You know what’s interesting?

I live in a pretty Jewish neighborhood in Florida and twice a year, around Christmas and Easter, I get mini books - you could say pamphlets - in the mail evangelizing to Jews about Jesus, usually accompanied with a story of Jewish converts to Christianity.

I wonder if this is now considered “hate speech"?

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No, it is not. The law is specifically about threatening, harassment & trespassing based on religion & ethnicity. Read the law. Atty Jeff Childers links to it at his site & gives his take on it.

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Sorry, My bad. Here you go:


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Thanks. The one thing that is too broad is “harass ... person based on ... religious wear”. What is harass? If an evangelist goes up to an Orthodox Jew and talks to him about Jesus does that constitute harassment? Here’s where it gets dicey.

In Israel Christian evangelism is not allowed. This seems to me is one step closer.

P.S. In Israel you also can’t sell/buy the New Testament in a book store.

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I'm not a lawyer, but it looks to me that this law includes references to related laws that include the definitions of terms.

Most of it also seems to refer to actions on *private property* and with *intent to threaten.*

The few parts that Childers took issue with he expects will not hold up in the Florida Supreme Court.

He essentially seems to consider it a nothing burger.

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"If an evangelist goes up to an Orthodox Jew and talks to him about Jesus does that constitute harassment".

Maybe in Israel, but this is Florida so no. If the evangelist blocked the Jew from going somewhere, or started stalking him, following him down the street, or knocked his beanie off his head, then yes.

And if the Jew grabbed tbe evangelist's cross & pulled it off his neck then the Jew would be the harasser.

Frankly, all the actions the law describes should be crimes period, regardless whether religious or secular.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Sharing the Gospel to Jews in FL may not be considered “hate” speech…yet.

But merely pointing out (via paper pamphlets) that, for example, the absolute Western civilization disaster that has been Neoconservatism, is almost 100% Jewish in origin OR that Bolshevism was overwhelmingly Jewish OR the transsexual and BLM movements are Jewish OR that civilian disarmament aka gun control is largely Jewish, well that type of information would certainly be considered the antisemitisms and thus “hate” speech.

Mere pattern recognition.

And God forbid a group of, say, white Christians attempt to organize and promote a nationalistic, Christian-based political solution as an alternative to clown world. That’s the ultimate sin against the chosen tribe as the truth and what is good actually threatens clown world’s “trans-generational” power hence precisely why white Christians are fair game to be attacked, replaced, slandered, and even murdered, with impunity.

That’s the entire point of this legislation and why Desantis signed the bill in Israel.

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I have only one part on which I have a different view ... the rest I agree because they are factual.

Gun Control: I have actually seen - out of all people - Orthodox Jews advocating for and carrying guns. It was surreal. And I only saw it in Florida. Also there are plenty of non-Jews (and Christians) who want different regulations, ranging from an outright ban to some that keeps them legal in the hands of sane people. So I wouldn't characterize it as mostly Jewish.

I also try to differentiate between elite Jews and the rest. Not to say that the rest are completely innocent but it's more of who is driving this train vs who's just enjoying the ride. There are also some dissident Jewish voices who are honest ... few but they are there.

The whole antisemitism thing has been so overplayed that most people couldn't care less anymore and actually get visibly annoyed when it's mentioned - which I never saw before. That's among the reasons for why these hate speech laws are proposed. The sad thing is once the laws are in they can (and will) be turned against them - it happened many times before and, unfortunately, they always learn the wrong lessons from their history.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Regarding gun control, I’m referring to those that identify as being Jewish but fund, legislate, support, etc. citizen disarmament: Feinstein, Schumer, Bloomberg, Weinstein, etc.

E.g. Michael Bloomberg has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to disarm Gentiles.

Feinstein has been pushing gun bans for decades.

Again, very few people but tremendous (trans-generational) power, influence and reach from a very disproportionate amount of dual citizens.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I notice that all news articles starting with "fact check:" are all fake.

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You only confirm my never starting with FB or any other social media or most chart rooms. Slack is compromised? Hardly surprising yet disappointing, for among whom I sub on Patron is Tom Luongo (HIGHLY recommended!), who has an active private Slack community. I haven't spent much time there, for I only have so much rabbit-hole mental bandwidth, but once again you make me glad I haven't dwelled there much. Of course, the spooks are probably sifting through here to, the evil bastards! Brilliant work thanks for thinking as always!

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It sucks to be white, and on the right (as opposed to the left). Anything to shut us up.

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Just as most Republican politicians are not really "conservatives" or even "right", the "left" is not really Left. The true American Left is getting pummeled from all sides -- that's why this entire circus exists in the first place. The populist right is all too easily coerced -- say "China" and they and their "Don't Tread on Me" tshirts jump. Elon Musk is practically one of the average guys from a flyover state. Does any anti-woke Musk-worshipper willingly suppress the knowledge of the names of Elon's children or they excuse it as one of Musk's "eccentricities"?

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May 5, 2023Liked by Simplicius

This is why I thought the "Tik Tok hearings" were particularly absurd. IIRC, in the past year they even had an active duty Army intelligence officer on staff (I think it was an article on Mint Press News). Tik Tok is as full of spooks/intel/LEOs as every other platform. I think those hearings were a dog and pony show to spew anti-China propaganda and possibly obfuscate just how many "ex" US govt officials were on staff. They aren't going to give up a platform with that kind of reach. And yes, using the China "threat" to come up with new legislation to restrict civil liberties. Ban Tik Tok?? But the public just can't do without Tik Tok! Oh, the horror! Pretty smart play from the creeps in D.C. It also goes back to a post you made recently on your other blog - about how uninformed our elected officials seem to be about...well, everything. I also think this is true to a large extent. Probably a majority of them at the Tik Tok hearings have no idea we have people working there - but a few probably did and played along. Its about as real as reality TV, lol.

Personally, I've thought for a while that DeSantis is the usual establishment hawk type - but signing state legislation in another country - especially regarding 1st Amendment rights is WAY out there. I'm not sure what is worse; his being a JAG at Guantanamo Bay or this stunt. Hard pass.

As far as all of these supposed "ex" Fibbies (or as we called them years ago Famous But Incompetent), spooks, or security blob types in social media/corporate hierarchy....I'm betting they're actually double-dipping too, just like the Army intel officer at Tik Tok. They aren't ex-anything. Spreading the wealth amongst the rank and file - pretty neat way to keep the plebs in line and the statists loyal.

As far as the political establishment using social media to influence, suppress or spy on citizens to influence politics or elections, Curtis Yarvin said it best: "they cheated fair and square". I hold "influencers", celebrities, think-tankers, ex-military MIC salesmen and other such types in the same regard I hold tobacco executives and bankers. Doesn't work with me, but I wouldn't trust anyone in D.C. enough to follow them out of a burning building, let alone vote for them to have power over me.

When I signed up to your other blog, somehow I was also given access to this one too. I'm not sure that was supposed to happen, but thanks.

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"To such people—to such interests—the momentary whims of contemporary laws and governance, such as those of free speech and expression, are nothing more than trifles to be brushed aside, or waited out like yellowing leaves on an autumnal tree. And our question, as a society, remains: how to design governance systems which can oppose such trans-generational interests?"

That's the question. That right there is the big question.

Because if we can't govern ourselves, we will be governed by others.

Rather terrifying to consider that we might be moving into the Internet lockdown, after what we've already been through. Is this heavy-handedness not a sign of weakness and insecurity on their part, though?

As to the TikTok influencers ... much of it is also blunt and therefore cringe, as commie agitprop usually is. Is it really effective? Or do the kids roll their eyes at it?

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Oh it's definitely a sign of terminal weakness in my opinion, or rather desperation. And as to the TikTok influencers, I'll be honest, that's one area I don't have a good bead on and wish I did. I'd *like* to imagine that Gen-Z is secretly based and blackpilled more than we know, and so such awkward or hamfisted efforts come off as cringeworthy as you suggest. But I don't know for sure! Wish there was a Zoomer here who could inform us! Or I could always go ask around... https://i.imgur.com/EdBQmqH.jpg

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Yeah, I don't interact nearly enough with the kids to have a good handle on that either. Substack audiences trend older in my experience, and I spend zero time on TikTok so don't have much idea what's actually popular there. The small number of zoomers and even smaller number of alphas I know see through this stuff, but the selection effect is pretty powerful there.

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I've been to Discord a few times, even spent some time in an insane asylum they call their Discord server, where obviously I was yelled at for misgendering someone.

Discord is like the black void where good stuff goes to die. Once I went to another Discord server, and there was this kid (or maybe not a kid) who was activelly trying to convince people he's going to be the next Hitler. I'm not modifying the exchange in any way. He thinks Hitler had it right, that Germany should rule and he was going to bring it about. Other people were asking him what skills and abilities he had - he said he had none - and they were telling him he needs to get to work if he plans to make it happen. Another time I went to the same server and the same chatroom and there was this other guy who was saying he should be afforded black priviledge because... he self-identified as a black dog.

I'm not making this up. This happened. This is IRL.

Meanwhile, some other guy was (maybe) jerking off to dismemberment porn. He was definitively jerking off to it *generally*, tho maybe not at that exact moment.

I haven't really been going there since then. There's nothing on Discord for me. I've been on the Internet since about 1996 or about that.

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There's a reason I avoid the howling madness of Discord servers.

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There's only one Discord server I'm active on, and it's a private one. Discord (or as I like to call it "Groomercord") is where the absolute worst, bottom of the barrel scum of my generation congregate. I've never seen more troons anywhere than on the Blue Politics Discord server.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023

As an older Zoomer, I find my generation is a mixed bag where most don't care about this shit at all either due to complete ignorance or to being blackpilled in the lame "consume product" way, but there is a large portion of my generation that's at least as based as you'd hope, but they're not a majority. Unfortunately, there's an equally large segment of my generation that's so deeply entrenched in the ideology of the current ruling class as to make any attempt of getting through to them a complete waste of time. These are your malformoids, CHAZoids, and LGBT creatures with 72 genders or whatever they're on to now. These people have gone so far as to make the current ruling order part of their personal identity. These people will be the S. A. and Waffen S. S. of the future. Fortunately, these people aren't the majority, either, so maybe there is still hope for the future.

Oh well, at least most of us are better than those irony-poisoned, Soylent-guzzling Millennials. At least my generation doesn't have to bear the shame of making up 90% of all soyjaks.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Simplicius

I have been going grey for a decade, or longer, figuratively and literally. Anytime I hear, see, read… the word democracy, I become ill. Figuratively and literally. Grateful I prefer my own company and a few chosen mutts. My days are numbered, God will guide. ❤️🔥❤️

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May 5, 2023Liked by Simplicius

Remember the »Sedition Act«? 1798! Installed by one of the heroes of American democracy. Still in force ...

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The evidence you give here certainly fits a dark future, unless we come up with a way to counter act incredible subversive tactics and strategies designed remove all individual freedom and rights and enslave us. As one commentator pointed out, unless we can govern ourselves better, we will be governed. Until reading this, I mistakenly thought DeSantis was on the good side, but now awakened to him as just another frontman marching to dark overlords. This story is actually quite frightening about how many people have joined the gravy train to hell, leaving no stone unturned. Increasingly hard to know who to trust. Is there anyone who can lead us out of this mess? The problem is that they arrest anyone who threatens the oligarch’s Satanist agenda. Part of any solution, is to stay informed and maintain a high vibration of consciousness.

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Re: Florida, I strongly suggest reading substacker Atty Jeff Childers' take on it & reading the actual law, which he links to.

It's about trespassing, harassing & threatening based on ethnicity &/or religion.

I'd say it shouldn't be limited to ethnicity or religion. I've had a neighbor dump 5 large bags of trash on my property. They *should* have been made to clean it up. I've had a neighbor deliberately shine klieg lights at my house all night fir months. (I never complained, but her husband apologized profusely). I've had a neighbor & her 6 brats stand in their front yard & scream "You're a loser!You're a loser! You're a loser!" over & over while walking my dog . A member of this same family tried to run over my dogs in my driveway years ago, & yes, I felt very threatened by their behavior. They nearly killed my boys once for no reason. Who knows what they'd pull next.

I've never done a thing to harm any of these or any other neighbors or anyone else.

Haters are gonna hate, but I should be able to walk my dogs in peace & l should

be left the goddam fuck alone on my property.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

What’s odd or rather suspicious is that Desantis would sign such a bill in Israel.

Or perhaps it’s just a coincidence in a very, very, very long line of coincidences.

I guess Israelis are extremely concerned with littering and people getting yelled at - in Florida - and it has nothing, whatsoever to do with the unfortunate noticing and pattern recognition that is sweeping throughout the non-Israeli population in America (and elsewhere).

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It shows Desantis sucks st politics. It was a ham-fisted way to "court" the Jewish vote & try to appear "Presidential."

Desantis is the deep state candidate, with prominent deep staters funding his campaign. They don't give $$ out of the goodness of their shriveled up, blackened hearts.

***But that doesn't mean he isn't doing some good things...at least right now.***

He's simply doing what he thinks will get him elected. Once he's in power he'll do what his funders tell him to.

So I support some of what he is doing now. But won't vote for him or support his candidacy.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

Is this move by Desantis to gain support of the Jewish vote that statistically, is almost irrelevant - especially since Jews vote 90% Democrat regardless of decades of Republican pandering and are an extremely small percentage of the population - OR is this move to garner support from Jews that hold overwhelming power at all levels of elected and unelected office?

I think Desantis has done some great things in FL like actually signing off on legislation that benefits his constituents. What a concept.

However, the hate speech law, he signed in Israel, essentially will protect ALL of those in power, that identity with Judaism, from being criticized and thus tremendous amounts of power and control can be retained by this extremely small group (per capita) regardless of how heinous the action.

THAT’s the entire point.

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Nowhere does the law specify Jewish harassment. Its harassment for any religion. Including Christianity.

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Right. Which is obviously why it was signed in Israel.

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Hey, did you even watch that Peraton video? Go to minute 1:20 and it says "Do the can't be done" not just once but three times. WTF? Also, the CEO Matt McQueen looks like he's too dumb to even tie his shoes, and Peraton itself seems to be operating out of an abandoned warehouse LOL

Also, I know you don't speak Portuguese, but there was a hilarious "epic fail" in Brazil this week when they called for a vote in Congress on the new censorship bill. As the "no" votes started surging over the "yes" votes, they literally had to invoke an obscure parliamentary rule (supposedly, probably was illegal) to SHUT DOWN the vote and table the bill for later.

Anyway, as to the larger point, total control over a complex system always fails. It failed during the Nazis. It failed during the reign of the Stasi in E. Germany. It failed in the Soviet Union. It's also failing big-time in North Korea. The unauthorized truth will always get out.

What IS working, unfortunately, is the obliteration of the common people's ability to understand civics or how democracy and governance is supposed to work. The report I saw this week said only 16% of American students are "proficient" in such basic concepts as the balance of powers between the judiciary, executive, and legislative branches.

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Cynical old me thinks: why not regard the demand for more monitoring of social media as a welcome 'work creation programme'? Once 70% of Americans are monitoring the other 30% (that's my guesstimate!) the USA will finally have become like, e.g. the former DDR where nearly everybody was 'employed' by the Stasi, leading to a lovely new slogan (h/t the former DDR): 'to learn from the enemy is to learn how to win'.

Where things become really frightening is when those monitoring entities will use AI to construct evidence of hate speech, with all the legal consequences.

Frankly, Huxley's 'Brave New World' somehow becomes suddenly preferable ...

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AI is a double-edged sword. Those on the side of truth will also be able to push narratives using AI without any data source constraints.

There will be more and more very talented engineers - completely fed up with clown world - working for and with the dissident right.

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Life is a cycle and when the old is dying, it starts swirling into the abyss.

Here is my most recent screed;


The fact is, the more they try to control, the more people will find ways to push back. Simple physics. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023

i would add that REAL power throughout history has been and is composed of 2 things. the ability to make, mine, invent, manufacture, grow STUFF in the real world that people need AND overwhelming military power based upon the most cutting edge principles of the day.

NEITHER of these 2 things exist in the west any longer. manufacturing power lives in china and military dominance lives in russia. emotionally dispute this claim all you like but PROVE it wrong in the real world or remain and ignorant fanboi.

the western system of neo feudalism is as you say being replaced and that kubler ross process is why we see all the draconian efforts by those in power to not go quietly into the night. their efforts will make no difference..........the manufacturing war they have lost and will not for a long time if ever be able to compete with asia.........the arms race they have DEFINITIVELY lost to russia. the ukraine conflict reveals this in SPADES..........russia fighting the entire western alliance and the west is impotent to alter the outcome as it drains itself of weapons which when actually used do not even work well.

in the end facebook, youtube and twitter and all the other social media orgs are entertainment and little else irrespective how many idiots think they constitute real power compared to manufacturing or kinetic military power. all they do is mind massage until shortages, poverty and repression in the REAL world intrude on those brainwashed. once that happens social control by the few evaporates and chickens come home to roost

i would add watch the police. as long as they defend and protect the elites who run the system against the people the game can continue. once the police side with their own families and the people things change fast. even more than the army which is small compared to the people it is the police in towns and cities all over the country that decide ultimately who wins and who loses.

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Keep in mind, money is a contract. The asset side of the ledger is backed by an obligation. When others lose trust in your ability to fulfill those obligations and lose fear in your ability to enforce trust, the bubble has burst.

Even the cops won't play along.

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Canada is charging ahead with a 2-prong attack on media:

1 - Recent passage of BIll C11 gives the Canadian govt the 'right' to control what Canadians view online (https://www.expressvpn.com/blog/canadas-online-streaming-act-bill-c-11-explained/ and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_Streaming_Act)

2 - Canada's Radio/Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is considering a request from a LGBTQABC123 group to have Fox News removed from Canadian broadcast networks because someone got their feelings hurt by something said on a Fox News show (yeah, you gueesed right ... it was a Tucker Carlson episode) (https://globalnews.ca/news/9674595/crtc-fox-news-canada-lgbtq-tucker-carlson/ and https://thepostmillennial.com/fox-news-could-be-banned-from-canadian-television-after-complaint-by-trudeau-funded-lgbtq-group)

The obvious (?) takeaway ... someone's feelings get hurt by something they see/hear on media so we must remove that media channel from public viewing (at least if it goes against the woke agenda).

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The following Vid regarding successful ongoing litigations about fraud surrounding the health mandates is here as example of positive action being taken: https://rumble.com/v2lfb8a-fraud-and-litigation.html

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Great read as always but I must admit I never read Dark Futura before the CW article listed on both. I am not sure why I hadn’t. Thinking I suspected it might be something to do with sci-fi or something. I will not make that mistake again moving forward.

Can someone please tell me the dummy version of the characteristics between Sim’s 2 main blogs?

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