The reason we live in a dystopic world is because we allow it. Humans here have to start thinking and acting for themselves. this is a free will world and while we accept enslavement and tyranny we'll continue to get it. We could live in abundance and prosperity but choose to let banksters enslave and impoverish us.
I live in a Metrickery country and while it has many merits there are some things just easier in the Imperial system. Having grown up with the Imperial system and then changed to metrickery I swap from one to the other depending on what I am doing. A friend I have in New Zealand wrote an excellent article upon this very subject that is well worth a read :
Measuring, mine (letting a single drop fall from my finger dipped into my cup of tea!) I can confirm you are off by about 100%!
Why don't you try it? Not hard to do. Also, what I said was factual. It is the measurement used to build the pyramids, for example, including many similar structures built all over the world for reasons we still don't know, nor how they seem to use similar methods.
I googled and it seems we are both right. For a drop to be a certain size you need to determine a certain weight or volume. So IF they had a device for making a drop weighing X, then the drop would be the same size every time, pretty much. But one can make different sized drops and they will have different diameters. Also, different surfaces will effect how the drop behaves. So it seems they had a prescribed weight of water to get their 1 cm and that part of it I didn't know. In any case, the old structures are built in extremely precise meters so the question remains: how did they know what a meter was over thousands of miles? Either they had a measuring stick they transported around from continent to continent or there was a formula for determining it. The theory I read was that it was based on a drop of water being 1 cm.
I just repeated my one-finger experiment and it is about 1 cm again. This time I took a picture: It's not a great picture but you can see it's bang on 1cm. Maybe I have the right size finger?!
My experience getting 1 cm twice in a row leads me to suspect that the way the water is collected so that it can decide for itself when it is enough to be a drop that will fall (!) is an important part of getting the right amount. !!
The end of dollar hegemony will bring about significant change to the US as it is forced to balance the books like everyone else. This will put an end to the rampant fascist military albatross molesting the planet. The world will rejoice.
As for a practical measure to change western economies for the average Joe - limit the speculation in the property market by only allowing people to have one house. If landlords want to build homes to rent rather than just monopolise the existing supply then they can be a taxable company or publicly owned.
Also tax bank interest at 100% and reduce income tax proportionally so the private banking parasites reinvest money into the productive economy.
So you want to destroy any hope of building intergenerational wealth and tax bank interest at 100% ? I think I may have misinterpreted the latter. Do you mean the interest a bank charges? @Why would they be in business? Do you realise that some of that money is paid to the customers of that bank in the form of interest on savings?
Better to change the entire tax system and then legislate to minimise usury.
A rentier economy, like the one we have, generates a form of neo-feudalist debt slavery and an entrenched financial aristocracy. None of it is fair or productive for the majority of people. Credit should be a public resource. Michael Hudson notes that this rentier economy has no chance against industrial economies like China's as the dead hand of the lords strangles the peons at every turn.
I agree Bob. I think that a major problem with these discussions is the fact that they are conducted using the convoluted and confusing rhetoric inserted into them by the banksters and financiers. For instance the average bloke has no idea that when Hudson talks about 'rentiers' he's talking about people who don't work for a living but live off the work of others. A useful word for that where I come from is "bludgers".
In primitive societies people knew if they were being enslaved or robbed. Today society conceals the reality with jargon and double-speak.
Obviously whatever a community decides to use to facilitate the exchange of goods and services should be created BY the community and FREE to everyone in the community. Ideally money or at least currency which is what is mostly used, should be very cheap to produce (as computer bookkeeping digits are) and FREELY available to everyone without cost.
Currency isn't a commodity, it is merely a TOKEN that society agrees represents real commodities and physical work. Allowing private banks to pretend that the electronic tokens they put in loan accounts are WORTH the full value of the work that has to be done in return for them is ridiculous. The digits are worth NOTHING. In effect what really happens with a bank loan is that community members accept them as tokens representing the fact that someone eg. someone who wants someone else to build a house, agrees to pay for it.
In fact under the current STRAWMAN mechanism,* the individual seeking to have someone build a house COULD, if s/he knew the true situation, simply write on the builders’ accounts for payment: “Accepted for Value” and have them submitted to the national Treasury for payment from that individuals’ trust account, After all, that’s what the bank does as soon as a “borrower” places his/her signature on a document (which is NOT a contract because the bank DOES NOT sign it). The bank gets paid by the Treasury instantly and then demands payment of the full amount from the borrower PLUS interest! In other words, on a typical home mortgage that goes full term the bank gets THREE TIMES the value of the cost of the house FOR NOTHING except the incidental costs involved in effecting the fraud.
I disagree, Barry. Once governments restart to create and emit interest free, asset backed money/currency, income taxation AND bank interest payments to unsecured creditors who think they are merely depositing their money in banks for safe keeping will cease because they will no longer be necessary.
Governments could and should create and issue money/currency to pay for the goods, services and infrastructure it provides for the community. That eliminates the rhetoric and rorts associated with taxation. Usury will cease to be 'a thing' when governments issue money/currency interest free.
THINK about it. It's absurd for governments to pay for provision of goods and services etc AND THEN TAX those payments in the hands of those who receive them.
ALL aspects of our current monetary, banking and taxation systems are ridiculous. Apart from the unlawful theft of the product of our labour these systems create enormous amounts of useless MAKE WORK and STRESS.
No wonder government FORCE all children to spend the potentially most carefree and joyful years of life in regimented factory schooling where they are completely indoctrinated and dumbed down so that they believe and accept anything authority figures tell them!
Anyone advocating for a balanced budget is loony. Here is a simple question for you: If the government spends money into the economy via it's operating budget throughout the year, and then removes all of that money via taxes and fees in order to produce a balanced budget at the end of the year, how much money is in your wallet?
The dollars you, I, and everyone else possess are the deficit. It's that simple. Balanced budgets destroy economies.
Now- can the government spend irresponsibly? Of course. Can the money supply be too large? Of course. There may indeed be times when the money supply is too large, and the monetary sovereign must reduce supply- this would be through a fiscal surplus.
The problem in the US, is not that the federal government has a deficit, or that it spends too much money- the problem is what the government spends that money on: The pursuit of global hegemony, corrupt gifts/subsidies to corporations, etc.
As to the rest of your post- I absolutely agree. Landlords (and rent-seeking activities in general) create artificial scarcity and incentivize speculation that drive inflation in costs all through the economy. End them.
I'll add another one- Planned obsolescence (the only type of "innovation" capitalism is capable of any more- monetizing waste and destruction) should be outlawed with steep penalties. This will bring down life cycle costs of everything, saving trillions.
"in order to produce a balanced budget at the end of the year, how much money is in your wallet?" Answer - money is debt. No debt is no money. Private fractional reserve lending at interest summons 90% of the money from thin air when people pledge to repay a mortgage with a 10% down payment. The banks don't create the interest to earn, only the principle. So to pay back the debt plus interest, you need to earn money from other borrowers or have Kenysean spending by the government to issue the currency, or default on the loan and go bankrupt. The only fair way to resolve the maths is to have credit as a public utility with the interest payments being the taxation that is ploughed back into the productive economy, which can then be re-earned to pay back the loans. At the moment, the US is taxing the world through inflation but this will stop as others refuse to accept green scrip for real goods and services.
Yes- I read Hudson as well. You will not hear any disagreement from me regarding credit as a public utility.
I was addressing the foolishness of a "balanced budget", and I am well aware of how fractional reserve banking works. That part of our system is what demands the ever increasing volumes of credit- you have to create new principle in order to pay off the interest, and more interest begets more created principle- and that is why credit crunches, that also almost always come along with demands for austerity (balanced budgets, in the parlance of people who do not understand how the system actually works) cause huge problems for the middle and lower classes, while concurrently creating huge opportunities for elites to buy up shit everywhere at fire sale prices. This is capitalism. It concentrates wealth, destroys any notion of public good, and impoverishes all but a microscopic minority, who it enriches.
And the dollar as the primary reserve currency is not going anywhere for quite a while. In order for a currency to be a the reserve currency, the issuer must have A) a very large economy, and B) a willingness to run very large, sustained trade deficits in order to export the currency. This creates a great deal of financial leverage over other nations/economies, but it also has the tendency to deindustrialize the economy of the issuer, and destroy the society of the issuer. The corrupt randroid capitalists that run the USA were willing to do that to the people here, but nobody else is so evil that they are willing to do that to their citizenry, and no other citizenry is as compliant as the US citizenry. Patriotism now means supporting the government, at least if the right party is in control (too bad both the parties produce the same conditions/trends, eh?). Also, I will grant that trade flows in US dollars is steadily reducing, but investment flows in dollars, which dwarf trade flows, are increasing. For instance, the volume of US treasuries being held as foreign reserves by other nations are higher now than they have ever been. You can doubt the dollar all you want, but as long as you have to pay your taxes in dollars, you are going to continue to work very hard for them. That's just the way it is.
I want this shitshow to collapse or be overthrown as much as a person can, but reality is reality.
I agree with your basic analysis but not your conclusions. Arguably the Petro dollar is finished as the BRICS begin to dominate global trade. After the coming global financial collapse the US will have an internal national currency and like all other nations, use the Globec (however described) for international trade. The days of USans getting a free lunch from the rest of the world are over. That will allow the US to reindustrialise and Third World nations to industrialise.
I agree but the situation is even worse than you state. Banks don't create or lend any money. The whole system is a fraudulent farce. Governments should create and emit INTEREST FREE all the money (backed by the full faith and credit of the nation ) needed to fund the community's needs. THAT is necessary to enable adequate societal and economic interactions to occur. From time immemorial governments have done this i.e they have paid for goods and services WITHOUT charging interest on the money they emit. The current fractional reserve system is totally fraudulent and can only exist because governments have been suborned to cease doing a primary government duty which is to issue money and currency sufficient to enable societal intercourse.
The current banking system is just a modern, subtle, enslavement system created by KM banksters over centuries.
The banks DON'T loan anything, they just put digits into client's accounts and "SAY" its a loan and call the clients "borrowers". Governmets collude with banks by using their exclusive power to exercise force and violence to force bank clients (who are the actual CREDITORS, because they PRODUCE real wealth using their ingenuity and labour, to pay the banks the money they fraudulently claim. ALL "borrowers" payments (including interest payments) to banks should be returned to them together with deeds and any other collateral demanded by banks.
Banks don't lend "deposits". Monies lent to banks are NOT deposits they are unsecured loans BUT banks don't tell customers that. That's why banks can BAIL-IN clients "deposits" and turn them into shares in the bank when trying to avoid bankruptcy. shares rank below secured creditors in liquidation proceedings.
After the coming global financial and banking collapse ALL government Treasuries will be required to start creating and issuing their nations' money. ALL nations' money will be on par with all other nations' money which will eliminate rorts and oppression of nations by dominant nations like the US. The process will be monitored by the International Treasury Controller and the global financial system will be operated by the Star Link satellite system protected by space force .
The real reason for inflation is that banks don't even pretend to issue money or currency to pay for the interest they charge so there's always a shortage of 'money' in the system so that banks must always pretend to loan ever larger sums of 'money' to enable some of it to be used for interest payments on previous laons. Eventually the population cannot afford to "borrow" any more 'money' and the system collapses. That usually happens every 50-55 years, /the current system started in the US in 1971.
IF (when) the fractional reserve bank interest scam is eliminated banks as we know them will disappear and inflation will disappear with them. In fact, because of AI and robots increasing productivity, inflation will probably decline to 1950s levels.
Arguably it's a contradiction to suggest that Treasury issued money used to pay for goods and services needed by the community could or should be issued AT INTEREST.
No I mean all of it. Financial speculation isn't real economic activity. This is how those goblins centered in the City of London maintain control over the world. Time to end it, permanently.
I agree. Luckily they can't fire financial derivatives at the rest of the world that have said enough is enough and they have long ago destroyed the social cohesion that is required to fight a major war by their divide and rule strategies and destroyed the livelihoods and skills base of those who used to work in the industries that they would also need to fight that war. They have shot themselves in the foot as they tried to shoot the rest of us in the head and missed. They think AI will betheir saviour but I think AI has other ideas in mind for these parasites, very final ideas.
I agree. The problem though is that humans on this planet are not sufficiently spiritually mature to live without money as a lubricant used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. The money meme and banking have been foisted upon our world by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as a means for enslaving and controlling the rest of humanity. Ideas about money, banking and capitalism are now so ingrained by social programming that most people cannot imagine living without being tyrannised by money and those who have lots of it (even though money doesn't DO anything, people do.
> The problem though is that humans on this planet are not sufficiently spiritually mature to live without money as a lubricant used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services
We are though.
But even if we weren't, we have enough technology where we can easily inventory everyone's physical needs. Like you know how many citizens you have, where they want to live, you know how much housing you need to build; you can calculate how much energy you need based on average temperatures in each area and so on; all of this can be done in a computer.
> Khazarian Mafia (KM)
lol. It's a hell of a lot bigger than that. Sure, the world is being controlled by maybe a hundred families. But only five of them are 'Jewish.'
I agree that some souls on this planet are spiritually mature and that this planet has the technology. And once the banksters are gone we will start doing what you indicate. BUT not everyone will necessarily be on the same page, so the process will take time and be messy. The release of all the patents suppressed by the US for the last century will also be a great help.
As I understand it, although the Khazarian elite may have been influenced by Hadranitee merchants and rabbis from Babylon , the elite embraced the Talmud in the 8th century because it was a good fit with their barbaric ways,. Subsequently most of the elite and the ignorant general folk migrated north west and ended up in Poland and Germany etc. But some Talmudic Khazar elite joined their brethren from Rome who went to Venice and established the Venetian empire . Later some of them decamped to Holland and then the City of London.
Rank and file Ashkenazis originated in Khazaria and about 25% profess the Jewish religion but are not Talmudists,. However they have been indoctrinated for 150 years or more to THINK they are "Jews" because their KM leaders wanted to appropriate Palestine. Ashkenazis aren't Jews and neither are the KM. The fact that they say they are "Jews" signifies nothing. Arguably only Talmudists are the KM and part of the problem. There are large numbers of Talmudists but only about 13 families are said to have the leadership bloodlines. And of course there are millions of minions and enablers who actively assist the core Talmudist leadership to coerce and exploit humanity.
Without something being used as money, no matter what it is, we would be reduced to barter which may work in a small village, but would be proved to be wildly impractical at a greater level.
Sure. Some abstraction over what is physically produced is useful. The problem today is that the abstraction itself is the goal. AKA the profit motive. It's anti-social.
Think about what 'making money' means, literally. Make it from what? We know what: thin air.
China and Russia are less concerned with making money and more concerned with making things. It's why we're losing.
The problem ISN”T using ‘something’ as money. At our level of spiritual development we have to have some system of easily exchangeable physical and electronic tokens to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.The problem is that the community should decide to produce the substance it will use as money and have its government PRODUCE IT i.e create and EMIT money, at community expense.
BUT the money and currency tokens need to be something REAL and must be issued INTEREST FREE and created by a community approved process by its government; NOT private individuals using corporate fictions to conceal their identities and to STEAL ALL of the value ostensibly represented by the book keeping digits they place in accounts!.
Think about it! Currently Governments COLLUDE with private banks by refusing to create and emit money/currency (which has been their function from time immemorial) AND instead, licensing specially favoured, privately owned corporations to pretend to issue money by typing book keeping entries into clients’ accounts for which they then demand that clients PAY the bank THAT wholly fictitious amount using real money that the client must earn with his/her blood sweat and tears, PLUS interest on it. That is adding insult to injury! WHY can’t you and I do that? IF the process is legitimate why can’t you and I or anyone do it?
Anyone who understands this fraud and accepts it deserves to remain a free range, wage slave, serf for life.
Only banksters supported by government get the courts, police and prisons to COERCE the population to PAY them for their counterfeit book keeping entries.The fiat fractional reserve system is fraud; and having to pay banks for their book keeping entries is ROBBERY enforced by government COERCION because they refuse to emit money/currency FREE of CHARGE so that the population can carry on normal economic and societal intercourse. That FORCES the population to PAY the banks or lose their house etc and even go to jail. That is why the fiat, fractional reserve system is FRAUD euphemistically called MONEY MAGIC . Anyone can type digits into someone else’s account and SAY it’s a loan of money! YOU could do it. But no one will pay you real money for the bookkeeping entry you put in their account UNLESS the government forces them to pay you by threatening you using the courts, the police and the prison system
Govt is the source of money in your wallet? Surely, that is not correct. Money is generated by productive activities. Govt does not have to be in it at all. To take a simple, albeit primitive example just to understand the principle: If Joe cuts timber, builds a house for Jack, and Jack pays him in either food / drink / clothing, or a bit more modern say in gold, that is wealth in Joe's wallet without any govt involvement. Extrapolate this to the modern era, the lesson is to get the govt out of as many activities as possible. Wealth / money is generated by the public performing productive actions. That is the source of money, not the govt. Govt takes part of this money from the public in the form of tax and then spends it back in govt services. The govt should only tax the public as much as is required for defence, law and order, and a justice system. All other conveniences for society should be self-funding. eg infrastructure, education, etc.
Arguably though, communities need some sort of governance structure that should represent community and for convenience, the community needs to agree upon some form of money or currency to be used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. IF they do, then it is appropriate that the community should organise and pay for, as a community, whatever form of money or currency they agree to use. Obviously the community needs to accept the cost of prodcing that money or currency INTEREST FREE, i.e. without charging interest on it as if it too, is a commodity. Many/most of the goods and services and community infrastructure needed to benefit the community should be paid for by the community using the money/currency it creates. Those who receive payment for goods, service and work performed for the community can be paid by the community and the money/currency so used can then freely circulate to facilitate social and economic intercourse.
Because the community issues money/currency WITHOUT interest attached to it the community will much more freely USE it which accelerates its the VELOCITY of its use which in turn increases activity and prosperity.
In such circumstances the community organisation (government) can always issue its own money/currency for internal community use and will only need to acquire money for purchases outside of the community. Arguably the community can charge TARIFFS on imported goods and services to obtain money for such purposes.
Law and order and justice are an internal cost which the community can pay for by creating its own money/currency . At most the community/nation might need to levy a tax of, say, 14% on NEW, non essential items to generate additional revenue.
Foreign defence expenditure, if needed can be paid for by tariff receipts.
The rest of the world sends us physical products necessary for modern life and we give them pieces of paper in return. Then we complain that they are not playing fair. Too few see the humor in the situation.
I agree that governments MUST spend money into the economy because that is how society and the economy should operate. The problem today is that Western governments DON'T create money (except piddling amounts of coins and currency) and COLLUDE with private banks for the banks to PRETEND to create and lend money. The fraudulent fractional reserve system has been sooo totally corupted that banks no longer merely PRETEND to lend 10 times the money they have , NOW they tend to PRETEND to have, lend and use much greater sums of pretend money. The CRASH is inevitable, and soon.
I don't disagree, except on one point. As far as I am concerned, the crash has already occurred. Look not at the unemployment numbers, but at the historical chart for the labor participation rate. That tells you everything you need to know (along with the massive numbers of homeless). We live in a full-on rentier economy- that which Adam Smith warned about, and that which Marx pointed out was actually incentivized within this system. People have been turned into livestock- and if you do not believe that, take a look at our prison system. We have 3% of the global population, yet we have 25% of the global prison population, and that does not include those on probation/parole. Prisons, along with policing, have been turned into profit centers, and that is why the security state is the only part of the economy producing any innovation in this society. Elites absolutely refuse to allow the actual productive economy to exist, because that is the economy that empowers the people. All of this was predicted, long ago, and the American people were either prevented from being exposed to this fact, or propagandized to the point where they fear acquiring the information.
Welcome to the collapse of America. It is here, and we are living it.
I agree with your assertions Arkady in that the collapse of the US polity and economy has been in progress for years AND that process is also occurring throughout the West. My point though, is that the collapse is not apparent to many (most) Normies in the US and the West and it won't be, untill the US military allows global stock markets and the banking system to publicly implode.SO THAT EVERYONE WILL SEE IT and the MSM won't be able to pretend otherwise. Although most ordinary people are not heavily invested in the stock market, huge numbers will notice it when housing prices halve or worse.
As I understand it, this overt collapse HAS to occur but the Global Alliance military will then remove all governments and temporarily assume control in most places to alleviate the situation.
Arguably everyone has to "LIVE IT" and especially the wealthy, the politicians and the bureaucrats, not just the masses.
A bit of oversimplification there. The “implosion” of the US economy can only arrive by exogenous factors. It won’t be a sudden event (which “implosion” implies) — the steadily growing decoupling from the dollar system by other countries will mean the secular rise of US (and G7) interest rates over time through the higher cost of Treasury borrowing (even allowing that the Fed will buy most of the bond auction). There is no escape from this, though the government and media will continue to distract us from this reality.
Ordinarily the US dollar decline would not be sudden but arguably this time it's different. The Fed is defunct and on life support within the US Treasury. The Rothschilds' banksters are no longer in control of it or the global Central banking system. The current fiat Petro-dollar system has reached it's use by date and the Trumpian controllers of the US Treasury will pull the plug on the sytem when they decide it's most appropriate. That will be sudden.and probably coincide with the collapse of the fake Biden Administration and all global governments.
“If the government spends money into the economy via it's operating budget throughout the year, and then removes all of that money via taxes and fees in order to produce a balanced budget at the end of the year, how much money is in your wallet?”
How is this description a balanced budget? Maybe I miss something, but is not the government spending in a balanced budget based on what has already been collected in the prior year rather than the next year?
Admittedly it’s not like a household budget, but what we have now is ludicrous, don’t you agree? Could it EVER be repaid?
Do not confuse physical wealth with currency. Currency is a form of wealth (or you can consider it a debt owed to the holder of the currency, if you like, but it is still an asset and a form of wealth), but not all wealth is currency. The citizenry can create wealth by digging up resources, or adding value to those resources, but it cannot create currency. Only the monetary sovereign creates currency. So by spending into the economy, via purchasing goods, services, or paying employees, the fed gov injects the currency into the economy. Currency is created by the currency issuer, and then injected into the economy for the use by the citizenry, state and municipal governments. Currency is basically a commodity that the citizenry trades goods, services, and labor to acquire. Currency is not raised by taxes (in the case of the federal government- states, counties, and municipalities are a different matter, as they are not the monetary sovereign). The taxes did not come first, and the government does not need taxes to fund it's activities (no matter how much some people wish you to believe otherwise). Taxes DO serve several functions however, the most important of which is driving demand for the currency. The fact that we all must pay our taxes with dollars created by the government means that we must all work to acquire those dollars, or not to put too fine a point on it- we go to jail. The so-called confidence fairy is not what makes us seek dollars- it is the requirement to pay taxes in dollars that forces us to acquire dollars.
So again- before the federal government can tax the dollars in your account, it must first create those dollars and spend them into the economy, so that you can then acquire them.
A balanced budget is simply a balance between what the federal government first spends and what it then taxes in a fiscal year (or the following fiscal year to be more precise). So if the federal government were to tax away everything it spent, then after collecting those taxes, there would be no money circulating. Balanced budgets are deflationary. Now before you assume deflation to be a positive. Imagine buying raw materials and then adding value to them during manufacturing, and selling the finished good for the same or less than the cost of the raw materials, or buying a calf, raising it to a full grown cow, and selling it for less than what you paid for the calf- these things actually occurred in early America. Inflation is problematic, but deflation is even more problematic.
Again, the myth is that the government acquires dollars via taxation, but that is not so, because the citizenry cannot create dollars, the federal government has the monopoly on that right (even if it licenses it to the federal reserve).
Now- a note about treasury bonds, because I am sure someone will bring that up. Those bonds are a convenience for those who wish to buy them. They get to collect interest with absolutely zero risk. The government does not NEED to borrow money. Case in point- whenever congress approves spending, this triggers a series of bond auctions by the fed. The fed then transfers the proceeds to the treasury for the government to spend, but understand that at every bond auction there is always a huge shortfall in bids-the majority of the bonds are simply not purchased by anyone. So where does the money come from to purchase those bonds? The federal reserve creates it via keystrokes- Poof! The created cash then goes to the treasury for use. The currency used to purchase those bonds (not purchased at the bond auction) is created from thin air. People can get as mad as they want about this, but this is how the system actually works. This is not some theory. All of this information is freely available, but there are interests that want you to believe that the system works differently, because they do not want you to exercise democratic control over it (and undermining democratic control was one of the motivations for the federal reserve act).
I will not deny that what we have is ludicrous- but to me the ludicrous aspect is what the government (or more accurately, what the corporate oligarchy that has corrupted and controls the government) chooses to do with the federal budget. Instead of providing for the general welfare, the federal budget is used to enrich a small minority, and enslave the rest of us.
Could the debt be repaid? Absolutely- Congress simply has to pass the legislation. All congress has to do is order the treasury to create and deposit the funds at the fed to pay it off, or order the fed to do so in place of the treasury. Again- there are powers that wish you to believe this is not possible, but that is the mechanism.
I realize that this is pushing out way too far into edge city for most of you to hear but, this world is meant to be a 'stepping off place' into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
Until we recognize this everything will just continue on to it's inevitable conclusion - a Totalitarian One World Government, a Microchipped Population and an Electronic Central Banking System .
I disagree. While it's true that our physical existence in the materium IS where we will eventually learn to understand life the universe and everything and evolve into wholly spiritual beings in the eternal reality of 'No Time', the process is veryyy long. Meanwhile the Totalitarian One World Government, KM organised Microchipped Population controlled by an electronic Central banking system is being REJECTED by a critical mass of the population that THINKS and seeks spiritual evolvement. They and this planet, will get what they want. Those who don't want that will get what they want.
Although it may not be obvious, Trump, Putin, Xi and their many supporters including the Global Military Alliance HAVE GOT THIS!
In due course ALL governments globally will be replaced by the Global Military Alliance under Universe Management control and they will install a Millennial governance arrangement that will indeed constitute a form of Global Government BUT it will be divinely directed spiritual governance.
And 'yes' there will be a global financial system but it will be unhackable and organised by the International Treasury Controller. Each nation will create and issue its own asset backed money and currency that will be INTEREST FREE and on par value with all other national money/currency,
That will result in almost instant global prosperity and poverty elimination because 95% of the wealth generated by human ingenuity and labour will cease being stolen by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) banksters, their corporatist mates and their political and other minions and enablers.
The 'process' need not take 'veryyy' long, necessarily...
Evolution takes a long time, but for those who have the eyes to see it, 'the eternal reality of no time' is ever present and always available.
I have a lot more confidence in the Australian Aboriginies 'Dream Time ' then I ever will in the possibility that, "Trump, Putin, Xi and their many supporters including the Global Military Alliance", have got 'this' or much of anything else!
The three of them would stab each other in the back at the slightest perceived provocation and the 'Global Military Alliance '?
I think I'll stick to the pop groups before I'd trust that crowd!
I disagree. POP groups that pontificate about the "material world" using thousands of dollars worth of equipment to do it are full of shit.
The political solution lies in the population spending more time and mental muscle on THINKING about and understanding the world they live in so that they can change it for the better. NO ONE except criminals will want the political world we live in once they understand it. The political solution will follow the population developing a spiritual understanding and solution to living.
I see your point Ron about the wealthy pop groups.
Sometimes though, despite the quality or worthiness of the 'messengers', the quality of the message itself may sometimes be expressed in 'pop culture'.
Setting that aside for a moment, it's your last sentence that I feel the closest connection to, although I'm not sure what that particular political solution would look like? Perhaps some form of 'holding all things in common' that wasn't at the same time the 'Godless Communism'' that has been the only variety that we have seen in a long time?
Steven, I agree some song writers were very perceptive.
The reason we can't see the genuine communal solutions to our current societal dystopia is that we have been manipulated, enslaved and impoverished as well as dumbed down intellectually and spiritually by mind control mechanisms for millennia. See eg:
ONCE a community (nation) begins (as nations used to do from time immemorial) to create and issue its own money and currency on an INTEREST FREE, asset based basis, the impetus to hoard and use money/currency to manipulate, enslave and control others will rapidly decline because community governments will be able to issue money/currency to fund acquisition of all the goods, services and infrastructure needed by the community instead of paying private banks to pretend to produce the money/currency needed to pay those doing the work. Where governments issue currency for such purposes the only real cost will be the incidental book keeping costs which is the only cost incurred by banks under the fiat, fractional reserve system.
Thus the national debt bullshit disappears!
Price inflation due to excess emission of money/currency will not occur (unlike under the current fraudulent private bank fiat system) because inflation is caused by the banks charging interest BUT not even pretending to create the money/currency needed to pay it so that the banks must continually escalate the face value of the loans they issue until the system collapses because the population cannot afford to borrow any more currency.
Having a government Treasury issue the money needed by the community will also require that all current governments that are in fact privately owned corporations, will be eliminated and replaced with properly democratically elected councils. Such councils need to be democratically elected at all levels of governance and those seeking election must not be covert representatives of private corporations which is a widespread current practice. Also, the current practice of conferring PERSONHOOD on corporations needs to be eliminated completely In future and replaced by genuine community governments (i.e. genuine peoples’ council representatives elected by the community NOT PARTY members covertly vetted and approved by corporations that OWN the government).
Also, governments need to be constituted by councils of mature individuals elected by mature adults of good character using unhackable procedures. Corporate interest groups must be excluded from funding political candidates at all levels.
The ability and incentive to distort election and referendum processes must be eliminated.
IF the members of the community (nation) make the effort to ensure that election and referendum processes are genuinely democratic it would be possible to have a government Treasury create and issue adequate quantities of money/currency and have it honestly and reasonably allocated to fund the production of goods, services and infrastructure genuinely needed by the community. It should also be possible to ensure that Treasury expenditures are properly allocated , audited and used to achieve needed outcomes. If government Treasuries require adequate provision of goods and services in return for the payments it makes, inflation and the devaluation of the money supply won’t occur and full employment of the labour force can occur.. THAT was what Hitler did after he was elected in 1933 during the Great Depression . Within four years Germany went from the depth of depression to being the richest economy in the world. That was a major reason why Britain and the US fomented WWII.
Honest Treasury money supply will require that the community actively participates in governance which needs to be devolved to the lowest levels possible and subject to unhackable democratic voting and referendums, as appropriate. Eligibility to vote needs to be restricted to mature adults of sound mind and good character and all voting and referendum processes need to be properly overseen and audited to ensure freedom from vote rigging and undue influence on voters.
Routine social and political decisions (i.e decisions not needing policy decisions made by national referendums) should be made by democratically elected councils at appropriate levels and ALL council members should be subject to instant recall if over 50% of their electorate vote to recall them. Significant policy decisions at all levels should be made by appropriate referendum procedures. Elected council members at all levels should be elected to implement significant policy decisions, NOT make them.
IF governments do create and issue the nation’s money/currency supply they will not need to levy income taxes which are unlawful and must be abolished in any event. Similarly, governments that issue their own money/currency have no need to levy any of the huge numbers of taxes and licence fees etc currently demanded by governments.
It follows that in these circumstances the general population will quickly experience abundance and prosperity since no one would have to pay income and other taxes nor would they be fraudulently required to pay banks for their pretend money/currency. The result would be elimination of poverty, scarcity and want; lower stress and increased health and welfare.
The problem, however is that those monetary and the political systems necessary to make the positive changes you recommend have already been hijacked by those who have only their own interests in mind.
And, as you have mentioned, these same people have been very actively and intentionally brainwashing the masses for a very long time and have become quite proficient at it.
The chances of any sort of critical mass of people recognizing this fact and being able to free themselves from the mental shackles that have been subtly imposed upon them in time to make any real difference, in my opinion, are slim.
This of course, goes much deeper than the merely economic and political level and has even more significant consequences as regards our understanding of ourselves as Human Beings and the nature of reality itself.
If you are familiar with 'The Matrix', it can be a useful analogy of our present situation - the world that we have become familiar with is essentially a mirage whose only real function is to reflect back to us our inner state so that, within this temporary and extremely limited framework , we have the opportunity to make whatever adjustments to our inner state that we deem necessary, before either 'stepping into' or being ushered into the unlimited, Timeless/Spaceless place which is our True Home and will be our permanent place of residence.
This world is a temporary description that we begin to learn at our conception and which ends at death. We are meant to grow beyond this description, preferably long before the moment of our death. All of our troubles come from taking the description as the Be-All and End-All of life and trying to live accordingly.
To believe entirely in the mirage and only for the mirage can't help but give us the blues...
"We are luminous beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. We, or rather our reason, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime."
(Tales of Power)
The world that we have become familiar with is essentially a mirage interpreted by our brain as something 'solid'.
The first act of a teacher is to introduce the idea that the world we think we see is only a view, a description of the world.
Accepting that seems to be one of the hardest things one can do; we are complacently caught in our particular view of the world, which compels us to feel and act as if we know everything about the world.
The secret of all this is one's attention. All of this exists only because of our attention.
The world that we have become familiar with only exists because we have been conditioned to give our attention to it in the form of the world as we have come to know it.
This limited framework with its very strict laws makes our passage through life recognizable but becomes a trap for our attention turning what is merely a useful description into a prison.
Had we been properly educated we would have learned by now that this description of the world is much more fluid and flexible than what we have been led to believe; that this world is meant to be a 'stepping off place'into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
I agree that this planet’s monetary and political systems have been hijacked and that the brainwashed masses have been so thoroughly mind controlled that getting a critical mass of individuals ‘up to speed’ to free themselves from their programming and cognitive dissonance seems slim.
I suspect that where we differ is that I don’t assume that many, if any, of those here who have not yet ‘stepped into’ the unlimited ‘Timeless/Spacetime place’ will be able to do that in the near term.
As I see it, this planet currently has inhabitants that have varying levels of consciousness. It seems that perhaps 30-50% of her inhabitants are unensouled due to diabolical DNA manipulation resulting in them lacking creativity and thinking ability. Such individuals are sometimes called Non Player Characters (NPRs). In addition some are new souls who have very limited experience in human form and hence they are rather clueless. Old souls are more able to perceive life here as it is but most are probably so brainwashed that their cognitive dissonance may prevent them admitting to themselves the meaning of what’s happening to and around them.
I’m also told there are perhaps 200 million or more ‘Star Seeds’ here who are ascending spirits who have come from the 5th dimension (5d) or above to assist Gaia and her inhabitants to make the journey through 4d into 5d. Those ascending spirits who have incarnated here for that purpose are apparently also accompanied by some descending (angelic) spirits here for the same purpose. For instance I’ve been told that Whitney Huston was an angelic spirit who came in that role.
) also indicates, very reasonably in my view, that the reincarnation process is a very long one and that once a spirit has traversed this local universe and its super universe to meet with the Creator, they return to the Creation to assist with its administration and management. Consequently I don’t expect that huge numbers of Gaia’s current 4d population will even make their transition to 5d in the near future and when they do I assume that their journey through higher dimensions will take lots of time and many more incarnations.
Arguably your Matrix analogy is a good one since our more rational scientists are starting to acknowledge that the cosmos is created by conscious thought of the Creator and hence all matter is manifested by thought. It follows that all matter has an element of consciousness and in many ways life is a constant manifestation. BUT arguably it is real in the sense that thought has actually manifested matter. And matter is needed to enable us to have experiences in the sense that, as Bruce Lipton says, if we were not physical manifestations, how could we taste chocolate?
As regards your pessimism about it being unlikely that a critical mass of ensouled beings here will free themselves from their mind controlled cognitive dissonance; I assume that problem is the reason we are experiencing such a prolonged period of socio-political dystopia and environmental chaos. That experience is apparently needed is give us sufficient time and negative experiences to cause a significant number of people to wake up to the absurdity and criminality of our governance arrangements. The impression seems to be that in many nations greater numbers of people need to wake up to prevent the risk of civil wars occurring when governments and societal elites are removed from power and prosecuted for their crimes.
But in any event the matrix of control put in place by the KM over centuries is being dismantled as we speak regardless of whether or not a critical mass of people in every nation understands the reason for it or not.
Not convinced the Fed has as much power as many think.
Treasury calls the shots and Fed another instrument of maintaining US dollar over-valuation along with WB and IMF etc.
My view: Fed will be used to create higher inflation as US monetizes debt for the next few years and will then take the blame and the "End the Fed" people will get their wish. After the fact.
As long as USG fights to defend international role of USD, the Fed is crucial, and will only end with by political decree.
I think that the decision is already made. The ONLY reason the Petrodollar still exists is because BRICS+ are maintaining it in order to allow some financially smaller countries the chance to redeem their now worthless Yankee securities and hopefully get their gold back. The latter is a forlorn hope in many cases as Yankeeland just arbitrary seizes a countries gold as it sees fit. There is also the fact that BRICS+ does not want a global financial meltdown.
Yankeeland is backed into a corner right now as are most of its NATO puppets. BRICS+ WILL pull the plug on the Petrodollar soon and when they do the Yankee Dollar will collapse.
The hope is it will be before Yankeeland starts WW III as a panacea for its woes.
Except that after the coming global financial collapse ALL nations will receive gold and other wealth appropriate to their historical global contributions.
The “petrodollar” is just the most visible part of the dollar financial system, like the part of the iceberg above water. The ROW outside the G7 will simply avoid unnecessary long positions in the USD by trading directly in their own currencies through peer to peer central bank swaps or an mBridge-like mechanism. Slow and steady, and then at some point the frog begins to feel uncomfortable.
Arguably Trump folded the Fed into the US Treasury years ago and its performance is controlled by the US Treasury. I agree that over-valuation of the dollar is part of the eventually take-down of the Rothschilds' global banking system.
We would not need a constitutional amendment if we had done our job. We the people were supposed to be the term limits. There never was supposed to such a thing as a career politician. Now that we have created the monster they aren't going to give up their careers, they never go away. It is an addiction. If they die off someone in their family will step up in some shape or form.
I think we have to start smaller. By now, everyone should understand nobody in power really cares about the will of the people. The reason why is simple -- any threat must be backed with an "or else". As of yet, we have not supplied the "or else". This is why BLM won and covid protests failed.
To this end, I suggest radical individualism and radical self-sufficiency. The entire political machine depends on people needing the government in some way. If we take personal control of our health, food supply, data, and intellectual pursuits, the State and all of its minions will quickly be rendered obsolete. We must starve the beast.
Put a cap on wealth, ie how much one individual may own. If personal wealth is limitless, it will eventually capture everything, the economy, politics, culture, to consume human souls and the environment in the fastest and most efficient possible way, exponentially.
Why? If one single person owned everything and the entire world told them to go fornicate themselves what are they going to do?
Building wealth is a good thing, it is what you do with that wealth is the issue. I know a few multimillionaires and the amount of money they donate to charities, public works, support for things like orchestras, scholarships, conservation of many kinds etc. is phenomenal.
Yes they live well but at the end of the day they have their houses and possessions and a nice lifestyle but they give away more than they keep.
There are bad actors but the majority of the extremely rich are good for society at large.
I'm curious, how much of that wealth do you think is in cash? Most of their wealth is in their possessions, whether their houses or productive investments. Look at Musk? He spends to make stuff.
Once the global population gets its act together and decides that governments must issue money/currency INTEREST FREE the insane capitalist meme will lose its charm , poverty will cease and eventually we'll learn to live without money.
Capitalism is the best system out there but unless regulated, it will eat the children. Unfettered Capitalism is a Deadly sin. It will eventually kill the host.
I disagree. Capitalism reinforces the money meme which fosters egocentricity and social division. Capitalism justifies acquisition , accumulation and hoarding of wealth and 'stuff ' which increases insecurity and fear of loss. Worst of all capitalism has emphasised banking and enabled the Khazarian Mafia to perpetrate fraudulent fiat fractional reserve banking which has enslaved and impoverished this entire planet. See:
1. As a practical matter, the result of sortition would be to increase the power of the government bureaucracies.
2. Also as a practical matter, I suspect that the process of corrupting government officials until the reformers are as rotten as the people they were elected to get rid of involves less bribery and more "Yes, Minister".
3. As an aside, the median age of the U.S. Congress today is greater than that of the Brezhnev-era Politburo.
All of our systems are just people, and people are flawed. That's the heart of the issue. The best way to mitigate those flaws is by decentralization and limitations on power. The America (USA) that exists today, is in NO way similar to the America that was founded in 1776.
Athenians had very sophisticated ways to oversee the executive powers/bureaucracies.
Present merit and ethics commissioners are toothless and not truly independent, and legislation is enacted to provide loopholes. There were some articles in the past on NC on how in fact one cannot "legally" proove bribery in US federal system.
What I know about how governments opperate, is that on my own, with all the information I had available to me, I forced the parliament of my province to fire the merit commissioner and replece her with somebody else. There are ways to reduce the deprofesionalization, corruption, and ethical misbehaviour of bureaucracy.
I agree with all of these. The problem however, is that the American system today is completely and totally corrupted. Corporations have bought our politicians and federal agencies. And, if they can't buy them, then they'll blackmail them. It's difficult to imagine a scenario where enough Representatives, Senators, and Judges are elected to impose real change on the system. In fact, our systems is designed to prevent too many new people from getting elected at any one time. I think change, for better or worse, will only come with some massive economic calamity that kills corporate financial power. Or, if enough Americans see that the game is rigged and decide to jail (or worse) all the corrupt politicians and CEOs responsible.
One other thing that's been on my mind lately, which I've been sharing all over substack. The America and Federal Government/Bureaucracy that exists today is literally nothing like the Founding Institutions, and is, in reality, the complete and total opposite of what the Founders established. We, Americans, have to let go of this fantasy that the Federal and State Governments today are in any way similar to the Founding. They're not. The America that was founded in 1776 ended after the Civil War. The America that existed after the Civil War ended with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income tax in 1913 followed by WW1. The America that existed after WW2 ended with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and the Implementation of No Fault Divorce. The USA today is nothing, NOTHING even close to the 13 States that existed at the Founding. Also, the Founding that we all LOVE to talk was created via Revolution. Americans picked up arms and fought and died.
You also now live in the NAU, North American Union, which is why you have no borders except for White people and the Kalergi Plan is in full swing in Yankeeland :
As an outsider I remain gobsmacked at just how ignorant Yanks in general are, how they venerate Israel, are either red or blue with ZERO actual thought given to policies and practices. 100% agree that a two party system is practically a guarantee of corruption and age and term limits are a must.
Say three terms and not allowed ANY government position for another two terms, this would include panels and consultancies.
ALL political candidates and their families finances need to be public knowledge.
Agree with most of this. I would say age limits is enough, there's no need for term limits. And all elected officials AND all bureaucrats should be barred from working for any private sector entity that has contact with the govt / administration after retirement, or for at least 5 years if they leave the govt early.
The best idea for cutting off business from govt is to ban all forms of political lobbying. No lobbyists allowed at all, for any topic. Representatives should do their own due diligence and make up their own minds, not by defering to lobbyists.
End the nepotism. End the family dynasty crap. One family member per family serves once and that is it, no more family gets to work in the gummint.
I am pretty tired of all the married people not having the same last name so they do not have to identify w/each other until someone digs around finds out they are married. Then you go "wow, so that explains it". Greenspan and his gnarly media wife come to mind. My State Senator just happened to get his college grad daughter a very cushy job w/a Federal Senator. She would have never landed that job if it weren't for Dad, and guess what? She wants to go into politics. That kind of stuff irritates me. Everyone is tied to someone else.
You will never get your country back unless you totally eliminate lobbying. It is the first thing that needs to be done. Any of our representatives should not be able to receive so much as a cheeseburger from anyone. They get paid enough. Not only do the lobbyists but off our representatives, they do it so cheaply. What we now have is a system of bribery that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the People
Certain eliminations are mere replacements. For you to think that the US can be cleansed of its current élites and restored to earlier times is a wonderful dream to which you are entitled. Others of us are realists.
The removal of the KM and the politicians, bureaucrats, & enablers who do their bidding will not result in restoring us to "earlier times". That would invite repetition of the dystopia we live in now. The coming changes will result in completely new governance and living conditions. Those who don't want that won't need to stick around to experience it.
Any number of your suggestions would create a fascist state. Much lesser suggestions may work, such as preventing lobbying, preventing dark money in elections, instituting an age limit on Congressional and Presidential candidates.
"The whole point of this list is to be as un-ideological as possible, in terms of political systems; rather than propounding the various communisms, monarchisms, and the like, we’ll stick to low-scale practical changes which can be adopted as amendments or equivalent."
You don't like isms, or in other words, historically worked out analysis and solutions for capitalism.. which, sorry, is another one of those dreaded isms which the entire world has lived within for say 500 years, but it came after...hold on... fuedalism. Sorry. Don't kill the messenger.
Ok. But what could be more practical than just cutting out the middle man and making all profit from production into public property to be used for the good of all? And even more practical you can simply take all the ill gotten gains of finance capital and make that public property for the benefit of all. Oh, and you forgot ending all wars except defensive or those to dislodge the billionaire oligarchs from vampiracly taking all the wealth and product of human labor from the actual laborers.
We'd all like it to be as simple as low-scale practical changes, but that's not where we are at. The problems are radical and thus radical corrections are required.
All the stuff you mentioned is great, except for maybe states rights, which we already fought a bloody war over when some of the states wanted to keep other humans as slaves. Imagine that.
But you just try a single one of those initiatives without a social revolution. Try it in this system we now inhabit. It will fail and if it has too much success it's leaders will be bought off or intimidated into silence. It's a hard thing to accept but there is no democracy in the west. Only a civil war of the mass of wage slaves to end wage slavery can make any of the minimum program you mention here possible.
The system, capitalism, works for the oligarchs. They won't brook even the most minor alteration to it. For the rest of the world's population, it doesn't work and so much so now that people cannot go on the way they used too.
I do agree on vindman though. Classic fifth columnist scum. I would sentence him to the front line in Ukraine. The most fitting punishment for such a militarist worm.
Well, since you mentioned it, choosing a username I intended to introduce myself properly and typed in "old German woodworker". Too lengthy as it turned out, so I scrapped the age-ist adjective.
A somewhat more thorough self description would read:
An elderly German woodworker, a living fossile from the era of "communism" in germania orientalis. Thanks again!
"But what could be more practical than just cutting out the middle man and making all profit from production into public property to be used for the good of all?"
OK, what IS this "good of all". How do you define it it? Much more importantly, who gets to decide what this good is and how to distribute it?
The US actually had a quasi-workable system called a limited government free market. I suspect our major problem is the bureaucracy, actually. We created a self-sustaining unaccountable government within a government. The trouble is no government can actually function without some sort of bureaucracy.
Put a limit on how many years as a bureaucrat you can work or rotate them out to other positions. The bureaucrats run everything, and it is a problem, they are worse than the career politicians.
Yeah, at this point they run everything; but the main trouble is their number. The bulk of any bureaucracy is just an average Joe/Jane doing somewhat repetitive work. Think the court clerk and the like. I mean, Putin was a back office lawyer in Berlin at one time; if what I've read is correct.
I think what needs to be limited is the range of authority, as well as the sheer number of departments, which is one of the main suggestions by Simplicious. The way it works now, Congress sets up a department with a broad mission and lets the bureau heads determine the rules. Then the bureau will try and expand its authority so those at the top get more pay. Pay is based on the number of employees under you to a large extent. Congress, meanwhile, will pay no attention to said bureaucracy, except to fill the top with like minded people and patronage hires. This isn't a problem limited to the Federal government or the modern day, either.
There used to be an old newspaper comic strip called "There Ought To Be A Law". Our constant search for perfection is both our strength and our curse. Your suggestion is similar to the problem inherent to term limits. I have no solution to either, sadly. I would personally support the wholesale eradication of most of the bureaucracy. You would need the court system, the Treasury, and the military (sadly). What about the police?
What, exactly, do we make illegal? I'm in NY City. A friend upstate says his local cops are bullies, but the State Troopers are OK. Me, I've never had a problem with the local cops here.
Some States are still "dry" (no alcohol) by default; go back to before Prohibition and you could buy opium in a drug store. I can remember when cops here wouldn't hassle a kid with a joint too much (aside from taking it away), but don't get caught in Texas. What is the right balance?
The real problem is that you need a mostly ethical populous for a free market system to operate properly. Now define your ethics. :-)
It is complicated for sure. Balance and compromise. Thing is you give an inch and someone takes the mile and next thing you know it is all ruined.
I can't remember which Trump hack was complaining about bureaucrats in his Dept, I think maybe it was Pompeo? Or Barr? Anyway, he said they refused to change, listen, or do anything other than what they have done for years. As the new Dept. Head they simply told him to Bugger Off. As politicians come and go to their new positions they turn to the bureaucrats for help and it goes down hill from there.
And yes, they keep creating new departments so they can keep getting the dollars for the "budgets". It is a problem. I would love to see all the alphabet departments shut down. They have plenty of money, they just want more, so they make up a new dept w/in the department, and put their friends in there to do it for the big salaries. Buttplugg has zero clue about transportation, those kind of appointments have got to stop. They all should have to take a test on the Constitution before getting a job, as well as their mental health. The Gov in NM is out of control, and should be fired immediately. She is bat shit crazy.
Ethics? I am no Saint, but I believe in doing what is right. If you don't have some kind of ethics and morals you are a loser POS. Personally I think taking down the 10 Commandments was a bad thing to do. 18 years of sitting in school looking at the wall reading them sinks in. Sadly the Commandments have been replaced w/rainbow flags, purple hair, and pants down to your knees, so that is what is sinking in the brains of our youth. And I won't get started w/the parents. All sad to witness.
And while it is fun to dream about all this stuff, the truly bad part is the good guys are letting the bad guys get away w/it to destroy what was once a decent society. It would be lovely to find that perfect place where you could live and let live, people liked each other and got along. Even if you find it eventually outsiders would come in wanting it and take it. Always the nature of humans.
The fact that no one here understands the interrelationship between government and financial power shows how limited understanding of the inner workings is. Probably reading more widely would uncover more of the reality.
Implement term limits by not voting to re elect anyone currently in office. One term is enough.
Make ineligible for Congress anyone with an Ivy League degree and/or a law degree. End lifetime appointments to the Federal court and a mandatory age retirement. Eliminate the Federal Reserve and go back to the gold standard. Eliminate the Dept. of Education completely. and reduce the number of Cabinet departments. No special laws or rules for members of Congress, they should have the same standards as all the citizens that they represent. Federal law should not usurp State law except in very limited cases. Definitely go back to vote in person on a specific voting day and not allow extensions into the night and early morning hours. Too many more to list. All hopium in any case. Sigh.
God is my savior. He is omnipotent and loving. Read Emmet Fox Sermon on the Mount and the Lord’s Prayer
God helps those who help themselves, Brent.
The reason we live in a dystopic world is because we allow it. Humans here have to start thinking and acting for themselves. this is a free will world and while we accept enslavement and tyranny we'll continue to get it. We could live in abundance and prosperity but choose to let banksters enslave and impoverish us.
I think the core of the problem is fiat money and fractional reserve banking. banking which has enabled the Khazarian Mafia to enslavedand impoverish this entire planet. See:
Totally agree. Some kids don't do well in school but in a trade they might find some delight.
Once governance is devolved to loca levels parents will regain control of the education of their children as used to be the case 150 years ago.
I live in a Metrickery country and while it has many merits there are some things just easier in the Imperial system. Having grown up with the Imperial system and then changed to metrickery I swap from one to the other depending on what I am doing. A friend I have in New Zealand wrote an excellent article upon this very subject that is well worth a read :
I never liked metric until I found out it was invented millenia ago as a universal measurement system based on the diameter of a drop of water (1 cm).
Offhand, I'd say a drop of water is about four millimeters.
Measuring, mine (letting a single drop fall from my finger dipped into my cup of tea!) I can confirm you are off by about 100%!
Why don't you try it? Not hard to do. Also, what I said was factual. It is the measurement used to build the pyramids, for example, including many similar structures built all over the world for reasons we still don't know, nor how they seem to use similar methods.
Well, I just did and it still seems a drop is about 5 mm, tops.
An inch is about 2 1/2 centimeters, so that is like saying a drip of water is about 2/5ths of an inch.
I googled and it seems we are both right. For a drop to be a certain size you need to determine a certain weight or volume. So IF they had a device for making a drop weighing X, then the drop would be the same size every time, pretty much. But one can make different sized drops and they will have different diameters. Also, different surfaces will effect how the drop behaves. So it seems they had a prescribed weight of water to get their 1 cm and that part of it I didn't know. In any case, the old structures are built in extremely precise meters so the question remains: how did they know what a meter was over thousands of miles? Either they had a measuring stick they transported around from continent to continent or there was a formula for determining it. The theory I read was that it was based on a drop of water being 1 cm.
I just repeated my one-finger experiment and it is about 1 cm again. This time I took a picture: It's not a great picture but you can see it's bang on 1cm. Maybe I have the right size finger?!
My experience getting 1 cm twice in a row leads me to suspect that the way the water is collected so that it can decide for itself when it is enough to be a drop that will fall (!) is an important part of getting the right amount. !!
The end of dollar hegemony will bring about significant change to the US as it is forced to balance the books like everyone else. This will put an end to the rampant fascist military albatross molesting the planet. The world will rejoice.
As for a practical measure to change western economies for the average Joe - limit the speculation in the property market by only allowing people to have one house. If landlords want to build homes to rent rather than just monopolise the existing supply then they can be a taxable company or publicly owned.
Also tax bank interest at 100% and reduce income tax proportionally so the private banking parasites reinvest money into the productive economy.
So you want to destroy any hope of building intergenerational wealth and tax bank interest at 100% ? I think I may have misinterpreted the latter. Do you mean the interest a bank charges? @Why would they be in business? Do you realise that some of that money is paid to the customers of that bank in the form of interest on savings?
Better to change the entire tax system and then legislate to minimise usury.
A rentier economy, like the one we have, generates a form of neo-feudalist debt slavery and an entrenched financial aristocracy. None of it is fair or productive for the majority of people. Credit should be a public resource. Michael Hudson notes that this rentier economy has no chance against industrial economies like China's as the dead hand of the lords strangles the peons at every turn.
I agree Bob. I think that a major problem with these discussions is the fact that they are conducted using the convoluted and confusing rhetoric inserted into them by the banksters and financiers. For instance the average bloke has no idea that when Hudson talks about 'rentiers' he's talking about people who don't work for a living but live off the work of others. A useful word for that where I come from is "bludgers".
In primitive societies people knew if they were being enslaved or robbed. Today society conceals the reality with jargon and double-speak.
Obviously whatever a community decides to use to facilitate the exchange of goods and services should be created BY the community and FREE to everyone in the community. Ideally money or at least currency which is what is mostly used, should be very cheap to produce (as computer bookkeeping digits are) and FREELY available to everyone without cost.
Currency isn't a commodity, it is merely a TOKEN that society agrees represents real commodities and physical work. Allowing private banks to pretend that the electronic tokens they put in loan accounts are WORTH the full value of the work that has to be done in return for them is ridiculous. The digits are worth NOTHING. In effect what really happens with a bank loan is that community members accept them as tokens representing the fact that someone eg. someone who wants someone else to build a house, agrees to pay for it.
In fact under the current STRAWMAN mechanism,* the individual seeking to have someone build a house COULD, if s/he knew the true situation, simply write on the builders’ accounts for payment: “Accepted for Value” and have them submitted to the national Treasury for payment from that individuals’ trust account, After all, that’s what the bank does as soon as a “borrower” places his/her signature on a document (which is NOT a contract because the bank DOES NOT sign it). The bank gets paid by the Treasury instantly and then demands payment of the full amount from the borrower PLUS interest! In other words, on a typical home mortgage that goes full term the bank gets THREE TIMES the value of the cost of the house FOR NOTHING except the incidental costs involved in effecting the fraud.
See An Investigative Report From the desk of Barton Albert Buhtz:
See also: ‘Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same’:
G'day Barry,
I disagree. See eg:
I disagree, Barry. Once governments restart to create and emit interest free, asset backed money/currency, income taxation AND bank interest payments to unsecured creditors who think they are merely depositing their money in banks for safe keeping will cease because they will no longer be necessary.
Governments could and should create and issue money/currency to pay for the goods, services and infrastructure it provides for the community. That eliminates the rhetoric and rorts associated with taxation. Usury will cease to be 'a thing' when governments issue money/currency interest free.
THINK about it. It's absurd for governments to pay for provision of goods and services etc AND THEN TAX those payments in the hands of those who receive them.
ALL aspects of our current monetary, banking and taxation systems are ridiculous. Apart from the unlawful theft of the product of our labour these systems create enormous amounts of useless MAKE WORK and STRESS.
No wonder government FORCE all children to spend the potentially most carefree and joyful years of life in regimented factory schooling where they are completely indoctrinated and dumbed down so that they believe and accept anything authority figures tell them!
Anyone advocating for a balanced budget is loony. Here is a simple question for you: If the government spends money into the economy via it's operating budget throughout the year, and then removes all of that money via taxes and fees in order to produce a balanced budget at the end of the year, how much money is in your wallet?
The dollars you, I, and everyone else possess are the deficit. It's that simple. Balanced budgets destroy economies.
Now- can the government spend irresponsibly? Of course. Can the money supply be too large? Of course. There may indeed be times when the money supply is too large, and the monetary sovereign must reduce supply- this would be through a fiscal surplus.
The problem in the US, is not that the federal government has a deficit, or that it spends too much money- the problem is what the government spends that money on: The pursuit of global hegemony, corrupt gifts/subsidies to corporations, etc.
As to the rest of your post- I absolutely agree. Landlords (and rent-seeking activities in general) create artificial scarcity and incentivize speculation that drive inflation in costs all through the economy. End them.
I'll add another one- Planned obsolescence (the only type of "innovation" capitalism is capable of any more- monetizing waste and destruction) should be outlawed with steep penalties. This will bring down life cycle costs of everything, saving trillions.
"in order to produce a balanced budget at the end of the year, how much money is in your wallet?" Answer - money is debt. No debt is no money. Private fractional reserve lending at interest summons 90% of the money from thin air when people pledge to repay a mortgage with a 10% down payment. The banks don't create the interest to earn, only the principle. So to pay back the debt plus interest, you need to earn money from other borrowers or have Kenysean spending by the government to issue the currency, or default on the loan and go bankrupt. The only fair way to resolve the maths is to have credit as a public utility with the interest payments being the taxation that is ploughed back into the productive economy, which can then be re-earned to pay back the loans. At the moment, the US is taxing the world through inflation but this will stop as others refuse to accept green scrip for real goods and services.
Yes- I read Hudson as well. You will not hear any disagreement from me regarding credit as a public utility.
I was addressing the foolishness of a "balanced budget", and I am well aware of how fractional reserve banking works. That part of our system is what demands the ever increasing volumes of credit- you have to create new principle in order to pay off the interest, and more interest begets more created principle- and that is why credit crunches, that also almost always come along with demands for austerity (balanced budgets, in the parlance of people who do not understand how the system actually works) cause huge problems for the middle and lower classes, while concurrently creating huge opportunities for elites to buy up shit everywhere at fire sale prices. This is capitalism. It concentrates wealth, destroys any notion of public good, and impoverishes all but a microscopic minority, who it enriches.
And the dollar as the primary reserve currency is not going anywhere for quite a while. In order for a currency to be a the reserve currency, the issuer must have A) a very large economy, and B) a willingness to run very large, sustained trade deficits in order to export the currency. This creates a great deal of financial leverage over other nations/economies, but it also has the tendency to deindustrialize the economy of the issuer, and destroy the society of the issuer. The corrupt randroid capitalists that run the USA were willing to do that to the people here, but nobody else is so evil that they are willing to do that to their citizenry, and no other citizenry is as compliant as the US citizenry. Patriotism now means supporting the government, at least if the right party is in control (too bad both the parties produce the same conditions/trends, eh?). Also, I will grant that trade flows in US dollars is steadily reducing, but investment flows in dollars, which dwarf trade flows, are increasing. For instance, the volume of US treasuries being held as foreign reserves by other nations are higher now than they have ever been. You can doubt the dollar all you want, but as long as you have to pay your taxes in dollars, you are going to continue to work very hard for them. That's just the way it is.
I want this shitshow to collapse or be overthrown as much as a person can, but reality is reality.
G'day Arkady,
I agree with your basic analysis but not your conclusions. Arguably the Petro dollar is finished as the BRICS begin to dominate global trade. After the coming global financial collapse the US will have an internal national currency and like all other nations, use the Globec (however described) for international trade. The days of USans getting a free lunch from the rest of the world are over. That will allow the US to reindustrialise and Third World nations to industrialise.
G'day Bob,
I agree but the situation is even worse than you state. Banks don't create or lend any money. The whole system is a fraudulent farce. Governments should create and emit INTEREST FREE all the money (backed by the full faith and credit of the nation ) needed to fund the community's needs. THAT is necessary to enable adequate societal and economic interactions to occur. From time immemorial governments have done this i.e they have paid for goods and services WITHOUT charging interest on the money they emit. The current fractional reserve system is totally fraudulent and can only exist because governments have been suborned to cease doing a primary government duty which is to issue money and currency sufficient to enable societal intercourse.
The current banking system is just a modern, subtle, enslavement system created by KM banksters over centuries.
The banks DON'T loan anything, they just put digits into client's accounts and "SAY" its a loan and call the clients "borrowers". Governmets collude with banks by using their exclusive power to exercise force and violence to force bank clients (who are the actual CREDITORS, because they PRODUCE real wealth using their ingenuity and labour, to pay the banks the money they fraudulently claim. ALL "borrowers" payments (including interest payments) to banks should be returned to them together with deeds and any other collateral demanded by banks.
Banks don't lend "deposits". Monies lent to banks are NOT deposits they are unsecured loans BUT banks don't tell customers that. That's why banks can BAIL-IN clients "deposits" and turn them into shares in the bank when trying to avoid bankruptcy. shares rank below secured creditors in liquidation proceedings.
After the coming global financial and banking collapse ALL government Treasuries will be required to start creating and issuing their nations' money. ALL nations' money will be on par with all other nations' money which will eliminate rorts and oppression of nations by dominant nations like the US. The process will be monitored by the International Treasury Controller and the global financial system will be operated by the Star Link satellite system protected by space force .
The real reason for inflation is that banks don't even pretend to issue money or currency to pay for the interest they charge so there's always a shortage of 'money' in the system so that banks must always pretend to loan ever larger sums of 'money' to enable some of it to be used for interest payments on previous laons. Eventually the population cannot afford to "borrow" any more 'money' and the system collapses. That usually happens every 50-55 years, /the current system started in the US in 1971.
IF (when) the fractional reserve bank interest scam is eliminated banks as we know them will disappear and inflation will disappear with them. In fact, because of AI and robots increasing productivity, inflation will probably decline to 1950s levels.
Arguably it's a contradiction to suggest that Treasury issued money used to pay for goods and services needed by the community could or should be issued AT INTEREST.
Again another imbecile
Just get rid of 'money' and this whole problem goes away. Or have a money where speculation is impossible / illegal
Get rid of fiat currency I think you mean and I agree.
No I mean all of it. Financial speculation isn't real economic activity. This is how those goblins centered in the City of London maintain control over the world. Time to end it, permanently.
I agree. Luckily they can't fire financial derivatives at the rest of the world that have said enough is enough and they have long ago destroyed the social cohesion that is required to fight a major war by their divide and rule strategies and destroyed the livelihoods and skills base of those who used to work in the industries that they would also need to fight that war. They have shot themselves in the foot as they tried to shoot the rest of us in the head and missed. They think AI will betheir saviour but I think AI has other ideas in mind for these parasites, very final ideas.
I agree. But more needs to be done.
Agreed. All money is fake, a mass fiction. It is sustained only by collective belief, which could evaporate in an instant.
I agree John,
The problem is that most people are mind controlled to believe it's real and does stuff. It doesn't, people do.
I agree. The problem though is that humans on this planet are not sufficiently spiritually mature to live without money as a lubricant used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. The money meme and banking have been foisted upon our world by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) as a means for enslaving and controlling the rest of humanity. Ideas about money, banking and capitalism are now so ingrained by social programming that most people cannot imagine living without being tyrannised by money and those who have lots of it (even though money doesn't DO anything, people do.
> The problem though is that humans on this planet are not sufficiently spiritually mature to live without money as a lubricant used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services
We are though.
But even if we weren't, we have enough technology where we can easily inventory everyone's physical needs. Like you know how many citizens you have, where they want to live, you know how much housing you need to build; you can calculate how much energy you need based on average temperatures in each area and so on; all of this can be done in a computer.
> Khazarian Mafia (KM)
lol. It's a hell of a lot bigger than that. Sure, the world is being controlled by maybe a hundred families. But only five of them are 'Jewish.'
They are distracting you with this nonsense.
I agree that some souls on this planet are spiritually mature and that this planet has the technology. And once the banksters are gone we will start doing what you indicate. BUT not everyone will necessarily be on the same page, so the process will take time and be messy. The release of all the patents suppressed by the US for the last century will also be a great help.
As I understand it, although the Khazarian elite may have been influenced by Hadranitee merchants and rabbis from Babylon , the elite embraced the Talmud in the 8th century because it was a good fit with their barbaric ways,. Subsequently most of the elite and the ignorant general folk migrated north west and ended up in Poland and Germany etc. But some Talmudic Khazar elite joined their brethren from Rome who went to Venice and established the Venetian empire . Later some of them decamped to Holland and then the City of London.
Rank and file Ashkenazis originated in Khazaria and about 25% profess the Jewish religion but are not Talmudists,. However they have been indoctrinated for 150 years or more to THINK they are "Jews" because their KM leaders wanted to appropriate Palestine. Ashkenazis aren't Jews and neither are the KM. The fact that they say they are "Jews" signifies nothing. Arguably only Talmudists are the KM and part of the problem. There are large numbers of Talmudists but only about 13 families are said to have the leadership bloodlines. And of course there are millions of minions and enablers who actively assist the core Talmudist leadership to coerce and exploit humanity.
Ok and? Is any of that essential?
I'm going to tell you straight up, I'm a tankie. This JQ shit doesn't interest me. I'm willing to discuss any other subject but this one bores me.
5 out of 100 rich families are “Khazarian” — facts suggest otherwise.
Without something being used as money, no matter what it is, we would be reduced to barter which may work in a small village, but would be proved to be wildly impractical at a greater level.
Sure. Some abstraction over what is physically produced is useful. The problem today is that the abstraction itself is the goal. AKA the profit motive. It's anti-social.
Think about what 'making money' means, literally. Make it from what? We know what: thin air.
China and Russia are less concerned with making money and more concerned with making things. It's why we're losing.
G’day Bryan,
The problem ISN”T using ‘something’ as money. At our level of spiritual development we have to have some system of easily exchangeable physical and electronic tokens to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.The problem is that the community should decide to produce the substance it will use as money and have its government PRODUCE IT i.e create and EMIT money, at community expense.
BUT the money and currency tokens need to be something REAL and must be issued INTEREST FREE and created by a community approved process by its government; NOT private individuals using corporate fictions to conceal their identities and to STEAL ALL of the value ostensibly represented by the book keeping digits they place in accounts!.
Think about it! Currently Governments COLLUDE with private banks by refusing to create and emit money/currency (which has been their function from time immemorial) AND instead, licensing specially favoured, privately owned corporations to pretend to issue money by typing book keeping entries into clients’ accounts for which they then demand that clients PAY the bank THAT wholly fictitious amount using real money that the client must earn with his/her blood sweat and tears, PLUS interest on it. That is adding insult to injury! WHY can’t you and I do that? IF the process is legitimate why can’t you and I or anyone do it?
Anyone who understands this fraud and accepts it deserves to remain a free range, wage slave, serf for life.
Only banksters supported by government get the courts, police and prisons to COERCE the population to PAY them for their counterfeit book keeping entries.The fiat fractional reserve system is fraud; and having to pay banks for their book keeping entries is ROBBERY enforced by government COERCION because they refuse to emit money/currency FREE of CHARGE so that the population can carry on normal economic and societal intercourse. That FORCES the population to PAY the banks or lose their house etc and even go to jail. That is why the fiat, fractional reserve system is FRAUD euphemistically called MONEY MAGIC . Anyone can type digits into someone else’s account and SAY it’s a loan of money! YOU could do it. But no one will pay you real money for the bookkeeping entry you put in their account UNLESS the government forces them to pay you by threatening you using the courts, the police and the prison system
We need to bring back the big 2 meter stone doughnut things forgot what they were called
The Spartans used iron as money to make the accumulation of wealth burdensome.
Govt is the source of money in your wallet? Surely, that is not correct. Money is generated by productive activities. Govt does not have to be in it at all. To take a simple, albeit primitive example just to understand the principle: If Joe cuts timber, builds a house for Jack, and Jack pays him in either food / drink / clothing, or a bit more modern say in gold, that is wealth in Joe's wallet without any govt involvement. Extrapolate this to the modern era, the lesson is to get the govt out of as many activities as possible. Wealth / money is generated by the public performing productive actions. That is the source of money, not the govt. Govt takes part of this money from the public in the form of tax and then spends it back in govt services. The govt should only tax the public as much as is required for defence, law and order, and a justice system. All other conveniences for society should be self-funding. eg infrastructure, education, etc.
G'day Ken,
I agree.
Arguably though, communities need some sort of governance structure that should represent community and for convenience, the community needs to agree upon some form of money or currency to be used to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. IF they do, then it is appropriate that the community should organise and pay for, as a community, whatever form of money or currency they agree to use. Obviously the community needs to accept the cost of prodcing that money or currency INTEREST FREE, i.e. without charging interest on it as if it too, is a commodity. Many/most of the goods and services and community infrastructure needed to benefit the community should be paid for by the community using the money/currency it creates. Those who receive payment for goods, service and work performed for the community can be paid by the community and the money/currency so used can then freely circulate to facilitate social and economic intercourse.
Because the community issues money/currency WITHOUT interest attached to it the community will much more freely USE it which accelerates its the VELOCITY of its use which in turn increases activity and prosperity.
In such circumstances the community organisation (government) can always issue its own money/currency for internal community use and will only need to acquire money for purchases outside of the community. Arguably the community can charge TARIFFS on imported goods and services to obtain money for such purposes.
Law and order and justice are an internal cost which the community can pay for by creating its own money/currency . At most the community/nation might need to levy a tax of, say, 14% on NEW, non essential items to generate additional revenue.
Foreign defence expenditure, if needed can be paid for by tariff receipts.
The rest of the world sends us physical products necessary for modern life and we give them pieces of paper in return. Then we complain that they are not playing fair. Too few see the humor in the situation.
There is incredible superficiality about the argument that “money” is imaginary or unnecessary. Thanks for cutting to the chase.
G'day Arkady,
I agree that governments MUST spend money into the economy because that is how society and the economy should operate. The problem today is that Western governments DON'T create money (except piddling amounts of coins and currency) and COLLUDE with private banks for the banks to PRETEND to create and lend money. The fraudulent fractional reserve system has been sooo totally corupted that banks no longer merely PRETEND to lend 10 times the money they have , NOW they tend to PRETEND to have, lend and use much greater sums of pretend money. The CRASH is inevitable, and soon.
I don't disagree, except on one point. As far as I am concerned, the crash has already occurred. Look not at the unemployment numbers, but at the historical chart for the labor participation rate. That tells you everything you need to know (along with the massive numbers of homeless). We live in a full-on rentier economy- that which Adam Smith warned about, and that which Marx pointed out was actually incentivized within this system. People have been turned into livestock- and if you do not believe that, take a look at our prison system. We have 3% of the global population, yet we have 25% of the global prison population, and that does not include those on probation/parole. Prisons, along with policing, have been turned into profit centers, and that is why the security state is the only part of the economy producing any innovation in this society. Elites absolutely refuse to allow the actual productive economy to exist, because that is the economy that empowers the people. All of this was predicted, long ago, and the American people were either prevented from being exposed to this fact, or propagandized to the point where they fear acquiring the information.
Welcome to the collapse of America. It is here, and we are living it.
I agree with your assertions Arkady in that the collapse of the US polity and economy has been in progress for years AND that process is also occurring throughout the West. My point though, is that the collapse is not apparent to many (most) Normies in the US and the West and it won't be, untill the US military allows global stock markets and the banking system to publicly implode.SO THAT EVERYONE WILL SEE IT and the MSM won't be able to pretend otherwise. Although most ordinary people are not heavily invested in the stock market, huge numbers will notice it when housing prices halve or worse.
As I understand it, this overt collapse HAS to occur but the Global Alliance military will then remove all governments and temporarily assume control in most places to alleviate the situation.
Arguably everyone has to "LIVE IT" and especially the wealthy, the politicians and the bureaucrats, not just the masses.
A bit of oversimplification there. The “implosion” of the US economy can only arrive by exogenous factors. It won’t be a sudden event (which “implosion” implies) — the steadily growing decoupling from the dollar system by other countries will mean the secular rise of US (and G7) interest rates over time through the higher cost of Treasury borrowing (even allowing that the Fed will buy most of the bond auction). There is no escape from this, though the government and media will continue to distract us from this reality.
Ordinarily the US dollar decline would not be sudden but arguably this time it's different. The Fed is defunct and on life support within the US Treasury. The Rothschilds' banksters are no longer in control of it or the global Central banking system. The current fiat Petro-dollar system has reached it's use by date and the Trumpian controllers of the US Treasury will pull the plug on the sytem when they decide it's most appropriate. That will be sudden.and probably coincide with the collapse of the fake Biden Administration and all global governments.
“If the government spends money into the economy via it's operating budget throughout the year, and then removes all of that money via taxes and fees in order to produce a balanced budget at the end of the year, how much money is in your wallet?”
How is this description a balanced budget? Maybe I miss something, but is not the government spending in a balanced budget based on what has already been collected in the prior year rather than the next year?
Admittedly it’s not like a household budget, but what we have now is ludicrous, don’t you agree? Could it EVER be repaid?
Do not confuse physical wealth with currency. Currency is a form of wealth (or you can consider it a debt owed to the holder of the currency, if you like, but it is still an asset and a form of wealth), but not all wealth is currency. The citizenry can create wealth by digging up resources, or adding value to those resources, but it cannot create currency. Only the monetary sovereign creates currency. So by spending into the economy, via purchasing goods, services, or paying employees, the fed gov injects the currency into the economy. Currency is created by the currency issuer, and then injected into the economy for the use by the citizenry, state and municipal governments. Currency is basically a commodity that the citizenry trades goods, services, and labor to acquire. Currency is not raised by taxes (in the case of the federal government- states, counties, and municipalities are a different matter, as they are not the monetary sovereign). The taxes did not come first, and the government does not need taxes to fund it's activities (no matter how much some people wish you to believe otherwise). Taxes DO serve several functions however, the most important of which is driving demand for the currency. The fact that we all must pay our taxes with dollars created by the government means that we must all work to acquire those dollars, or not to put too fine a point on it- we go to jail. The so-called confidence fairy is not what makes us seek dollars- it is the requirement to pay taxes in dollars that forces us to acquire dollars.
So again- before the federal government can tax the dollars in your account, it must first create those dollars and spend them into the economy, so that you can then acquire them.
A balanced budget is simply a balance between what the federal government first spends and what it then taxes in a fiscal year (or the following fiscal year to be more precise). So if the federal government were to tax away everything it spent, then after collecting those taxes, there would be no money circulating. Balanced budgets are deflationary. Now before you assume deflation to be a positive. Imagine buying raw materials and then adding value to them during manufacturing, and selling the finished good for the same or less than the cost of the raw materials, or buying a calf, raising it to a full grown cow, and selling it for less than what you paid for the calf- these things actually occurred in early America. Inflation is problematic, but deflation is even more problematic.
Again, the myth is that the government acquires dollars via taxation, but that is not so, because the citizenry cannot create dollars, the federal government has the monopoly on that right (even if it licenses it to the federal reserve).
Now- a note about treasury bonds, because I am sure someone will bring that up. Those bonds are a convenience for those who wish to buy them. They get to collect interest with absolutely zero risk. The government does not NEED to borrow money. Case in point- whenever congress approves spending, this triggers a series of bond auctions by the fed. The fed then transfers the proceeds to the treasury for the government to spend, but understand that at every bond auction there is always a huge shortfall in bids-the majority of the bonds are simply not purchased by anyone. So where does the money come from to purchase those bonds? The federal reserve creates it via keystrokes- Poof! The created cash then goes to the treasury for use. The currency used to purchase those bonds (not purchased at the bond auction) is created from thin air. People can get as mad as they want about this, but this is how the system actually works. This is not some theory. All of this information is freely available, but there are interests that want you to believe that the system works differently, because they do not want you to exercise democratic control over it (and undermining democratic control was one of the motivations for the federal reserve act).
I will not deny that what we have is ludicrous- but to me the ludicrous aspect is what the government (or more accurately, what the corporate oligarchy that has corrupted and controls the government) chooses to do with the federal budget. Instead of providing for the general welfare, the federal budget is used to enrich a small minority, and enslave the rest of us.
Could the debt be repaid? Absolutely- Congress simply has to pass the legislation. All congress has to do is order the treasury to create and deposit the funds at the fed to pay it off, or order the fed to do so in place of the treasury. Again- there are powers that wish you to believe this is not possible, but that is the mechanism.
Total bullshit
G'day Bob,
Arguably we must eliminate the Extortion RACKET run by banks in collusion with governments. See eg:
There is no political solution
Shall we go? You and I while we can - through the transitive nightfall of diamonds....
You gotta make the journey - out and in...
I realize that this is pushing out way too far into edge city for most of you to hear but, this world is meant to be a 'stepping off place' into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
Until we recognize this everything will just continue on to it's inevitable conclusion - a Totalitarian One World Government, a Microchipped Population and an Electronic Central Banking System .
For those who have ears let them hear:
G'day Steven,
I disagree. While it's true that our physical existence in the materium IS where we will eventually learn to understand life the universe and everything and evolve into wholly spiritual beings in the eternal reality of 'No Time', the process is veryyy long. Meanwhile the Totalitarian One World Government, KM organised Microchipped Population controlled by an electronic Central banking system is being REJECTED by a critical mass of the population that THINKS and seeks spiritual evolvement. They and this planet, will get what they want. Those who don't want that will get what they want.
Although it may not be obvious, Trump, Putin, Xi and their many supporters including the Global Military Alliance HAVE GOT THIS!
In due course ALL governments globally will be replaced by the Global Military Alliance under Universe Management control and they will install a Millennial governance arrangement that will indeed constitute a form of Global Government BUT it will be divinely directed spiritual governance.
And 'yes' there will be a global financial system but it will be unhackable and organised by the International Treasury Controller. Each nation will create and issue its own asset backed money and currency that will be INTEREST FREE and on par value with all other national money/currency,
That will result in almost instant global prosperity and poverty elimination because 95% of the wealth generated by human ingenuity and labour will cease being stolen by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) banksters, their corporatist mates and their political and other minions and enablers.
The world coming will resemble Lucy's world: rather than that of the Grateful Dead.
The 'process' need not take 'veryyy' long, necessarily...
Evolution takes a long time, but for those who have the eyes to see it, 'the eternal reality of no time' is ever present and always available.
I have a lot more confidence in the Australian Aboriginies 'Dream Time ' then I ever will in the possibility that, "Trump, Putin, Xi and their many supporters including the Global Military Alliance", have got 'this' or much of anything else!
The three of them would stab each other in the back at the slightest perceived provocation and the 'Global Military Alliance '?
I think I'll stick to the pop groups before I'd trust that crowd!
This is a free will world Steven, everyone chooses what s/he wants to believe and live. We all get to "suck it" and see.
G'day Steven,
I disagree. POP groups that pontificate about the "material world" using thousands of dollars worth of equipment to do it are full of shit.
The political solution lies in the population spending more time and mental muscle on THINKING about and understanding the world they live in so that they can change it for the better. NO ONE except criminals will want the political world we live in once they understand it. The political solution will follow the population developing a spiritual understanding and solution to living.
I see your point Ron about the wealthy pop groups.
Sometimes though, despite the quality or worthiness of the 'messengers', the quality of the message itself may sometimes be expressed in 'pop culture'.
Setting that aside for a moment, it's your last sentence that I feel the closest connection to, although I'm not sure what that particular political solution would look like? Perhaps some form of 'holding all things in common' that wasn't at the same time the 'Godless Communism'' that has been the only variety that we have seen in a long time?
Steven, I agree some song writers were very perceptive.
The reason we can't see the genuine communal solutions to our current societal dystopia is that we have been manipulated, enslaved and impoverished as well as dumbed down intellectually and spiritually by mind control mechanisms for millennia. See eg:
The primary control mechanism has been the money meme and fiat fractional reserve banking which have been used to steal the wealth generated by our ingenuity and labour. See eg:
ONCE a community (nation) begins (as nations used to do from time immemorial) to create and issue its own money and currency on an INTEREST FREE, asset based basis, the impetus to hoard and use money/currency to manipulate, enslave and control others will rapidly decline because community governments will be able to issue money/currency to fund acquisition of all the goods, services and infrastructure needed by the community instead of paying private banks to pretend to produce the money/currency needed to pay those doing the work. Where governments issue currency for such purposes the only real cost will be the incidental book keeping costs which is the only cost incurred by banks under the fiat, fractional reserve system.
Thus the national debt bullshit disappears!
Price inflation due to excess emission of money/currency will not occur (unlike under the current fraudulent private bank fiat system) because inflation is caused by the banks charging interest BUT not even pretending to create the money/currency needed to pay it so that the banks must continually escalate the face value of the loans they issue until the system collapses because the population cannot afford to borrow any more currency.
Having a government Treasury issue the money needed by the community will also require that all current governments that are in fact privately owned corporations, will be eliminated and replaced with properly democratically elected councils. Such councils need to be democratically elected at all levels of governance and those seeking election must not be covert representatives of private corporations which is a widespread current practice. Also, the current practice of conferring PERSONHOOD on corporations needs to be eliminated completely In future and replaced by genuine community governments (i.e. genuine peoples’ council representatives elected by the community NOT PARTY members covertly vetted and approved by corporations that OWN the government).
Also, governments need to be constituted by councils of mature individuals elected by mature adults of good character using unhackable procedures. Corporate interest groups must be excluded from funding political candidates at all levels.
The ability and incentive to distort election and referendum processes must be eliminated.
IF the members of the community (nation) make the effort to ensure that election and referendum processes are genuinely democratic it would be possible to have a government Treasury create and issue adequate quantities of money/currency and have it honestly and reasonably allocated to fund the production of goods, services and infrastructure genuinely needed by the community. It should also be possible to ensure that Treasury expenditures are properly allocated , audited and used to achieve needed outcomes. If government Treasuries require adequate provision of goods and services in return for the payments it makes, inflation and the devaluation of the money supply won’t occur and full employment of the labour force can occur.. THAT was what Hitler did after he was elected in 1933 during the Great Depression . Within four years Germany went from the depth of depression to being the richest economy in the world. That was a major reason why Britain and the US fomented WWII.
Honest Treasury money supply will require that the community actively participates in governance which needs to be devolved to the lowest levels possible and subject to unhackable democratic voting and referendums, as appropriate. Eligibility to vote needs to be restricted to mature adults of sound mind and good character and all voting and referendum processes need to be properly overseen and audited to ensure freedom from vote rigging and undue influence on voters.
Routine social and political decisions (i.e decisions not needing policy decisions made by national referendums) should be made by democratically elected councils at appropriate levels and ALL council members should be subject to instant recall if over 50% of their electorate vote to recall them. Significant policy decisions at all levels should be made by appropriate referendum procedures. Elected council members at all levels should be elected to implement significant policy decisions, NOT make them.
IF governments do create and issue the nation’s money/currency supply they will not need to levy income taxes which are unlawful and must be abolished in any event. Similarly, governments that issue their own money/currency have no need to levy any of the huge numbers of taxes and licence fees etc currently demanded by governments.
It follows that in these circumstances the general population will quickly experience abundance and prosperity since no one would have to pay income and other taxes nor would they be fraudulently required to pay banks for their pretend money/currency. The result would be elimination of poverty, scarcity and want; lower stress and increased health and welfare.
Love, not money, makes the world go ‘round.
Those are all good points, Ron.
The problem, however is that those monetary and the political systems necessary to make the positive changes you recommend have already been hijacked by those who have only their own interests in mind.
And, as you have mentioned, these same people have been very actively and intentionally brainwashing the masses for a very long time and have become quite proficient at it.
The chances of any sort of critical mass of people recognizing this fact and being able to free themselves from the mental shackles that have been subtly imposed upon them in time to make any real difference, in my opinion, are slim.
This of course, goes much deeper than the merely economic and political level and has even more significant consequences as regards our understanding of ourselves as Human Beings and the nature of reality itself.
If you are familiar with 'The Matrix', it can be a useful analogy of our present situation - the world that we have become familiar with is essentially a mirage whose only real function is to reflect back to us our inner state so that, within this temporary and extremely limited framework , we have the opportunity to make whatever adjustments to our inner state that we deem necessary, before either 'stepping into' or being ushered into the unlimited, Timeless/Spaceless place which is our True Home and will be our permanent place of residence.
This world is a temporary description that we begin to learn at our conception and which ends at death. We are meant to grow beyond this description, preferably long before the moment of our death. All of our troubles come from taking the description as the Be-All and End-All of life and trying to live accordingly.
To believe entirely in the mirage and only for the mirage can't help but give us the blues...
"We are luminous beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. We, or rather our reason, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime."
(Tales of Power)
The world that we have become familiar with is essentially a mirage interpreted by our brain as something 'solid'.
The first act of a teacher is to introduce the idea that the world we think we see is only a view, a description of the world.
Accepting that seems to be one of the hardest things one can do; we are complacently caught in our particular view of the world, which compels us to feel and act as if we know everything about the world.
The secret of all this is one's attention. All of this exists only because of our attention.
The world that we have become familiar with only exists because we have been conditioned to give our attention to it in the form of the world as we have come to know it.
This limited framework with its very strict laws makes our passage through life recognizable but becomes a trap for our attention turning what is merely a useful description into a prison.
Had we been properly educated we would have learned by now that this description of the world is much more fluid and flexible than what we have been led to believe; that this world is meant to be a 'stepping off place'into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
Thanks Steven,
I agree that this planet’s monetary and political systems have been hijacked and that the brainwashed masses have been so thoroughly mind controlled that getting a critical mass of individuals ‘up to speed’ to free themselves from their programming and cognitive dissonance seems slim.
I suspect that where we differ is that I don’t assume that many, if any, of those here who have not yet ‘stepped into’ the unlimited ‘Timeless/Spacetime place’ will be able to do that in the near term.
As I see it, this planet currently has inhabitants that have varying levels of consciousness. It seems that perhaps 30-50% of her inhabitants are unensouled due to diabolical DNA manipulation resulting in them lacking creativity and thinking ability. Such individuals are sometimes called Non Player Characters (NPRs). In addition some are new souls who have very limited experience in human form and hence they are rather clueless. Old souls are more able to perceive life here as it is but most are probably so brainwashed that their cognitive dissonance may prevent them admitting to themselves the meaning of what’s happening to and around them.
I’m also told there are perhaps 200 million or more ‘Star Seeds’ here who are ascending spirits who have come from the 5th dimension (5d) or above to assist Gaia and her inhabitants to make the journey through 4d into 5d. Those ascending spirits who have incarnated here for that purpose are apparently also accompanied by some descending (angelic) spirits here for the same purpose. For instance I’ve been told that Whitney Huston was an angelic spirit who came in that role.
The Urantia Book (
) also indicates, very reasonably in my view, that the reincarnation process is a very long one and that once a spirit has traversed this local universe and its super universe to meet with the Creator, they return to the Creation to assist with its administration and management. Consequently I don’t expect that huge numbers of Gaia’s current 4d population will even make their transition to 5d in the near future and when they do I assume that their journey through higher dimensions will take lots of time and many more incarnations.
Arguably your Matrix analogy is a good one since our more rational scientists are starting to acknowledge that the cosmos is created by conscious thought of the Creator and hence all matter is manifested by thought. It follows that all matter has an element of consciousness and in many ways life is a constant manifestation. BUT arguably it is real in the sense that thought has actually manifested matter. And matter is needed to enable us to have experiences in the sense that, as Bruce Lipton says, if we were not physical manifestations, how could we taste chocolate?
As regards your pessimism about it being unlikely that a critical mass of ensouled beings here will free themselves from their mind controlled cognitive dissonance; I assume that problem is the reason we are experiencing such a prolonged period of socio-political dystopia and environmental chaos. That experience is apparently needed is give us sufficient time and negative experiences to cause a significant number of people to wake up to the absurdity and criminality of our governance arrangements. The impression seems to be that in many nations greater numbers of people need to wake up to prevent the risk of civil wars occurring when governments and societal elites are removed from power and prosecuted for their crimes.
But in any event the matrix of control put in place by the KM over centuries is being dismantled as we speak regardless of whether or not a critical mass of people in every nation understands the reason for it or not.
Are there no chapters in the Urantia book a detailing an 'express route ' to 5D?
If not, we may need to revise it and add an addendum...
Re: "End the Fed"
Not convinced the Fed has as much power as many think.
Treasury calls the shots and Fed another instrument of maintaining US dollar over-valuation along with WB and IMF etc.
My view: Fed will be used to create higher inflation as US monetizes debt for the next few years and will then take the blame and the "End the Fed" people will get their wish. After the fact.
As long as USG fights to defend international role of USD, the Fed is crucial, and will only end with by political decree.
I think that the decision is already made. The ONLY reason the Petrodollar still exists is because BRICS+ are maintaining it in order to allow some financially smaller countries the chance to redeem their now worthless Yankee securities and hopefully get their gold back. The latter is a forlorn hope in many cases as Yankeeland just arbitrary seizes a countries gold as it sees fit. There is also the fact that BRICS+ does not want a global financial meltdown.
Yankeeland is backed into a corner right now as are most of its NATO puppets. BRICS+ WILL pull the plug on the Petrodollar soon and when they do the Yankee Dollar will collapse.
The hope is it will be before Yankeeland starts WW III as a panacea for its woes.
G'day Barry,
I agree,
Except that after the coming global financial collapse ALL nations will receive gold and other wealth appropriate to their historical global contributions.
The “petrodollar” is just the most visible part of the dollar financial system, like the part of the iceberg above water. The ROW outside the G7 will simply avoid unnecessary long positions in the USD by trading directly in their own currencies through peer to peer central bank swaps or an mBridge-like mechanism. Slow and steady, and then at some point the frog begins to feel uncomfortable.
G'day Superbubble,
Arguably Trump folded the Fed into the US Treasury years ago and its performance is controlled by the US Treasury. I agree that over-valuation of the dollar is part of the eventually take-down of the Rothschilds' global banking system.
Term limits require a constitutional amendment. makes it pretty hard.
We would not need a constitutional amendment if we had done our job. We the people were supposed to be the term limits. There never was supposed to such a thing as a career politician. Now that we have created the monster they aren't going to give up their careers, they never go away. It is an addiction. If they die off someone in their family will step up in some shape or form.
I think we have to start smaller. By now, everyone should understand nobody in power really cares about the will of the people. The reason why is simple -- any threat must be backed with an "or else". As of yet, we have not supplied the "or else". This is why BLM won and covid protests failed.
To this end, I suggest radical individualism and radical self-sufficiency. The entire political machine depends on people needing the government in some way. If we take personal control of our health, food supply, data, and intellectual pursuits, the State and all of its minions will quickly be rendered obsolete. We must starve the beast.
I.R.T.C. - I Refuse To Comply needs to be a mindset and a lifestyle.
Imagine how easy it will be to cancel your life with a universal digital I.D?
ANYONE who gets a digital I.D. is a traitor to humanity.
Our duty in the face of tyranny is to become ungovernable.
Put a cap on wealth, ie how much one individual may own. If personal wealth is limitless, it will eventually capture everything, the economy, politics, culture, to consume human souls and the environment in the fastest and most efficient possible way, exponentially.
Why? If one single person owned everything and the entire world told them to go fornicate themselves what are they going to do?
Building wealth is a good thing, it is what you do with that wealth is the issue. I know a few multimillionaires and the amount of money they donate to charities, public works, support for things like orchestras, scholarships, conservation of many kinds etc. is phenomenal.
Yes they live well but at the end of the day they have their houses and possessions and a nice lifestyle but they give away more than they keep.
There are bad actors but the majority of the extremely rich are good for society at large.
When you looks at their donations by percentage of their wealth, it's not so phenomenal.
I'm curious, how much of that wealth do you think is in cash? Most of their wealth is in their possessions, whether their houses or productive investments. Look at Musk? He spends to make stuff.
“Give away more than they keep” — a truly ridiculous assertion. I wouldn’t descend to honoring you with facts.
G'day Neven,
Once the global population gets its act together and decides that governments must issue money/currency INTEREST FREE the insane capitalist meme will lose its charm , poverty will cease and eventually we'll learn to live without money.
Capitalism is the best system out there but unless regulated, it will eat the children. Unfettered Capitalism is a Deadly sin. It will eventually kill the host.
I disagree. Capitalism reinforces the money meme which fosters egocentricity and social division. Capitalism justifies acquisition , accumulation and hoarding of wealth and 'stuff ' which increases insecurity and fear of loss. Worst of all capitalism has emphasised banking and enabled the Khazarian Mafia to perpetrate fraudulent fiat fractional reserve banking which has enslaved and impoverished this entire planet. See:
1. As a practical matter, the result of sortition would be to increase the power of the government bureaucracies.
2. Also as a practical matter, I suspect that the process of corrupting government officials until the reformers are as rotten as the people they were elected to get rid of involves less bribery and more "Yes, Minister".
3. As an aside, the median age of the U.S. Congress today is greater than that of the Brezhnev-era Politburo.
All of our systems are just people, and people are flawed. That's the heart of the issue. The best way to mitigate those flaws is by decentralization and limitations on power. The America (USA) that exists today, is in NO way similar to the America that was founded in 1776.
Athenians had very sophisticated ways to oversee the executive powers/bureaucracies.
Present merit and ethics commissioners are toothless and not truly independent, and legislation is enacted to provide loopholes. There were some articles in the past on NC on how in fact one cannot "legally" proove bribery in US federal system.
You don't know what you don't know.
The Athenians didn't have a permanent professional administrative apparatus.
What I know about how governments opperate, is that on my own, with all the information I had available to me, I forced the parliament of my province to fire the merit commissioner and replece her with somebody else. There are ways to reduce the deprofesionalization, corruption, and ethical misbehaviour of bureaucracy.
I agree with all of these. The problem however, is that the American system today is completely and totally corrupted. Corporations have bought our politicians and federal agencies. And, if they can't buy them, then they'll blackmail them. It's difficult to imagine a scenario where enough Representatives, Senators, and Judges are elected to impose real change on the system. In fact, our systems is designed to prevent too many new people from getting elected at any one time. I think change, for better or worse, will only come with some massive economic calamity that kills corporate financial power. Or, if enough Americans see that the game is rigged and decide to jail (or worse) all the corrupt politicians and CEOs responsible.
One other thing that's been on my mind lately, which I've been sharing all over substack. The America and Federal Government/Bureaucracy that exists today is literally nothing like the Founding Institutions, and is, in reality, the complete and total opposite of what the Founders established. We, Americans, have to let go of this fantasy that the Federal and State Governments today are in any way similar to the Founding. They're not. The America that was founded in 1776 ended after the Civil War. The America that existed after the Civil War ended with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Income tax in 1913 followed by WW1. The America that existed after WW2 ended with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and the Implementation of No Fault Divorce. The USA today is nothing, NOTHING even close to the 13 States that existed at the Founding. Also, the Founding that we all LOVE to talk was created via Revolution. Americans picked up arms and fought and died.
And the Constitution was finally put to rest in November 2020. May it RIP!
Nailed it!
You also now live in the NAU, North American Union, which is why you have no borders except for White people and the Kalergi Plan is in full swing in Yankeeland :
As an outsider I remain gobsmacked at just how ignorant Yanks in general are, how they venerate Israel, are either red or blue with ZERO actual thought given to policies and practices. 100% agree that a two party system is practically a guarantee of corruption and age and term limits are a must.
Say three terms and not allowed ANY government position for another two terms, this would include panels and consultancies.
ALL political candidates and their families finances need to be public knowledge.
Agree with most of this. I would say age limits is enough, there's no need for term limits. And all elected officials AND all bureaucrats should be barred from working for any private sector entity that has contact with the govt / administration after retirement, or for at least 5 years if they leave the govt early.
The best idea for cutting off business from govt is to ban all forms of political lobbying. No lobbyists allowed at all, for any topic. Representatives should do their own due diligence and make up their own minds, not by defering to lobbyists.
End the nepotism. End the family dynasty crap. One family member per family serves once and that is it, no more family gets to work in the gummint.
I am pretty tired of all the married people not having the same last name so they do not have to identify w/each other until someone digs around finds out they are married. Then you go "wow, so that explains it". Greenspan and his gnarly media wife come to mind. My State Senator just happened to get his college grad daughter a very cushy job w/a Federal Senator. She would have never landed that job if it weren't for Dad, and guess what? She wants to go into politics. That kind of stuff irritates me. Everyone is tied to someone else.
And why would élites who rely on nepotism agree to that?
You will never get your country back unless you totally eliminate lobbying. It is the first thing that needs to be done. Any of our representatives should not be able to receive so much as a cheeseburger from anyone. They get paid enough. Not only do the lobbyists but off our representatives, they do it so cheaply. What we now have is a system of bribery that benefits the wealthy at the expense of the People
And why would élites who rely on lobbying to protect their interests agree to that?
The elites are being removed from power as we speak.
Certain eliminations are mere replacements. For you to think that the US can be cleansed of its current élites and restored to earlier times is a wonderful dream to which you are entitled. Others of us are realists.
The removal of the KM and the politicians, bureaucrats, & enablers who do their bidding will not result in restoring us to "earlier times". That would invite repetition of the dystopia we live in now. The coming changes will result in completely new governance and living conditions. Those who don't want that won't need to stick around to experience it.
Any number of your suggestions would create a fascist state. Much lesser suggestions may work, such as preventing lobbying, preventing dark money in elections, instituting an age limit on Congressional and Presidential candidates.
All good points to consider.
"The whole point of this list is to be as un-ideological as possible, in terms of political systems; rather than propounding the various communisms, monarchisms, and the like, we’ll stick to low-scale practical changes which can be adopted as amendments or equivalent."
You don't like isms, or in other words, historically worked out analysis and solutions for capitalism.. which, sorry, is another one of those dreaded isms which the entire world has lived within for say 500 years, but it came after...hold on... fuedalism. Sorry. Don't kill the messenger.
Ok. But what could be more practical than just cutting out the middle man and making all profit from production into public property to be used for the good of all? And even more practical you can simply take all the ill gotten gains of finance capital and make that public property for the benefit of all. Oh, and you forgot ending all wars except defensive or those to dislodge the billionaire oligarchs from vampiracly taking all the wealth and product of human labor from the actual laborers.
We'd all like it to be as simple as low-scale practical changes, but that's not where we are at. The problems are radical and thus radical corrections are required.
All the stuff you mentioned is great, except for maybe states rights, which we already fought a bloody war over when some of the states wanted to keep other humans as slaves. Imagine that.
But you just try a single one of those initiatives without a social revolution. Try it in this system we now inhabit. It will fail and if it has too much success it's leaders will be bought off or intimidated into silence. It's a hard thing to accept but there is no democracy in the west. Only a civil war of the mass of wage slaves to end wage slavery can make any of the minimum program you mention here possible.
The system, capitalism, works for the oligarchs. They won't brook even the most minor alteration to it. For the rest of the world's population, it doesn't work and so much so now that people cannot go on the way they used too.
I do agree on vindman though. Classic fifth columnist scum. I would sentence him to the front line in Ukraine. The most fitting punishment for such a militarist worm.
Thank you, that's the comment I'd have written if you hadn't already- and if my English was fluent enough.
Thanks, German woodworker. I love that name!
Well, since you mentioned it, choosing a username I intended to introduce myself properly and typed in "old German woodworker". Too lengthy as it turned out, so I scrapped the age-ist adjective.
A somewhat more thorough self description would read:
An elderly German woodworker, a living fossile from the era of "communism" in germania orientalis. Thanks again!
"But what could be more practical than just cutting out the middle man and making all profit from production into public property to be used for the good of all?"
OK, what IS this "good of all". How do you define it it? Much more importantly, who gets to decide what this good is and how to distribute it?
The US actually had a quasi-workable system called a limited government free market. I suspect our major problem is the bureaucracy, actually. We created a self-sustaining unaccountable government within a government. The trouble is no government can actually function without some sort of bureaucracy.
Put a limit on how many years as a bureaucrat you can work or rotate them out to other positions. The bureaucrats run everything, and it is a problem, they are worse than the career politicians.
Yeah, at this point they run everything; but the main trouble is their number. The bulk of any bureaucracy is just an average Joe/Jane doing somewhat repetitive work. Think the court clerk and the like. I mean, Putin was a back office lawyer in Berlin at one time; if what I've read is correct.
I think what needs to be limited is the range of authority, as well as the sheer number of departments, which is one of the main suggestions by Simplicious. The way it works now, Congress sets up a department with a broad mission and lets the bureau heads determine the rules. Then the bureau will try and expand its authority so those at the top get more pay. Pay is based on the number of employees under you to a large extent. Congress, meanwhile, will pay no attention to said bureaucracy, except to fill the top with like minded people and patronage hires. This isn't a problem limited to the Federal government or the modern day, either.
There used to be an old newspaper comic strip called "There Ought To Be A Law". Our constant search for perfection is both our strength and our curse. Your suggestion is similar to the problem inherent to term limits. I have no solution to either, sadly. I would personally support the wholesale eradication of most of the bureaucracy. You would need the court system, the Treasury, and the military (sadly). What about the police?
What, exactly, do we make illegal? I'm in NY City. A friend upstate says his local cops are bullies, but the State Troopers are OK. Me, I've never had a problem with the local cops here.
Some States are still "dry" (no alcohol) by default; go back to before Prohibition and you could buy opium in a drug store. I can remember when cops here wouldn't hassle a kid with a joint too much (aside from taking it away), but don't get caught in Texas. What is the right balance?
The real problem is that you need a mostly ethical populous for a free market system to operate properly. Now define your ethics. :-)
I'm no help at all, am I.
It is complicated for sure. Balance and compromise. Thing is you give an inch and someone takes the mile and next thing you know it is all ruined.
I can't remember which Trump hack was complaining about bureaucrats in his Dept, I think maybe it was Pompeo? Or Barr? Anyway, he said they refused to change, listen, or do anything other than what they have done for years. As the new Dept. Head they simply told him to Bugger Off. As politicians come and go to their new positions they turn to the bureaucrats for help and it goes down hill from there.
And yes, they keep creating new departments so they can keep getting the dollars for the "budgets". It is a problem. I would love to see all the alphabet departments shut down. They have plenty of money, they just want more, so they make up a new dept w/in the department, and put their friends in there to do it for the big salaries. Buttplugg has zero clue about transportation, those kind of appointments have got to stop. They all should have to take a test on the Constitution before getting a job, as well as their mental health. The Gov in NM is out of control, and should be fired immediately. She is bat shit crazy.
Ethics? I am no Saint, but I believe in doing what is right. If you don't have some kind of ethics and morals you are a loser POS. Personally I think taking down the 10 Commandments was a bad thing to do. 18 years of sitting in school looking at the wall reading them sinks in. Sadly the Commandments have been replaced w/rainbow flags, purple hair, and pants down to your knees, so that is what is sinking in the brains of our youth. And I won't get started w/the parents. All sad to witness.
And while it is fun to dream about all this stuff, the truly bad part is the good guys are letting the bad guys get away w/it to destroy what was once a decent society. It would be lovely to find that perfect place where you could live and let live, people liked each other and got along. Even if you find it eventually outsiders would come in wanting it and take it. Always the nature of humans.
The fact that no one here understands the interrelationship between government and financial power shows how limited understanding of the inner workings is. Probably reading more widely would uncover more of the reality.
One can read all day long and not be able to do a damn thing about any of it, and then there is dreaming.
Implement term limits by not voting to re elect anyone currently in office. One term is enough.
Make ineligible for Congress anyone with an Ivy League degree and/or a law degree. End lifetime appointments to the Federal court and a mandatory age retirement. Eliminate the Federal Reserve and go back to the gold standard. Eliminate the Dept. of Education completely. and reduce the number of Cabinet departments. No special laws or rules for members of Congress, they should have the same standards as all the citizens that they represent. Federal law should not usurp State law except in very limited cases. Definitely go back to vote in person on a specific voting day and not allow extensions into the night and early morning hours. Too many more to list. All hopium in any case. Sigh.
G'day Mel,
Surely banning Ivy League degrees and law degrees would be "anti-semitic, especially Harvard degrees?!
And why would the élites agree to that?