This is almost exactly Charles Haywood, whatifalthist, and Astral Flight Simulation's views... Charles in particular has been predicting a coming regime fracture for years with a situation of "Caesarism" to follow under someone like Elon Musk and a very very different political and social Overton window under the side.

Thanks for the amazing article as always Simplicius!

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Eric's comments on that podcast about what the regime instruments of control have meant for science/technology were the wildest and most interesting of the things he said. Specifically when he suggested that maybe nuclear bombs are very easy to make technically speaking but the "global order" requires as one of its secret unwritten agreements that science be misdirected down to blind alleys to make it seem more difficult. I'm not sure whether breaking that lie is all good or all bad, but it surely would be one of the biggest dupes of history.

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I ran into Ronald Reagan at the G7 Conference in Toronto as I was tasked with delivering a locked box of stuff at a building next door. Needless to say the Toronto Police bomb squad went through that box after I unlocked it. While we were walking away, I asked the cop if he ever got real bombs to deal with and he said "Oh Christ yes. All the time". I asked him why we never heard about them in the press and he said "That's the whole point, we don't want anymore customers.". Governments don't want the people to know how vulnerable the governments are, how effective their means of protest and resistance are and what they can get away with.

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Then this comes tantalisingly close to the Tree Body Problem, doesn't it?

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"Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time" by Carroll Quigley can be purchased on Amazon, and other places. A Google search finds a first edition on sale for $2500.

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I have a used (good condition) copy I bought on Powells for $27 US

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Huge fundamental error. The British Constitution is the best and most comprehensive on earth. It is NOT codified, but it too 800 years of fighting to achieve and it can be seen and studied in tne House of Commons Library. Go in as ask for the ‘Constitutional Statutes’. There are hundreds, these include the Monarch’s Oath of Allegiance, the Act of Union (with Scotland when the Scottish King took the throne of England) the Abolition of Slavery, the Magna Carta (removing governing rights from the King) Harbeous Corpus (safeguarding the citizen from the violent state) etc etc etc.

Therefore the rest of the article is rubbish.

I’m sorry to have to say that.

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This is WRONG. You can see the Constitutional Statutes. The British Constitution operates thus: the latest Will of Parliament impliedly repeals previous statutes in part or in whole that it contradicts. No Parliament can bind it’s successors, so all laws enacted can be changed or repealed. They are repealed because we don’t have contradictory laws in force. This is not universal, which is why, for instance in Italy, you can pay a Judge to apply the law which exonerates you.

But the Constitutional Statutes are different. They have to be EXPLICITLY repealed. They cannot be IMPLIEDLY repealed by a contradictory law. And for your information, Edward Heath did NOT EXPLICITLY repeal the Constitutional statutes that the Treaty Of Rome contradicted. So the U.K. did not ‘accede to the EU in accordance with its laws’ as demanded by the EU.

The U.K. was NEVER de jure a member of the EU, but the political parties selected candidates who acted as if we were members - and still do - so even in spite of Brexit, de facto we are members.

And that is the problem in Britain. The political class with the support of the Constitutional Monarch (their only job is to defend the Constitution against all political parties which it constrains) have broken our laws and constitution.

It will take a civil war to recover.

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Your "best and most comprehensive Constitution on earth" is deemed as such by the power brokers whose interest lies with ordinary people NOT having a clear picture of their rights and liberties.

For example, what happened to your Habeas Corpus Act during the Plandemic? Or even as we speak, with regards to domestic civil opposition to the UK gov:s complicity with the genocide in Gaza?

Unfortunately, people like you are a part of the problem, being heavily indoctrinated into "unwilling gatekeepers"!

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We have a very clear picture. Read Treason at Maastricht. The fools are specially selected by the political establishment, for Parliament so MPs are mostly ignorant. We have to recover the right to SELECT our own candidates. The selection committees would never have approved these numpties.

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Johnson committed a crime - but of course Habeas Corpus is aimed at the Courts and the State, which has a monopoly in violence. This was a crime committed by the Medical industry. They will be tried in the fullness of time.

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The real crime is that of HIGH TREASON, whereby your "selected representatives" have sold their constituents' will to the highest corporate bidder (in that particular case - Big Pharma)!

In essence, you live in "democratic" fascism! The sooner you wrap your head around that fact, the better for you and your family...

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High Treason is exclusively against the person 0f the Monarch. This is treason.

Read ‘Treson at Maastricht’ by my husband and Norris McWhirter to find out what the law is.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

This statement is laughable-- for SO many reasons

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Of course there is no genocide in Gaza. Get your facts right.

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Why am I not surprised that you are a (MI5) Hasbara troll, Mrs. Riley? Or was it Atkinson...? LOL

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Goodness gracious, the mendacity of your comment defies polite discourse.

I just read through the thread you started in order to get to this comment which lays bare your intentions.

As far as trolls go, you're good at what you do. Better than many. Kudos in that respect.

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EXACTLY-- and unfortunately we here in Canada, Australia et al of the old British Empire suffer along with very similar govt models.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

All “rights” went out the window in favor of “continuity of government” and “emergency powers” during 9/11 and Covid. The government causes an emergency, then snatches “rights” it normally doesn’t infringe upon in national “emergencies.”

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The Russell Family of England who were part of the Banking, Drugging, Slaving East India Company Committee of 300, Founded the Russell Marquis of Tavistock, Tavistock Institute, the Frankfurt School, The Fabian Socialists, engaged Marx with his handler Ambassador Urquhart to write Das Kapital in London in order to create Socialism and Communism to take over Russia and China for the Anglo-American Empire Founded by Lord Milner and the Rothschild Backers.


THE SATANIC PHOENICIAN 2000 TRILLION DOLLAR ROTHSCHILDS and Blackrock, The Bush family - Royal Family of the United States, Clinton Crime Company TARTARIA AND THE 2000 TRILLION DOLLAR PHOENICIANS The conscious Great Reset destruction of the Anglo-American Empire and the move to the Chinese Century, The Phoenician Stanleys – The King Makers - George Clooney is a top authority in Hollywood and he is with the Venetian Count Giovanni Volpi di Misurata who works with the Venetian Mafia. George Clooney is also friends with the former Mayor of Rome and he owns a villa in Italy on Lake Como where the Odescalchi and Erba nobles ruled. Clooney was also married in Venice at the palazzo that is owned by the Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family which are married with the Savoys. Prince Ottavino de Medici dei Toscana is a top authority over Zionism, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, international and central banking, tax collecting, and he is also a top owner of the Corsican Mafia and Chaldean Mafia. The IRS has been run by numerous Jesuit agents like David Kautter, Steven Miller, Charles Rossotti, and Douglas Shulman. Prince Ottaviano's cousin is Prince Giuliano de Medici dei Ottajano and he is also a top member of the Medicis and he oversees Hermeticism and Witchcraft. The Medicis have married with numerous monarchs, produced 4 popes for the Vatican, produced queens of France, and they owned the largest bank in Europe for centuries. Queen Marie de Medici of France had two daughters and one was the Queen of Spain and the other was the Queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The Medicis are high level royalty and medium level Black Nobility and they serve the Massimos, Colonnas, and Sforzas. Most of the Black Nobility bloodlines are titled as sovereign princes equal or above in title with the royals and most of the families of the Black Nobility are also Vatican royalty. Popes are monarchs and the Vatican is a kingdom. The Medicis specialize in criminal banking, theft through taxation, and chemical warfare by infiltrating the medical industry and poisoning people with toxic drugs and pharmaceuticals. Download this!


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This has nothing to do with ‘the Glorious Constitution’. There are criminals in all societies and in all ages.

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Keep telling yourself this🤣 its hard to realize the party is over.

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OH MY GOD-- what is it with people who think if good laws are there they are unbreakable. It's the PEOPLE not the laws. More people less chance of the small backroom deals that last centuries. People have to govern and support the laws-- but if they get paid not to well-- here we are.

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None of those British documents are binding on British law in any way that can be enforced. The U.K. is a civil law system, not a common law system. There is no precedent that a British judge considers when applying the law. There is no appeal possible when someone believes a British law is in conflict with the Act of Union (or any other Constitutional Statute) in the U.K. (except perhaps to the EU's HRC - which is a common law institution and a different body of precedent).

British judges decide whether a law passed by Parliament is properly applied in a case. U.S. judges also decide whether the law is proper (in certain circumstances), weighed against the common law and the Constitution.

The U.S. Constitution is not the source of law in the States. It is applied against the existing common law; when conflicts arise on the interpretation of clauses in the U.S. Constitution, precedent is used to resolve that conflict (the intention of the legislators, U.S. judicial precedent, British judicial precedent before Independence, and stretching back to the civil law codified by Justinian during the Roman Empire, which is the "starting point" for U.S. law).

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They are ALL binding on British law which predate the Roman Empire by millennia. We had the assizes and in fact NEVER adopted Roman Dutch law.

We are struggling to assert our sovereignty in the face of all party political terror. They don’t believe they can run a country and we agree.

As a result the ‘latest will of Parliament’ is that British judges enact EU law, that’s why we don’t challenge in courts because we have no British Courts. Only EU courts.

That’s why I have said that this can only be resolved by the real Sovereigns in any republic (Britain has been a de jure Republic since 1217) and that is The People. They will have to fight for it.

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THIS is laughable-- what page is this on in your husbands book?

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Perchance my Lady is mistaken ? There is no single document that is called the Constitution in England. They loosely use the term to refer to a whole pile of laws, documents, rulings and treaties as their constitutional framework but that is not a Constitution in the common sense of the word. It's like me saying "I have the greatest swimming pool in the world. There is no water in it nor does it have any depth to it, but it is distributed as a disorganized bunch of puddles in various locations". From the Wiki "Constitution of the United Kingdom, "" Unlike in most countries, no official attempt has been made to codify such arrangements into a single document, thus it is known as an uncodified constitution. This enables the constitution to be easily changed as no provisions are formally entrenched. "" What kind of a bleeping constitution can easily be changed and has nothing entrenched ? Sounds like an antiConstitution to me.

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A single document entitled ‘The Constitution’ is a CODIFIED CONSTITUTION’ the U.K. does NOT have a codified Constitution. It has hundreds of CONSTITUTIONAL STATUTES. Each one fought for - it has taken 800 years to put together the massive, comprehensive, sophisticated library of documents. The U.K. is not a Mickey Mouse thrown together a hundred years ago entity, like Germany or the USA. The USA does not even have a NATION. They had to define what a US citizen was because they are not related to each other as the ancient nations of Europe are.

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Perchance My Lady is triggered by a patriotic reflex ? "The U.K. is not a Mickey Mouse thrown together a hundred years ago entity, like Germany or the USA.". Does My Lady perchance mean the UK is a Goofy entity oh so carefully assembled piece by piece by the confiscated wealth of the weaker peoples who could not protect their national riches from maurauders with Enfields ? Until oh yay... a gentleman from Austria and his merry band of NAZIs brought it to a near anihilation and they had to call up the Mickey Mouses from across the pond to save it's pink little English bummies ?

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or triggered by the fact that hubby has written a book on it.

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The Constitution, per the Federalist papers makes it clear that is does NOT define a citizen, but rather defines the central power, specifically what powers it has must be written while unwritten powers are retained by the people and the states. The constitution is supposed to be a chain on the central government to which many of its founders admitted is only as strong as the people willing to weld and wield that chain, lest the animal get loose and run amok among a cowardly people.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

WOW-- tell us what you think? (not sure you are sorry) Depending on how you like transparency and the input of the people on whose earnings your depend upon-- a small oligarch running the legal, political and social constructs clearly are ok for YOU. 🙄😳

Flash--it's not all about you. How could you possibly know (or creatively intuit) what COULD have been if your little "club" of elites weren't there making their inside deals to support their biased view of how things work? Your view is at best linear, technocratic and not very reflective or creative. Yes it all works for a tiny club of elites 😊 BTW notice how a mere 300-400 years later it's all falling apart and how's Habeas Corpus doing ? what Magna Carta (talk to lawyers) what Abolition of slavery (talk to small children, human trafficking and Ukranians). 🤣 Amazing just how thick the elites are (inbreeding? 🤔)-- and others that support them. It's all falling apart and their desperation is palpable.

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Entropy will eventually destroy all these secret agreements and understandings, but it has been a slow process...Now the Ukraine war and BRICS have accelerated the process, which is why the DC establishment is desperately flailing around in an attempt to slow it down, with little success due to the functional deterioration of the Western elites, who are not now elite in any normal sense...

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No empire lasts forever.

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Fuck, it really curdles my milk when these "geniuses" rewrite history.

First of all, some kind of elite having "top down" control over the populace, whether through brute force or elaborate trickery, is NOT millenia old. It just isn't. Or at least it isn't all places. That's more of that Eurocentric racism talking, as if every culture that ever existed (such as Ancient Egypt) was either a precursor or is a descendent of the European Way.

No, damnit, no! There was no fucking representational democracy until Europeans washed up on the shores of North America (not Central/South America, obviously). Before that, it was considered unquestionably true that people were born in castes (you know, the thing that Buddha actually fought against) and there was literally nothing you could do to change it.

In reality, the peoples of North America had no ruling elite. There was no such thing as a All-Powerful Elite who could tell another person what to do. And the representational democracy (European label to try and make it seem as though the Ancient Greeks magically contributed to it via osmosis) was a last-ditch wartime effort to try and stave off the European invaders. And they definitely don't want you to know that, which is why they rebranded every Indian they met as a king (see King Philip's War) or later a "chief", which is just code for "non-European dictator."

As for what real anarchy in the United States would look like, all you have to do is look at the example of the 2005 hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The government utterly failed to provide adequate relief, so the PEOPLE stepped in. In fact, it was going so well that they literally sent provocateurs in to start shooting up the place to SPIN it as some kind of chaotic descent into anarchy. But when you erase the spin and the retcon job afterward from the media, 2005 New Orleans shows just how well even the poorest, "uneducated" people did once the government was removed from the picture (once the gov't did arrive, of course, they stuffed people into poison boxes and then Heckuva Job Brownie).

Still, though, all this talk of piercing through the illusions is kind of a masturbatory exercise because even if you did manage to convince your neighbor that this is all bullshit, then what?

On one hand, most people have been neutered so bad that they can't even light a fire with a pack of matches or cook a pot of rice. And on the other hand, they're using the cops to shut down things like collecting rainwater and raising chickens for the few remaining non-neutered people who have the skills to try to leave the grid. So these assholes aren't gonna quit - they'll kill us all with nuclear war or some other form of mass genocide, even if it means they die, too (or maybe they'll upload their egos into a computer or whatever).

Oh, as for China and the "wonders" of Confucianism, let's not forget that they got usurped by a class of eunuchs (who LITERALLY had their balls cut off, something the wokies are increasingly embracing as "affirming care") who burned down all their ships and turned China into a cuck for Western powers for 500 years or so. So yeah, not exactly a winning strategy even for the fucking emperors. The Forbidden City is now a tourist trap, for goodness sake.

One day, God willing, so will the White House be. And then we can all enjoy being Daniel Boones with internet.

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Thank you.

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Sam, I really can’t follow your line of argument here.

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Twenty other people could Timster.

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Sorry, I’m just asking for clarification.

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My response was overly snarky Timster. I'm the one who should apologize, thanks for the response. I understand that you were simply seeking clarification.

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"Trump, as Weinstein notes, was the first to unexpectedly break through this system by being from the ‘outside’, having never priorly served in office nor the military."

So, I think the interesting question is why is this happening now and not 30 years ago? This silent code that Trump has broken through isnt just words among the shadowy ruling class. It's based on a certain economic and thus social stability. 2008 was the beginning of the end of the post war stability, itself artificially prolonged by the collapse of the Soviet Union. The post war stability has become its opposite. The public feels it and Trump channelled that discontent to a certain, very limited extent. But, that discontent has grown beyond what he's willing and able to do to satisfy it. Bernie did it too, but then bowed before the power and dropped it for a comfy position. I think Trump feels it is about him and Bernie is aware it's a powerful social force one is tapping into. It frightens Bernie and Trump thinks it's just a reflection of his own personal power.

Obviously, Trump and Bernie aren't ready for the radical change the population quietly but increasingly wants.: an end to the genocide, to the war on Russia, to gross economic and thus political inequality. Both have proven their inability to resolve anything. But together they did initiate a very limited turn to the working class as opposed to a bunch of false identities and single issues.

Going forward the program of opposition to Imperialist war, to capitalism (their system) and to this false "representative" bourgeois democracy is the key. The party or leader that can win the workers with this program will have the power to make it happen and inherit the country. This is the bright side of things. So collosal a breakdown of the system and it's ruling elite is a rare opportunity for long overdue radical change. That change isn't just desirable anymore. It's existential. If the lunatics running our country are not totally removed from power, nuclear Armageddon is on the menu.

Trump and Bernie were just the first symptoms. The root is the economic and geopolitical breakdown of US Imperialism. That has and will continue to make greater numbers receptive to ever more radical political alternatives.

The question now is not who will be our next superhero, but rather what will be our party, what will be our program, how do we survive as an organized group under constant RC attack?

The American Civil War, The American Revolution, The French Revolution, The Russian Revolution 1905 and 1917. Man has passed through such periods before.

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Didn't happen 30 years ago because we weren't ready for it. Didn't have the tools to connect in BIG groups (internet), had "leaders" who didn't fully rape the economy (so we got some of its spoils) and frankly the astrology wasn't there (Pluto and the outer planets take 250 yrs to come back-- ie first during US creation and now....) seriously--it take zeitgeist and energy.

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Go back to about April 2020. MAJOR corporations were begging for bailouts because they have ZERO rainy day funds and all the profits go to shareholders and other laundering activities.

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Thank you and bless you sir.

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This was a very well-written and thought-out article. Life is good when you live outside the matrix and don't get yourself drawn into the traps in the system. which is what most people fail to do. l remember getting a $50 voucher which I could cash with proof of vaccination.just a few years ago. lol If I wouldn't take it for a million or more so why would I for chump change? You just need to be a step ahead of the dark ones in power and make yourself hard to get to. lol.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

Great article. In Singapore our govt follows the "British" system. Exactly the same rubbish as you described. Playacting by an "elected" Parliament. Real decisions made by a secretive inner Cabinet. Imagine the last will and testament made by the deceased ex PM of the country on the disposal of his own house was "debated" by this mockery and declared not valid!!!

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Ditto here in Canada

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Interesting, but....

From Why The West Can't Win:

"Democracy made by the Money Powers for the Money Powers

"Western democracies was based on the millennial Roman recipe – give the poor bread and circuses and they will not revolt.... political systems, spectator sports and media entertainment, are the modern day circuses"

The central question is not whether governance is BY the people, but whether governance is FOR the people. You partially answer that in:

"But there is a big difference: this style works for China because it is an ideological ethnostate whose leaders sprout from the same stock as the common people. They can be entrusted to have the people’s interests in mind" ..." the West, the elites appropriating this model are internationalists who adhere to exogenous cultural markers, answer to foreign masters"

From "Clash of Civilizations with Nihilism":

"‘civilization’ is the result of an evolutionary process refined over centuries or millennia during which roots in the communal psyche grow and are reinforced.....

Civilization thus refers to religions, forms of governance, laws, culture, traditions, way of life that have evolved over extended periods of time in various communities towards the CONTINUOUS BETTERMENT OF COMMUNAL LIFE.

A deep rooted civilization is proof of a successful evolutionary process in which the community’s long term wellbeing and survival is prioritized. It is the historical survival of a particular community that develops it into a civilization; otherwise it will disappear from history."

Based on the above, the ideal governance is SURELY NOT democracy, rather it is the governance model that is rooted in the civilizational heritage of a society.


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Methinks you just hit a nail on the head up there, specifically with regards to your definition of ‘civilization’ as "the result of an evolutionary process refined over centuries or millennia during which roots in the communal psyche grow and are reinforced....."

If you ponder deep enough, you might realize that in essence there is no such thing as a "Western civilization", simply because the West in its entirety hasn't shared a common history dating back centuries or millennia prior to the establishment of the "New World Order" post WWII. Heck, not even Europe can boast about sharing the same cultures, traditions, laws or general way of life.

That is in part why, as Simplicius astutely observes in the article, Chinese elites share a much broader common ground with ordinary Chinese plebes, in contrast to their "Western" counterparts who only feel contempt for their lesser compatriots on-paper. The notion of patriotic duty and cultural belonging is nonexistent in Western elites, which is why the West is doomed unless "the deplorables" rise up and overthrow the unruly satraps.

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Agree fully with you. Western civilization aka European civilization was corrupted early on due to distortions of Christianity. Laurent Guyenot explains this very well in a series of articles: https://www.unz.com/author/laurent-guyenot/

But the greatest damage to European civilization was with "Liberalism" and "Age of Enlightenment" and the banker financed "revolutions".

I address this in "Clash of Civilizations with Nihilism":


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I'd say the Reformation was pretty damaging. The evolution of Protestantism has given us the Neo-Puritans many call progressives and the Christian Zionists who clamor for the end of times on one corner while the dooms day climate change cult announce the end is nigh from the opposite corner.

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I read 2 fascinating articles on this subject today:

The Venetian Takeover of England


The Venetian Virus: How England Was Conquered from Within


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Thank you, I will check them out.

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If humanity is a divine construct, or an intelligent design, then we are right at home.

The construct can't be outplayed, or governed fairly, only understand on the individual level.

The construct is provided with polarities, good and evil, rulers and the ruled, trials and tribulations.

This is the design, that can provide learning curve, there is no other way to evolve from knowledge to understanding. Knowledge is of time, it is the self, understanding is not of time and not the self.

The self will expire, but understanding remain. Any consolation? not "this" time.

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A great analysis and summation of what seems to be the slow unveiling of the Omnicause, the true reason things are the way they are. Perhaps more than usual.

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And I also sense a growing awareness of the scales falling from the eyes of a generation in the throes of self loathing and delusion. Old paradigms: The Anglo-American partnership, being caught with its hand in the cookie jar. You can't stop the signal.

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Lot's of good insights, though I think you underestimate the extent to which many people have clearly seen and understood how so-called liberal democracies function since their very inception in the 18th century. Workers movements in the West emerged very early on to demand a more equitable share of the wealth being generated by industrial capitalism. And these have been systematically resisted by state power at every step. So it has never been the case that the charade of Western liberal democracies has been without active resistance from the masses.

Similarly, I simply don't understand why it is so difficult to recognize that Trump is simply another grifter taking advantage of the opportunity to enrich himself and his family by playing both sides against the middle. He is not an ennobled "class traitor" leading the people into the promised land of "freedom". When he was in power he pursued the identical policies as his predecessors, both on domestic and foreign policy. To imagine that the Deep State has its daggers out for him is fantasy. And if it did want him gone I'm sure it possesses the capabilities of doing so without recourse to rank amateur "lone wolves" who can't hold a candle to professionals skilled in the art of such things.

Finally, you overstate the cultural homogeneity of Chinese leadership. Today's China is a mix of ethnicities and cultures held together by a socialist ideology (with Chinese characteristics), a national language, and solid Party discipline. The Party is effective because the people, in general, prefer social stability and improved living conditions to the political and social chaos of the years preceding the Party's consolidation of power. It is not by any means perfect, but in the aggregate has proven itself better at delivering on its commitments than its Western liberal democratic counterparts.

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