The chosen people don't believe in free speech.

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Literally 1984

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Thanks for this deep dive. It’s worse than I thought and I thought it was bad.

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I come here, and to some guy's Substack called Simplicius76 😀, amongst others. The truth resides where you look. The Saker taught us much, and we are all indebted to his work.

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fantastic article - thank you so much - I wish I could fund your subscription - I'm ashamed - but really have no money for 3 weeks out of every month and can't even buy enough food the one week where I do have money- Trudeau takes $40 out of every $100 that Canadians put in their gas tanks just to get places...Canada is a big country and I have to drive for 1/2 hour just to get to the nearest little grocery store - and over 1 hour each way to get 'supplies' for the whole month....

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Good essay. It's clear that elites have always been in control of the flow of information. In the past they would sometimes have problems and things would go sideways for a while before they were back in the saddle, but this new internet thingy is giving them an existential challenge.

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The Google anti-trust case will not go anywhere, and will very likely even strengthen the Censorship Industrial Complex. See Jimmy Dore's interview of Dr. Robert Epstein, How Google Shifted 6 MILLION Votes To Joe Biden. Highly recommended and enlightening. It shows what I believe is the way forward against the CIC - Surveil the surveillers.

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In the West there’s only slavery or death under law.

Slavery if you live, death if one of their feral pets gets an urge.

Law or Civilization, Law or Death.


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Appreciate your intelligence. Beyond measure. Circling the drain, and watching it all, rapid fire. I find my daily chores very consumptive, a good thing. I must gather figs, make jam, pile up the leaves. I stay distracted in my lair; so I can keep at bay the she wolf howls. The pain, the suffering is immeasurable. God as my guide, carry on I must. Thank you my virtual cat🐈‍⬛❤️

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Go to Rumble and Telegram.

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What's worse is that NSA has a backdoor to all the iphones of those European leaders, as Starlink operates on the C band of the Nato spectrum band.


I wonder if this is also about taking a jab at Musk's assertion over information control in general?

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I have not known in my life, even with 911, the amount of censorship in this country, in the EU, in the West and its colonies. They "can't take the truth," because the truth is they are Caucasian Imperialists once again genociding the native society in order to create and Apartheid society, just for whites, even as they say they are not racist bigots. This will not work in the world as it is today. Europe has fallen, and the US is on the way. Trillions in debt and don't have to pay, until the judgment day. Don't ride in elevators, and stay away from big cities. The End of Days is coming (unless we get regime change in Israel). Frankly, I think Bibi and Z will have short lives.

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The problem I have with your post is not that you are anti censorship, it is that you fail to (apparently) realize Hamas is indeed a terrorist organization. The main problem I have with BOTH sides is that neither is honestly willing to compromise. Most of the Arab world was, until recently, unwilling to accept the existence of Israel. This is not to say that Israel doesn't bear some of the blame; they do. However, if neither side is willing to try and understand the viewpoint of the other and try to work towards an amicable resolution, then both sides bear responsibility for the chaos that then ensues.

As regards the censorship of the western countries, it is so strange to see those who strove to defeat the USSR essentially become them; especially the US, which was SUPPOSED to be the "shining city on the hill". America,where are you now... don't you care about your sons and daughters (Steppenwolf). (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-7uwshsfFI&pp=ygUXdGhlIG1vbnN0ZXItc3RlcHBlbndvbGY%3D)

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As Simplicius would know they will eventually come for him. Read somewhere that Substack needed to be addressed to remove "hate speech".

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I stopped reading when you started blaming leftists.

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Just another nail in the EU coffin. The West is in decline, the G7 is losing its clout, Europe is toast , Noth America is going bankrupt both financially and morally. Revolution is in the air.

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