Simplicius the Thinker provides some of the most well-thought-out analyses on the internet. I read him every day and urge others to also.

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Well written. Thank you. We each DO make a difference.

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We’ll done. I was concerned when I began the read and hit on the word protozoa. Science was never my strong suit. But you brought it home and stuck the landing.

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Excellent piece, sir. Hope remains. In an odd way I feel more positive about the future now than in many years. Satan’s kingdom - the American system of fiat currency, cultural degeneracy and gnostic leveling in the name of “equality” and universal “principles” -- is falling down.

And not a moment too soon.

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Thanks for this tour-de-force, Simplicius. Yes, i had to go and look up another expression I'd never come across: 'rhumb-lines'. 'Tis good to learn something new each day ...

I was fascinated by the idea or proposal of Mr Harari, to have AI 'rewrite' the Bible:

"AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared. Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity,” he added."

That's very interesting indeed, but ...: point one, why rewrite the Bible, why not the Quran or the buddhist holy sutras? Point two: would atheists and secularists need to adhere and submit to such a text since it's written by 'a superhuman intelligence'? And point three: does anyone in the smartphone generation (and indeed a great number of those belonging to earlier generations) actually read books any longer?

Doesn't it look as if the WEF is morphing into a quasi-religious cult?

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Putting it in the biggest context possible is the only way .... Those hanging on to their petty sandbox quarrels no matter at what scale or to what material benefit they are surely on their way to DESTRUCTION...


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AI canNOT create anything new. Only GOD ALMIGHTY can through HIS CREATION...

AI simply recycles old thoughts much faster than the AVERAGE HUMAN MIND would be able to perform that same task... ultimately it is a DEATH SPIRAL if "nothing" truly new is added ... Like the 1000th sequel of whatever....

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I know it's a hackneyed old saying, but it's really true - the best revenge is to live a good life. Follow your reason, master your emotions, and become free from the chains of desire and greed that the modern world imposes, and all is well. Participate in no frivolous wars or pointless struggle. Struggle mightily for the things that truly matter - the local community, the future, and the people you care about.

It is infinitely more satisfying than whatever games these people are playing.

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Jun 17, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023

simplicus, david hume understood this quandry in 1777 writing in his treatise on human nature........

"Nothing appears more surprizing to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers. When we enquire by what means this wonder is effected, we shall find, that, as Force is always on the side of the governed, the governors have nothing to support them but opinion. It is therefore, on opinion only that government is founded; and this maxim extends to the most despotic and most military governments, as well as to the most free and most popular. "

now with the internet worldwide in erect young adult full vigor, the elites do not stand a chance. adding a ''''sovereign''''' russia, the worlds preminent military power and china the worlds preminent manufacturing power the collective west and its ruling class appears much closer to a mirrors reflection of george soros than a master of the universe their minds tell them they still believe themselves to be.

as the 2020's drag on western elite deathroes will surely become more flamboyant like a tranny parade and also more laughable. the 2030's would seem like histories moment for humanity to get an entirely new animating idea and celebration underway towards the next stage of human progress and development with a new cast of ''leading'' characters and not from the west.

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The totalitarian proponents of the putrid corpse of Euro/Anglo colonialism have no reverse gear, and in your words: ". . . over-extended their forces into a salient of extremity so abhorrent as to wake even the most dormant of reluctant resisters. They did it because they had no choice: they can only push forward, only accelerate towards extremes, like a man on fire unable to stop running; for to yield even a single step or beat is to face"

Another well articulated version, with the most serious of potential consequences:

"Putin confidant warns of preemptive nuclear strike"

Russia must ‘make nuclear deterrence a convincing argument again, lowering the threshold for use of nuclear weapons’





Growing Threat

Russia and its leadership seem to be facing a difficult choice. It becomes increasingly clear that a clash with the West cannot end even if we win a partial or even a crushing victory in Ukraine.

. . .

And this brings us to the most important but almost undiscussed issue. The underlying, and even fundamental cause of the conflict in Ukraine and many other tensions in the world, as well as of the overall growth of the threat of war, is the accelerating failure of the modern ruling Western elites – mainly comprador ones in Europe (Portuguese colonialists used the word ‘comprador’ to refer to local traders who catered to their needs) – who were generated by the globalization course of recent decades.

This failure is accompanied by rapid changes, unprecedented in history, in the global balance of power in favor of the Global Majority, with China and partly India acting as its economic drivers and Russia chosen by history to be its military-strategic pillar.

This weakening infuriates not only the imperial-cosmopolitan elites (Biden and Co), but also the imperial-national ones (Trump). Their countries are losing their five-century-long ability to syphon wealth around the world, imposing, primarily by brute force, political and economic orders and cultural dominance.

So there will be no quick end to the unfolding Western defensive but aggressive confrontation. This collapse of moral, political, and economic positions has been brewing since the mid-1960s; it was interrupted by the Soviet Union’s breakup but resumed with renewed vigor in the 2000s. (The defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the beginning of the Western economic model crisis in 2008 were major milestones.)

. . .

Failing internally, Western elites began to actively nourish the weeds that had come through after seventy years of well-being, satiety, and peace – all these anti-human ideologies that reject the family, homeland, history, love between a man and a woman, faith, commitment to higher ideals, everything that constitutes the essence of man.

They are weeding out those who resist. The goal is to destroy their societies and turn people into mankurts (slaves deprived of reason and sense of history as described by the great Kirgiz and Russian writer Chengiz Aitmatov) in order to reduce their ability to resist modern “globalist” capitalism, increasingly unfair and counterproductive for humans and humanity as a whole.

Along the way, the weakened United States unleashed a conflict to finish off Europe and other dependent countries, intending to throw them into the flames of confrontation after Ukraine. Local elites in most of these countries have lost their bearings and, panic-stricken by their failing internal and external positions, are obediently leading their countries to the slaughter. Moreover, the feeling of a greater failure, powerlessness, centuries-old Russophobia, intellectual degradation, and the loss of strategic culture make their hatred even deeper than that of the United States.

The vector of development in most Western countries clearly indicates their movement towards a new fascism and (so far) “liberal” totalitarianism. What is most important is that the situation will only get worse there. Truce is possible, but peace is not. Anger and despair will keep growing in shifts and turns.

This vector of the West’s movement unambiguously indicates a slide towards World War III. It is already beginning and may erupt into a full-blown firestorm by chance or due to the growing incompetence and irresponsibility of modern ruling circles in the West.

. . .

It was this fear [“of hell”] that ensured relative peace for the last three quarters of a century. That fear is gone now. What is happening now is unthinkable in accordance with previous ideas about nuclear deterrence: in a fit of desperate rage, the ruling circles of a group of countries have unleashed a full-scale war in the underbelly of a nuclear superpower.

That fear needs to be revived. Otherwise, humanity is doomed.

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Though strands of globalism have existed for a couple of centuries and schemes for elite dominance are age-old, would locate our present situation less in the history of cabals and more in the nature of capitalism's drive for profits and markets--and the concomitant commodification of, well, everything. This is the machine that overthrows time and distance and devours cultures, religions, ethnicities, spirituality, ideas, poetry, literature and replaces them with the junk of advertising and the spectacle. This is a machine not driven by an idea, but by necessity once a certain economic framework is established. The acquiescence of the populace is engineered by the ideas and culture that accompany this system. War has been a favorite—not the unite the globe, but to divide it and to crush internal dissent. The the best example of the exploitation of cultural, religious and ethnic tensions may not be the Frankfurt School, but the British Empire: a small nation—the earliest avatar of capitalism---that fractured larger political entities and then exploited them via comprador elites--the refinement of age-old divide and rule. This is the logic of the color revolution which highjacks internal tensions and exploits them to install a favorable regime. It is necessary to keep the populace confused and divided for elites to rule and exploit. Thus, racism, sexism, homosexuality, and all manner of lesser divisions such as guns, prayer, and abortion are enlisted to fracture the masses and keep them fighting and hating one another. These issues are of no concern to elites one way or another. They are simply among the tools used to keep opponents weak and disunited.

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Extremely well written piece. Really gives context to what is happening now and now it makes sense why people are dubbing it WWIII.

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I've longed for common purpose to stop the erosion of ourselves, but cynicism arrives with age.

If aliens attacked, everyone would cheer for extraterrestrial killer, Will Smith. Russia and Ukraine would erect statues to him. But, behind the scenes, corporations and politicians will make deals with the aliens because short-term self is more tangible than our common future.

We are like the fynbos of South Africa which has to be burnt after a period of years so that it grows back better.

Our immorality cannot be stopped. It grows until mass anger overcomes the fear of oppression, then the oppressed become the killers of the oppressors. Destruction requires rebuilding which requires community which is bliss. But community becomes leaders and followers, and leaders become corrupt, and followers become repressed, and repression becomes fear, and fear is overcome with anger so that we burn ourselves to grow back better.

Then we do it all again.

Are we fools to seek morality in defiance of human nature?

Religion isn't hope or a guide. At worst, its a parable of folly, at best one chapter in the narration of our regenerative species.

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WOW, an actual POSITIVE article on Dark Futura, with a POSITIVE ending! Simplicius what happened? Did somebody hurt you? Did you get sick? xD

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The most "correct" religious experience is the one we personally believe in, we have a lot invested in it, ask any Christian, Muslim or Jew if theirs is correct. All can rail against the falsity of the alternatives and that God himself is only invested in theirs. I omit Eastern as they don't have an anhomomorphic God, never the less many schisms exist all claiming the true interpretation.

As to AI rewriting the Bible, well it was done already at Council of Nicaea in 325, ironically though few seem interested in what the pre-edited version may have been. Recall occultist Blavatsky saying she had no interest in politics as it was simply pouring old wine into new bottles, whatever system in place was irrelevant as the same people were still running it. She opined politics would never change until humanity itself did. I think we can assume we are still a long way from that point as it seems the most vile and worst of us are the most driven to seize the levers of power.

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"So they’ve tried other desperate vectors of attack: biological warfare as another surrogate to the wars that made it all so simple. But even that didn’t last for the same reasons outlined above. Though it was quite a powerful sally against humanity, the Covid hoax did not achieve even a fraction of the global control its purveyors envisioned. If it were up to them, we’d all be cattle-tagged with digital QR codes and force-vaccinated on a monthly basis."

I am not entirely convinced that they pulled back on this. I think it was just a test, which incidentally was terminated just before the war in Ukraine started (coincidence? I don't think so!). Just read this news release published on the WHO website less than two weeks ago:

"In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all."


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