire, there are elites who control knowledge who want to reinstate a world domination and slave society. Second Roman Empire had its feudal rule of peasants and day laborers who were later challenged by the growing bourgeois society (they in turn a product of the trickle-down effect). The basic idea of ​​the Third Reich was that supermen should rule over untermensch. Something that Great Britain could carry on unmolested until after WW2. GB was the real Third Reich. The US Fourth Reich is now based on super cheap labor wherever you can find it. If people feel bad, they are fed fentanyl or the milder form; drugs, entertainment and porn.

No one can make me believe that it is misguided kindness from the Elite or that they "don't understand" human nature when they come up with their social constructs. There is always a hidden agenda and ulterior motives camouflaged with presumptively good intentions of individual freedom, equality and happiness.

It's all about enslaving ourselves while we walk around with our eyes open, our hearing working and our sanity intact. It is the greatest manipulation in the short history of man. The "homeless" who have turned their backs on society have understood it. Ted Kazynski was one of them (who also wrote a manifesto).

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Yes,I thought that. They understand us all too well. It's similar to when people (in UK) say why are all these rich people making all our laws. They are rich,they don't have any idea what life is like for poor people. The laws they put in place aren't helping us. They're out of touch. They dont know what real life and poverty is like. And I always think - but they do know what being poor is like - THATS WHY THEYRE RICH!

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First of all, if so-called Artificial Intelligence is capable of doing everything that we do, then we are finished as a species, and the discussion of UBI makes no sense.

The second thing is that the so-called Artificial Intelligence does not even come close to our capabilities, therefore the real objective of the UBI discussion is to see if this is a possible way to continue lulling the population enough to continue supporting the present dystopian capitalism (where the exponential multiplication of money through money, without the generation of real value, is the only thing that matters). The UBI proposal represents a complete inversion of traditional virtues (see Aristotle) in the name of the "virtue" of "justice", and therefore it is quite obvious that it seeks to turn men into something less than mere animals (since a mere animal is self-sufficient) ..

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It's a fraud and a fake just talked up a lot. Doesn't exist really. Mind you,does actual human intelligence exist,lol.

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They just wanted to use this opportunity to further push the narrative we are nothing more than useless eaters. It is not only their moral obligation to replace us with machines, but also to wipe us out of existence for not being them.

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It is odd really that so many policies being promoted are anti-humnan. We need to save the planet/whale/environment etc etc but not promote human well being.

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As AFKAHuffy said, you are taking a policy that ASSUMES a decent society - one lacking in most of those insane and psychopathic rent-seeking and controlling aspects - and addresses issues within such a basically decent society. UBI in a still functioning society, fx Denmark, with high welfare, strong unions, a well-educated and motivated workforce, and not as dystopian a media and social landscape, will certasinly function differently to UBI in a catastrophically bad and crushed post-industrial neo-feudal warmongering hellscape.

One is the society of Heinlein's self-motivated 'libertarianism'; the other is 1984's citizens just before all-out war.

Leveraging this difference to criticise the UBI policy in toto, is probably due to inherent right-wing bias deciding "Free money" is always bad (Although rarely rent-seeking behaviours, which are seen as 'justified hierarachical exploitation').

People have given up BECAUSE it is the entire system that DOES need tearing down and replacing, it is demoralising, anti-human, and exploitation-beyond-sanity-and-humanity.

If the article had been written without the 'hook' of UBI, everyone not already addicted to brain-pills deadening the pain could have recognised what it described.

UBI was never intended to lift the folk out of poverty, although the lack of punitism in it would make it very welcome to the poverty-stricken - it was to make middle-class welfare systems more efficient.

UBI is not a 'targeted intervention' that the truly desperate really need, although a few not yet utterly crushed may use it to lift themselves.

When UBI systems are merely another pro-Corporate band-aid, the participants sense that. There is no psychological help, no help to get back into the ethos of working, doesn't create new and inspiring local jobs or opportunities, and with the most addictive technologies humanity has ever created all around us in every direction, naturally folk will find some way to 'fill the time' and subsist on basic essentials.

Heinlein's basic premise for UBI in the 60s/70s was that "People will get bored", and he was right - back then. He didn't foresee society being so STUPID as to allow the worst greedy psychopaths and control freaks to design electronic social media and home-computer gaming systems.

They are intellectual crack.

Think how much time Musk must spend just on social media, and he has many billions to spend on anything and any experience he could possibly want.

UBI is not really the problem, in its correct situation it really is an excellent proposal, and for sure even in a feudal system it is better to have crumbs than to starve. The real problem is the feudal system.

Rightwingers hate to think about that, generally (Although the occasional non-Randian Libt can have the equally rare Moment of Clarity), because they have been brainwashed into imagining they are "Entirely Self-Made People', and meritocracy is existent.

The West is in a terminal mess, and we'd be FORTUNATE to only have an epidemic of vodka-drinking in comparison as we collapse.

UBI in this situation is just tinkering - albeit Humanistic tinkering, considerably more decent and humane than the rightwing 'solutions' which also leave the systems of repression and exploitation in place, and simply adds more sticks to beat the poor down with.

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European as opposed to the USA system allows for much more universal state provision of things like education and healthcare, along with a system of welfare payments. Nevertheless it still exibits IMHO the defect of free money reduces effort. I don't think it is right wing to look at human nature. There will always be a tranche of any population who will take more then they give. The debate is setting the bounderies on what level the netting out process is set. As someone who has always been a net giver, my tolerance for increasing free money to others is very limited. If you make it easier to obtain free money, then these people will take more free money.

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Here in Austria, we had this debate about paying more into the system, than taking out. First, the "Elites" try to bring examples; like the unlucky person, having cancer and consuming medicine for unbelievable amounts, but getting healthy again. The reason for this perversion of the idea behind the social system, all pay as they can afford it and all get what they individually need, is simple, otherwise you would see, there are only very few people with a positive balance. Maybe 10% (ten!!!!!). The topic was removed from the "Elites" agenda very quickly, because the vast majority "feels" that they pay more into the system, than they consume.

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To some extent. It depends perhaps upon the society's values, and what is acceptable within that society. Although I've heard it is breaking down under the deluge of neolib politicians, media, and normalised Hollywood propaganda, when I lived in DK a couple of decades back, people on the wealthier end of the scale were PROUD to pay more than they needed to, and to refuse benefits they were entitled to, and that extended downwards. But they still have some remnants of Jander's Law then, and "Get everything for myself" was heavily socially frowned upon.

Unfortunately, "Rot at the top spreads outwards", and the Anglo attitudes to such matters are becoming more common even in DK.

Social pride can be a powerful tool to prevent or reduce such instances, it's not hard to imagine the Plains Indians looking askance at someone who only takes, and takes more than they need.

I don't think such attitudes are actually rare, among friend groups anyone behaving like that would soon run into a brick wall, but wider society has become more accepting of this greed as a norm. Along with the other indignities visited upon the general public, which have become normalised.

Of course, perhaps not a counter but a corollary to your point, is that the rent-seekers most certainly behave like as you say, and would have few qualms driving those they take from into homelessness or unemployment, and severe restrictions need to be placed on such Feudalist, anti-capitalist greed. Because they do just see rent as "free money", and will squeeze as much as they can out.

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So, the success of the scheme was determined by whether the recipients got off their arses and used the money to improve their lot by finding a job ? Very scientific !

One's self esteem & dignity may be dependent on providing for self and family, but every worker knows you have to park your Dignity at the gate before entering the workhouse...

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Two good TED talks (when it was worth something)

Build a tower build a team (Kindergarteners do better than MBAs)


Does money make you mean?


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The second is a must watch

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

I would recommend reading "Digni-Geld" by Prof. Dr. Christian Rieck, if you speak German, that is. He writes along the same lines about UBI in his book (it being a slight of hand by the hyperwealthy elite not to have to share profits in the long run) and proposes "digni-money" which is still used like sovereign money (exact opposite of fiat / debt money) in the transactional sense; the difference actually being that it comprises direct shares of the (more or less) whole GDP of a country or union. This way everyone can participate in the gains in GDP and money can at last work for the people as a whole. The problems with digital currency regarding anonymity and other issues persist, though.

Something like this is exactly what the elite are against because they want the spoils all for themselves while drip-feeding us rests, which again land at their feet while we throw that at the consumerist marketplace to feel better about the hole left in us by being "no good for anything anymore".

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Very interesting to follow up!

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UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME-PRETENSE The 'indigenous (Latin 'self-generating') way forward for everyone, out from beneath our colonial empire Oligarch masters.

EMPOWERING ALL HUMANITY LOCALLY FROM THE BOTTOM-UP TREE-ROOTS (Organized, deep, penetrating, specialized, capable & powerful) in all humanity's pre-Oligarch fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') 'INDIGENOUS' (Latin 'self-generating') TRADITION.

EXAMPLE: Mohandas Gandhi as part of India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'Indigenous' aka 'Self-sufficiency') movement, knew that real power is established in local economy. Politics follows Positive, Proactive 'economy'. India through the Economic Engine of Swadeshi was able, with effort across India, to achieve significant livelihood autonomy & ultimately 'Swaraj' (Hindi 'Self-rule') from 1917 to 1947. As a side effect by the first decade, just 5% of India's foreign controlled import-export economy had been reappropriated by the people through Swadeshi, many 100s of British, US, Canadian, Australian, New-Zealand Oligarch owned companies went bankrupt.

Our precious human task is to re-empower people in our communities locally with such as Community Based Private Membership Health Associations. The best model exemplified & advocated by 1st Nations still & all humanity's worldwide 'Indigenous' ancestry.

RECONNECTING MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS BACK INTO INTIMATE LONGITUDINAL RELATIONSHIPS MULTIHOME-DWELLING-COMPLEX All humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors cultivated true religion in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Village) architecture. In both privacy & walking proximity people cultivate loving, intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale. People know each other & are strong within this primary critical-mass CIRCULAR-ECONOMY-OF-SCALE (worth about one to one hundred million $ of earning, spending & infrastructure value) to specialize in one's field or profession of interest in systematic loving caring & sharing. This cultural 'fractal' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') makes all people strong in their family & 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') roots for all subsequent levels of human engagement.

With the propensity of women (& some men) to take responsibility in the DOMESTIC 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture'), this accounting priority takes precedence over INDUSTRY & COMMERCE (mostly male with some female). 70% of people today live in Multihomes with an average size of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people, but without our ancient indigenous knowledge about how to collaborate in circular economy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

REAL WORK OF 'NATION' (French 'naitre' = 'to be born')-HOOD 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute 2 trillions $ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/year, as Turtle-Island, largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions. All Humanity's Indigenous ancestors once mimicked the body AUTONOMOUS gene, cell, tissue & organ system with each part having neural memory & authority to act. The brain in contrast is but one of the body's neural Nexus, typically learning of happenings in micro-seconds after occurrence by each capable part. The stomach for example has more neurons than the brain, but is connected to the whole through its own digestive Nexus system. Its time for humanity to rebuild its 'indigenous' Economic Memory with bodily autonomy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are web-based Community-Circular-Economy software supports individuals, family, extended-family & community in recognition of each person & entity's contribution, experience, expertise & decision-making-acumen in real education & real medicine through:

A) CATALOGUE everyone & every company's talents, goods, services, resources & dreams intake form. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership

B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in the Tiohtiake (greater Montreal archipelago) region https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/5-tiohtiake-mohawk-placenames

C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

D) COMMUNICATE such as formally through COUNCIL PROCESS for creating Constructive Agreements & for Conflict Resolution. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

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I am amazed of the intellectual level of this thread! I will read all your links!

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

The whole thing revolves around mindset. I used to work insane hours for months at a time, got taxed an obscene amount because of how the tax system is structured and now after serious damage to the body and two holes in my brain due to a gang assault I am on a megre benefit.

I quite literally cannot predict what I will be capable of from day to day, sometimes hour to hour but I still have most of my tools and do odd jobs for friends, neighbours and charities. Fine as long as people accept that the job will be done when it is done so it better not be urgent. I don't charge, keep occupied and give something back for the benefit,(which I paid for over my working life),this means I and my local society benefit.

The study in Finland had a lot of positives but that was due to the inherant values that Finns used to be raised with. Look at how their penal system is run. It definitely could not work in Yankeeland.

Sadly 54 years of the Kalergi Plan being institutrewd as the template for the West means that irrepairable damage has been done.

It is a fact that The Great Cull is the ONLY answer and start again with EXTREMELY limited misceganation.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

"The truth is that the majority of homeless people aren’t ‘temporarily displaced’ or ‘underemployed’, but rather people who have voluntarily checked out of a society they no longer feel comfortable, or capable of, navigating. Even if you were to offer them a “job” and a place to live, a good portion of them would turn it down in favor of the purity of the wild."

The majority of homeless around our neck of the woods are homeless because of lack of rental housing, or just can't afford the extortionate rents being asked. Most are working. The biggest increase in homelessness is middle aged and older women from broken marriages. - the numbers are doubling every year, here in Australia. To buy a house in the average price range now requires a household income of well over Aus $150,000/yr! Those at the bottom of the income range are being sucked into the mire. Sleeping in a car, or friends living room is classified as homeless, but there are larger and larger numbers sleeping rough, including families!

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Is there still lot of migration into Australia? Prices explode when there are toooo much customers meeting a small market. Are there toooo much people or is building toooo slow? Here in Austria most people (and all "southern" ones) want to live in urban centers, with cracy prices (€ one million for a mid-sized flat), if you go to some non-tourist and non-urban area, you get a nice house with garden for less then €100K.

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That would be a direct consequence of social engineering: by making marriage into some meaningless contract, (or just a wedding fest with no strings attached, just a nice party for a day) that can be broken at any time, they have blinded people to the necessity of being a family no matter what, to endure, work on it, work for it, be a team. Marriage was not a sacrament for nothing. Divorce is completely ruinous for all parties involved (especially for children).

"Feminism" is so insidious: first it tought women to be independent and get a job; this only resulted in the fact that two incomes were needed to buy a house (and banks could get fat on mortgages). Then they insisted that marriage was just a free-for-all that was nice until it wasn't and it should include anyone and anything, and look who's paying the price: women and children.

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