This week the COP28 conference—also known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference—was held in Dubai. The conference is the extension of, and has been held since, the notorious 1992 Rio “Earth Summit,” where the infamous “UN Agenda 21” was first hatched. That makes the CoP summit a particularly insidious complement of the global elites’ ongoing designs to create a ‘Final Solution’ of power centralization.
This year’s COP28 conference was riddled with controversy, as it was held in a country—UAE—that’s one of the largest global fossil fuel producers, as well as whose own leaders do not even support the fossil fuel narrative. UAE minister Sultan Al Jaber, who was elected to the COP28 presidency this year, made headlines by announcing there was “no science behind” theories that fossil fuels are related to lowering global temperatures.
In fact, he butted heads with Irish ex-president and a climate activist in a contentious Zoom call during the actual COP28 proceedings:
Furthermore, a ‘leak’ on the eve of the summit claimed that UAE used the elite hangout to ink secret backdoor transnational oil deals, which the host country later denied.
Glancing at the summit from afar, one can’t help the impression that it was more an elite shindig, where hobnobbing globalist haut monde rubbed shoulders and greased palms, and even simply jet-setted for the prestige and social cachet on offer in spades by the star-studded photoshoots pullulating throughout the event like pumpjacks in a wadi.

Under the airy sprawl of the futuristic Al Wasl dome, and through the scented halls of stately majlises, simpering British royalty chummed it up with consortium magnates and a host of aspirants from ‘developing nations,’ who sought merely to raise their own standing by virtue signaling their appearance in the high profile crowd. In essence, it had more the savor of a star-studded gala on the Riviera, full of champagne smiles and mingling laughter, than the somber tone one would expect from a summit covering such putatively ‘pressing’ matters as the extinction of the planet.
Meanwhile, Putin—deliberately or not—‘trolled’ the Dubai-hosted event by landing just a few miles down the seaside in Abu Dhabi, for the express purpose of inking new oil deals with the actual head of UAE, Sheik Nahyan.

But that wasn’t the end of the controversies. After much back and forth bickering, the summit yielded a new draft agreement that entirely excised the “phaseout of fossil fuels” directive:
Fast forward to Monday, with the Financial Times reporting that a draft agreement from the summit has dropped all references to the phaseout of fossil fuels, following opposition from oil and gas-producing countries led by Saudi Arabia.
Al Gore was in fantods. He hit the panic button about the event teetering on total failure, flinging fiery philippics about the end of the world:
As per this ZH article, here’s what the current draft agreement entails:
Triple renewable energy capacity globally and double the global average annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030
Rapid phasedown of unabated coal and limits on permitting new and unabated coal power generation
Accelerated efforts globally towards net zero emissions energy systems, using zero and low carbon fuels well before or by around mid-century
Accelerating zero and low emissions technologies, including renewables, nuclear, abatement and removal technologies, including such as carbon capture and utilisation and storage, and low carbon hydrogen production, to enhance efforts in substitution of unabated fossil fuels
Reducing both consumption and production of fossil fuels, in a just, orderly and equitable manner, so as to achieve net zero by, before, or around 2050 in keeping with the science
Accelerating and substantially reducing non-CO₂ emissions, including, in particular, methane emissions globally by 2030
Accelerating emissions reductions from road transport through a range of pathways, including development of infrastructure and rapid deployment of zero and low-emission vehicles
Phaseout of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption and do not address energy poverty or just transitions, as soon as possible
But beneath the sugar-coated concern and grand gestures ran a much darker strain of elite demands:
It adheres to the below initiatives launched all over the globe by Bill Gates and his ilk, aimed at reducing humanity’s ability to grow food for the counterfeit purpose of cutting carbon emissions:
The fact is, despite their tedious pandering and virtue signaling, the elites staged one of the great hypocrisies of recent times:
Just listen to the tonedeaf COP28 speech of ‘King’ Charles below, as he agonizes over supposed ‘existential threats,’ while only weeks ago pushing for new oil and gas field explorations:
The shrill tenor these hidebounds managed to coordinate at the event was at times breathtaking to behold. Using it as a hammer to beat us over the heads with, they dialed up the fear to push increasingly restrictive new taxes, fees, and criminal penalties for anyone going beyond their carbon allotment.
Even the doomsday crow herself joined her coevals in shrieking up the climbing “climate deaths” now purportedly jeopardizing the world:
Dame Wonderlyin’ likewise laid it out, “If you’re polluting, you must pay a price”:
It may sound great on paper, as most humans have quite a different concept of what ‘pollution’ is. But what von der Leyen refers to as pollution is merely ‘carbon’. That’s right, the building block of all life is a ‘pollutant,’ according to the galaxy-brained bigwigs of the cretinous climate cabal. She should take off those polluting diamond earrings and necklace of hers, as I’m pretty sure there’re a lot of those dreadful compacted carbons lurking about there.
Charles goes on to call for the mobilization of “trillions of dollars we need” by milking both public and private sectors alike:
The truth, though, is that Charles and his cohort have been at the center of this climate conspiracy for decades. I covered the origins of the Rockefeller, Edmund Leopold de Rothschild, and Maurice Strong initiative, whose roots stretch back not only to the ‘92 Earth Summit, but to the ‘77 and ‘87 World Wilderness Congress, where the technobles first expressed their deep ‘conservationist’ bents. Charles, too, has lurked amongst them from the beginning. Here he can be seen pictured with a younger, though no less bald—or creepy, for that matter—Klaus Schwab at the ‘92 WEF conclave.
As a reminder, Rockefeller was on tape admitting to having discovered Kissinger, who became a personal protégé of his; and Klaus Schwab, it turns out, confesses that Kissinger was his tutor, which establishes the pedigree:
But getting back to COP28. At the adjournment of the summit, the UAE managed to seed a $30B fund called ALTERRA, while ultimately making a feeble concession on fossil fuel reductions. Not surprisingly, BlackRock is again at the forefront:
And the $30B pittance is just the first crumb, meant to attract a much more turgid $250B windfall from gullible nations.
Of course, even $250B is but a drop in the bucket compared to King Charles’ envisioned $5T per annum needed to “drive emissions down,” as per the earlier speech.
But despite the sanitized idealism of their press releases, the truth seeping from the interior of their global enterprises smacks a little different. For instance, as of this writing, another major Goldman Sachs ‘Paris-aligned’ climate ETF fund went by the wayside like a fish in an oilslick:
This refers to the earlier COP26 accords in Paris 2015, which saw the majority of the world’s nations lend token agreement to limiting the global temperature rise to the now-enshrined 1.5C.
According to the article, the average ETF fund gets over $1B in subscriptions, yet this ‘climate’ ETF managed to accrue a pitiful $7 million dollars over the course of two years—and a Goldman Sachs fund, at that, which are usually snapped up.
Zerohedge has been covering what they call the ‘implosion of Green investing and ESG’ this year, quoting hedge fund manager Jeff Ubben as saying that “traditional climate summitry [is] an echo chamber of diplomats.”
“It’s been this echo chamber of diplomats going to these conferences and putting out flowery language and goals, but it doesn’t have traction,” Ubben said, talking about climate conferences.
“There’s no money behind it, which is why company balance sheets are so important,” he added. “We all need to work together.”
What he said perfectly summarizes the point made in the opening. These climate summits come down to a bunch of detached geriatric billionaires, swathed in exuberant hypocrisy, gaslighting and guilt-tripping the rest of the free world into sweepingly destructive changes, while making none of the same exemplars themselves.
All their actions resort to being sickeningly performative, like when King Charles arrived at Davos 2020 in an electric Jaguar after having taken an inefficiently pollutive private jet flight there, then proceeding to shamelessly deliver his now infamous “we cannot waste any more time in averting climate catastrophe” injunction.
This hypocrisy is doubly interesting given the infamous revelation by a VIP driver for the WEF who admitted that despite Switzerland’s laws that all Uber drivers are required to drive electric vehicles, the WEF Davos summit prohibited their drivers from carting around VIP members in electrics, allegedly citing some vague ‘safety’ concerns.
What’s unsafe for them is apparently ‘good enough’ for the rest of us bug-fed untermenschen.
Some may balk at some of these, admittedly, passé low-hanging-fruit jabs at the elites’ hypocrisy. “Well, you can’t expect the bloody King of England himself to take an economy class flight on British Airways, can you?”
And it’s true, to an extent. But the problem is not with any one particular incident or cherry-picked highlight—it’s when you take the whole totality of the elites’ deeds and place them before the mirror of their words: there’s a mountainous discrepancy.
Also, the small incidents like that of the Jaguar wouldn’t be so insulting if it weren’t for just how much they ask of us; the burden the plebs are asked to bear is more onerous than many imagine.
We’re talking trillions of tax payer’s hard-earned money hyper-inflated away into climate boondoggles meant only to enrich a tiny minority class of wealthy climate virtue signalers. And that’s only scratching the surface.
Now, they’re dead-set on entirely transforming our societies based on mandates concocted somewhere in Brussels or Geneva or Zurich, in small rooms by even smaller scratches of squinty-eyed technocrats. And these transformations are invariably aimed at making life as inconvenient as humanly possible for the average, hardworking, blue-collar prole.
It would be one thing if they simply stole our money to juice their faraway projects, like they do with Ukraine, then left us well alone. But that’s not enough for them—they prefer to meddle with our every day lives until we submit our pound of flesh to their deranged schemes. They intend to reform the very fundament beneath our feet, rearrange our cities and societies in ways that make them not only wholly alien to us, but unlivable.
The plan continues on with recent announcements by several major ‘pilot cities’ to begin new draconian measures to curb ‘carbon’ expenditures. For instance, NYC, which has long been on the ‘pilot’ shortlist, has cleared the final legal hurdles in establishing their long-dreaded ‘congestion pricing’:
It’s now expected to come fully into effect as early as the end of 2023—i.e. in mere weeks.
Though it’s being dubbed ‘congestion pricing’, in reality it’s part of a series of interconnected plans to bring NYC within the de-carbonization fold. I’ve reported before about NYC’s plans to begin ‘tracking food purchases’ and residents’ ‘carbon footprints’ as part of this greater initiative. That’s because NYC, along with London and 11 other cities, were part of a major climate ‘declaration’, which makes them experimental cities of sorts, to be used for ‘proof of concept’ purposes so that the same model can then be mirrored in every other city.
The initiative, by the way, was created by an organization named C40—one gander at their ‘sponsors’ page tells you everything you need to know:
None other than Soros’s infamous Open Societies, as always.
The NYC initiative in particular will bring the city much closer to their “15 minute city” concept described in this video I posted before. It’s a slow conditioning of society to accept the total zoning and compartmentalization of their cities into a tightly-controlled panopticon where you’ll have increasingly less rights to travel about, based on your personal carbon restrictions and expenditures.
To clarify, the NYC congestion pricing creates vast zones in the heart of NYC where you have to pay $15-20 to enter during certain times of day, which is already on top of the $17+ tolls needed just to enter Manhattan itself. Eventually the plan is to tie all this into carbon allotments as a way to coerce people into living their life according to WEF strictures; for instance, you won’t be able to enter the offlimits zone if you purchased any carbon-producing ‘meat’ products, for which your carbon social credit score will be deducted.
Where does it all lead? How much farther can they keep pushing things?

'Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,' Dr Cowan and colleagues say.
'We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.'
You urge caution in assuming “human emissions” are negligible? What does that even mean? What exactly does this esteemed doctor presume to do about this non-negligible issue?
I suppose we all know the answer, though it’s not something they can freely express just yet. King Charles’ father, Phillip, though once came close to doing just that, essentially spilling the climate-globalist plot with a tacit smirk that says it all:
As I said, these initiatives continue to squeeze more from the common man while allowing the hypocritical elites to jet-set and hobnob without detriment to their lifestyles. The number of measures currently being cooked up to deprive us various freedoms and conveniences are endless:
How about this proof that the elites’ plans are never competently thought through: some states are now requiring electric vehicles to be taxed per mile driven.
Why? Because they argue that since electric vehicle owners don’t buy gasoline, this deprives the state of vital tax money—since gasoline is a major taxable commodity—so these EV owners should be on the hook to reimbursing the state for the losses.
In what world does any of that make sense?
The entire selling point used to rope yuppies and hapless soccer moms into blowing their salaries on expensive EVs was that it would make driving cheaper. But now they’re penalized by the totalitarian state for daring to undercut the grifter-bureaucracy of its hard-earned Israeli-Ukraine donation largesse?
By the way, if you thought the above story might sound kooky, the Oregon Dept of Transportation actually “fact-checked” it thusly:
Oregon does not have a mandate to add “GPS trackers to every electric vehicle.” Oregon’s volunteer program does not require GPS or other vehicle location technology. The OReGO program has a non-GPS enabled device that only captures miles driven and fuel used. People do opt for the GPS-enabled device, so they don’t have to pay for miles they drive in other states.
OReGO is based on drivers having choices. You do not need a GPS device in your car to participate and to receive the discount. I am happy to connect you with a member of our team to learn more.
So basically, what they’re saying is, “We’re not forcing you to get a GPS device. We’re planting our own device in your car which merely measures how many miles you drove so we can tax you. But the GPS device is preferable if you want to deduct mile-taxes driven in other states besides Oregon…”
Utah’s Dept. of Transportation official statement of explanation:
Utah roads are maintained using taxes from gasoline sales. As vehicles become more fuel efficient and the number of electric vehicles grows, the Utah Department of Transportation and Division of Motor Vehicles is changing to a per-mile fee as a way for drivers to pay their portion of roadway operations and maintenance…
You will pay [one cent] per mile, deducted from the prepaid wallet, up to the amount of the flat fee. Enrolling in Utah’s Road Usage Charge program gives you access to DriveSync® for Utah DOT, an app that makes your driving safer and more productive through trip tracking and driving reports.
This is now expanding to other states, including Michigan.
These are the types of overreach nightmares ‘conspiracy theorists’ had long imagined were confined to the grim and inescapable hells of countries like North Korea or China, even though it’s steadily becoming quite the opposite, as Chinese now enjoy more freedom in many respects than people in the West.
This insidious octopus of centralized technocrat control is wrapping its sinewy tentacles around every aspect of our lives it can get its suckers on:
Meanwhile, their press clerks continue pumping out conditioning floaters week in and out to make us amenable to their accelerated social engineering schedule:

It’s clear why after decades of climate scaremongering, it’s only now that they’ve begun drilling down with hysterical extremes like this.
The reason is this: the elite ‘Old Nobility’ of Europe has controlled the globe for centuries by way of their Western financial architecture. It’s allowed these small resource-less kingdoms to remain supreme by extracting profits from the rest of the ‘developing world’, which they’ve dutifully quashed and kept perpetually stunted in this ‘developing’ phase.
But now, for the first time in history, after a century of dogged decolonization throughout the world, the erstwhile colonized stand—for the first time—to break fully away from the centuries old system of exploitation and extractive slavery. The problem is, the way this monolithic financial system is securitized and leveraged, a single black swan contagion can bring the entirety of it down—it’s a sort of reverse RAID setup, for those familiar with hard-drive data backup systems.
Now the financial system is finally on the brink because the exploited nations have all risen up and the Western financial elite are completely backed into a corner. Once they lose their only system of control, they will never again be able to regain power over the global majority. They’re in the crucible of time, and it’s winding down fast. The only way for them to seize control that will ensure continuity even once their age-old financial empire collapses, is to frighten humanity with existential threats into handing over the reigns in a way that is not beholden merely to finance capital.
That is the goal: to force national governments themselves to sign away the sovereignty of their nations. That way money is no longer the arbiter of control. Even when money crashes, they will have the signed charters to make any laws they want, that all nations have to legally obey. With the right wording, virtually anything can be effected under the aegis of the terrifyingly existential ‘climate’ catastrophe. You want everyone to eat bugs? Easy. You want people to wear devil’s horns and attend Luciferian rituals? It’s probably doable with a little ‘massaging’ of the climate message. Hell, they’ve already managed to tie LGBT to the climate narrative.
In essence, climate is their ticket to eternity—their final chance at survival as a ruling class. The trajectories of the financial system all point unerringly to terminal collapse in the near to medium term; it’s as unsustainable as a cube of ice on a palmy beach, as evanescent as a champagne bubble, bursting in a crystal glass beneath the starry vista of the Al Wasl dome; and they stand to lose everything they worked so hard for since the Middle Ages.
But maybe climate change is exactly what’s needed to rid the world of these parasites. A grand diluvian spectacle to wash away the technocratic megaliths and transhumanist corpus of their power structures, once and for all—to reset the world anew, afresh.
Maybe it’s time to fight FOR climate change. Say it with me now!
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Breathtakingly magnificent description about what is truly going on. It is a massive gaslighting, a fear mongering desperate last act. We have to remember this and ignore the trolls.
" The only way for them to seize control that will ensure continuity even once their age-old financial empire collapses, is to frighten humanity with existential threats into handing over the reigns in a way that is not beholden merely to finance capital"... That is the goal: to force national governments themselves to sign away the sovereignty of their nations. That way money is no longer the arbiter of control"
As Tom Luongo , a fellow traveller to you puts it so clearly- "Be ungovernable" In Elon Musk's words- go -fuck-yourselves.
A suggestion. Stop calling them 'elites' and call them what they really are: parasites.